563 research outputs found

    Controller Synthesis of Multi-Axial Robotic System Used for Wearable Devices

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    Wearable devices are commonly used in different fields to help improving performance of movements for different groups of users. The long-term goal of this study is to develop a low-cost assistive robotic device that allows patients to perform rehabilitation activities independently and reproduces natural movement to help stroke patients and elderly adults in their daily activities while moving their arms. In the past few decades, various types of wearable robotic devices have been developed to assist different physical movements. Among different types of actuators, the twisted-string actuation system is one of those that has advantages of light-weight, low cost, and great portability. In this study, a dual twisted-string actuator is used to drive the joints of the prototype assistive robotic device. To compensate the asynchronous movement caused by nonlinear factors, a hybrid controller that combines fuzzy logic rules and linear PID control algorithm was adopted to compensate for both tracking and synchronization of the two actuators.;In order to validate the performance of proposed controllers, the robotic device was driven by an xPC Target machine with additional embedded controllers for different data acquisition tasks. The controllers were fine tuned to eliminate the inaccuracy of tracking and synchronization caused by disturbance and asynchronous movements of both actuators. As a result, the synthesized controller can provide a high precision when tracking simple actual human movements

    Design and Development of a Twisted String Exoskeleton Robot for the Upper Limb

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    High-intensity and task-specific upper-limb treatment of active, highly repetitive movements are the effective approaches for patients with motor disorders. However, with the severe shortage of medical service in the United States and the fact that post-stroke survivors can continue to incur significant financial costs, patients often choose not to return to the hospital or clinic for complete recovery. Therefore, robot-assisted therapy can be considered as an alternative rehabilitation approach because the similar or better results as the patients who receive intensive conventional therapy offered by professional physicians.;The primary objective of this study was to design and fabricate an effective mobile assistive robotic system that can provide stroke patients shoulder and elbow assistance. To reduce the size of actuators and to minimize the weight that needs to be carried by users, two sets of dual twisted-string actuators, each with 7 strands (1 neutral and 6 effective) were used to extend/contract the adopted strings to drive the rotational movements of shoulder and elbow joints through a Bowden cable mechanism. Furthermore, movements of non-disabled people were captured as templates of training trajectories to provide effective rehabilitation.;The specific aims of this study included the development of a two-degree-of-freedom prototype for the elbow and shoulder joints, an adaptive robust control algorithm with cross-coupling dynamics that can compensate for both nonlinear factors of the system and asynchronization between individual actuators as well as an approach for extracting the reference trajectories for the assistive robotic from non-disabled people based on Microsoft Kinect sensor and Dynamic time warping algorithm. Finally, the data acquisition and control system of the robot was implemented by Intel Galileo and XILINX FPGA embedded system

    A Practical Fuzzy Controller with Q-learning Approach for the Path Tracking of a Walking-aid Robot

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    [[abstract]]This study tackles the path tracking problem of a prototype walking-aid (WAid) robot which features the human-robot interactive navigation. A practical fuzzy controller is proposed for the path tracking control under reinforcement learning ability. The inputs to the designed fuzzy controller are the error distance and the error angle between the current and the desired position and orientation, respectively. The controller outputs are the voltages applied to the left- and right-wheel motors. A heuristic fuzzy control with the Sugeno-type rules is then designed based on a model-free approach. The consequent part of each fuzzy control rule is designed with the aid of Q-learning approach. The design approach of the controller is presented in detail, and effectiveness of the controller is demonstrated by hardware implementation and experimental results under human-robot interaction environment. The results also show that the proposed path tracking control methods can be easily applied in various wheeled mobile robots.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20140914~20140917[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Nagoya, Japa

    ROS-based Controller for a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot

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    In this article, a controller based on a Robot Operating System (ROS) for a two-wheeled self-balancing robot is designed. The proposed ROS architecture is open, allowing the integration of different sensors, actuators, and processing units. The low-cost robot was designed for educational purposes. It used an ESP32 microcontroller as the central unit, an MPU6050 Inertial Measurement Unit sensor, DC motors with encoders, and an L298N integrated circuit as a power stage. The mathematical model is analyzed through Newton-Euler and linearized around an equilibrium point. The control objective is to self-balance the robot to the vertical axis in the presence of disturbances. The proposed control is based on a bounded saturation, which is lightweight and easy to implement in embedded systems with low computational resources. Experimental results are performed in real-time under regulation, conditions far from the equilibrium point, and rejection of external disturbances. The results show a good performance, thus validating the mechanical design, the embedded system, and the control scheme. The proposed ROS architecture allows the incorporation of different modules, such as mapping, autonomous navigation, and manipulation, which contribute to studying robotics, control, and embedded systems

    Modelling of extended de-weight fuzzy control for an upper-limb exoskeleton

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    Performing heavy physical tasks, overhead work and long working hours are some examples of activities that can lead to musculoskeletal problems in humans. To overcome this issue, automated robots such as the upper-limb exoskeleton is used to assist humans while performing tasks. However, several concerns in developing the exoskeleton have been raised such as the control strategies used. In this study, a control strategy known as the extended de-weight fuzz was proposed to ensure that the exoskeleton could be maneuvered to the desired position with the least number of errors and minimum torque requirement. The extended de-weight fuzzy is a combination of the fuzzy-based PD and fuzzy-based de-weight controller systems. The extended de-weight fuzzy was then compared with the fuzzy-based PD and PID controllers, and the performances of these controllers were compared in terms of their deviations and required torques to perform tasks. The findings show that the proposed control strategy performs better than the fuzzy-based PD and PID controller systems

    Actuators and sensors for application in agricultural robots: A review

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    In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, agricultural robots have gradually begun to replace humans, to complete various agricultural operations, changing traditional agricultural production methods. Not only is the labor input reduced, but also the production efficiency can be improved, which invariably contributes to the development of smart agriculture. This paper reviews the core technologies used for agricultural robots in non-structural environments. In addition, we review the technological progress of drive systems, control strategies, end-effectors, robotic arms, environmental perception, and other related systems. This research shows that in a non-structured agricultural environment, using cameras and light detection and ranging (LiDAR), as well as ultrasonic and satellite navigation equipment, and by integrating sensing, transmission, control, and operation, different types of actuators can be innovatively designed and developed to drive the advance of agricultural robots, to meet the delicate and complex requirements of agricultural products as operational objects, such that better productivity and standardization of agriculture can be achieved. In summary, agricultural production is developing toward a data-driven, standardized, and unmanned approach, with smart agriculture supported by actuator-driven-based agricultural robots. This paper concludes with a summary of the main existing technologies and challenges in the development of actuators for applications in agricultural robots, and the outlook regarding the primary development directions of agricultural robots in the near future

    Vision Based Tracking and Interception of Moving Target by Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Control

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    This paper presents a simple Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC) based control strategy to solve the tracking and interception problem of a moving target by a mobile robot equipped with a pan-tilt camera. Before sending commands to the mobile robot, video acquisition and image processing techniques are employed to estimate the target’s position in the image plane. The estimate coordinates are used by a fuzzy logic controller to control the pan-tilt camera angles. The objective is to ensure that the moving target is always at the middle of the camera image plane. A second FLC is used to control the robot orientation and to guarantee the tracking and interception of the target. The proposed pan-tilt camera and robot orientation controllers’ efficiency has been validated by simulation under Matlab using Virtual Reality Toolbox

    Using a Combination of PID Control and Kalman Filter to Design of IoT-based Telepresence Self-balancing Robots during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    COVID-19 is a very dangerous respiratory disease that can spread quickly through the air. Doctors, nurses, and medical personnel need protective clothing and are very careful in treating COVID-19 patients to avoid getting infected with the COVID-19 virus. Hence, a medical telepresence robot, which resembles a humanoid robot, is necessary to treat COVID-19 patients. The proposed self-balancing COVID-19 medical telepresence robot is a medical robot that handles COVID-19 patients, which resembles a stand-alone humanoid soccer robot with two wheels that can maneuver freely in hospital hallways. The proposed robot design has some control problems; it requires steady body positioning and is subjected to disturbance. A control method that functions to find the stability value such that the system response can reach the set-point is required to control the robot's stability and repel disturbances; this is known as disturbance rejection control. This study aimed to control the robot using a combination of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control and a Kalman filter. Mathematical equations were required to obtain a model of the robot's characteristics. The state-space model was derived from the self-balancing robot's mathematical equation. Since a PID control technique was used to keep the robot balanced, this state-space model was converted into a transfer function model. The second Ziegler-Nichols's rule oscillation method was used to tune the PID parameters. The values of the amplifier constants obtained were Kp=31.002, Ki=5.167, and Kd=125.992128. The robot was designed to be able to maintain its balance for more than one hour by using constant tuning, even when an external disturbance is applied to it. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SP1-016 Full Text: PD

    Controller-observer design and dynamic parameter identification for model-based control of an electromechanical lower-limb rehabilitation system

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    [EN] Rehabilitation is a hazardous task for a mechanical system, since the device has to interact with the human extremities without the hands-on experience the physiotherapist acquires over time. A gap needs to be filled in terms of designing effective controllers for this type of devices. In this respect, the paper describes the design of a model-based control for an electromechanical lower-limb rehabilitation system based on a parallel kinematic mechanism. A controller-observer was designed for estimating joint velocities, which are then used in a hybrid position/force control scheme. The model parameters are identified by customising an approach based on identifying only the relevant system dynamics parameters. Findings obtained through simulations show evidence of improvement in tracking performance compared with those where the velocity was estimated by numerical differentiation. The controller is also implemented in an actual electromechanical system for lower-limb rehabilitation tasks. Findings based on rehabilitation tasks confirm the findings from simulations.This work was partially financed by the Plan Nacional de I+D, Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (FEDERCICYT) under the project DPI2013-44227-R and by the Instituto U. de Automatica e Informatica Industrial (ai2) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Valera Fernández, Á.; Díaz-Rodríguez, M.; Vallés Miquel, M.; Oliver, E.; Mata Amela, V.; Page Del Pozo, AF. (2017). Controller-observer design and dynamic parameter identification for model-based control of an electromechanical lower-limb rehabilitation system. International Journal of Control. 90(4):702-714. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207179.2016.1215529S702714904Åström, K. J., & Murray, R. M. (2010). Feedback Systems. doi:10.2307/j.ctvcm4gdkAtkeson, C. G., An, C. H., & Hollerbach, J. M. (1986). 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