51 research outputs found


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    Protocol reverse engineering is the process of extracting application-level specifications for network protocols. Such specificationsare very useful in a numberof security-related contexts, forexample, to perform deep packet inspectionand black-box fuzzing, or to quickly understand custom botnet command and control (C&C) channels. Since manual reverse engineering is a time-consuming and tedious process, a number of systems have been proposed that aim to automate this task. These systems either analyze network traffic directly or monitor the execution of the application that receivestheprotocolmessages.While previoussystemsshow thatprecise message formatscanbe extractedautomatically, they do not provide a protocol specification. The reason is that they do not reverse engineerthe protocol state machine. In this paper, we focus on closing this gap by presenting a system that is capable of automatically inferring state machines. This greatly enhances the results of automatic protocol reverse engineering, while further reducing the need for human interaction. We extend previous work that focuses on behavior-based message format extraction, and introduce techniques for identifying and clustering different types of messages not only based on their structure, but also accordingto the impact of each message on server behavior. Moreover, we present an algorithm for extracting the state machine. We have applied our techniques to a number of real-world protocols, including the command and control protocol used by a malicious bot. Our results demonstrate that we are able to extract format specifications for different types of messages and meaningful protocol state machines. We use these protocol specifications to automatically generate input for a stateful fuzzer, allowing us to discover security vulnerabilities in real-world applications. 1

    BaseSAFE: Baseband SAnitized Fuzzing through Emulation

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    Rogue base stations are an effective attack vector. Cellular basebands represent a critical part of the smartphone's security: they parse large amounts of data even before authentication. They can, therefore, grant an attacker a very stealthy way to gather information about calls placed and even to escalate to the main operating system, over-the-air. In this paper, we discuss a novel cellular fuzzing framework that aims to help security researchers find critical bugs in cellular basebands and similar embedded systems. BaseSAFE allows partial rehosting of cellular basebands for fast instrumented fuzzing off-device, even for closed-source firmware blobs. BaseSAFE's sanitizing drop-in allocator, enables spotting heap-based buffer-overflows quickly. Using our proof-of-concept harness, we fuzzed various parsers of the Nucleus RTOS-based MediaTek cellular baseband that are accessible from rogue base stations. The emulator instrumentation is highly optimized, reaching hundreds of executions per second on each core for our complex test case, around 15k test-cases per second in total. Furthermore, we discuss attack vectors for baseband modems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first use of emulation-based fuzzing for security testing of commercial cellular basebands. Most of the tooling and approaches of BaseSAFE are also applicable for other low-level kernels and firmware. Using BaseSAFE, we were able to find memory corruptions including heap out-of-bounds writes using our proof-of-concept fuzzing harness in the MediaTek cellular baseband. BaseSAFE, the harness, and a large collection of LTE signaling message test cases will be released open-source upon publication of this paper

    Program Analysis Based Approaches to Ensure Security and Safety of Emerging Software Platforms

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    Our smartphones, homes, hospitals, and automobiles are being enhanced with software that provide an unprecedentedly rich set of functionalities, which has created an enormous market for the development of software that run on almost every personal computing devices in a person's daily life, including security- and safety-critical ones. However, the software development support provided by the emerging platforms also raises security risks by allowing untrusted third-party code, which can potentially be buggy, vulnerable or even malicious to control user's device. Moreover, as the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology is gaining vast adoptions by a wide range of industries, and is penetrating every aspects of people's life, safety risks brought by the open software development support of the emerging IoT platform (e.g., smart home) could bring more severe threat to the well-being of customers than what security vulnerabilities in mobile apps have done to a cell phone user. To address this challenge posed on the software security in emerging domains, my dissertation focuses on the flaws, vulnerabilities and malice in the software developed for platforms in these domains. Specifically, we demonstrate that systematic program analyses of software (1) Lead to an understanding of design and implementation flaws across different platforms that can be leveraged in miscellaneous attacks or causing safety problems; (2) Lead to the development of security mechanisms that limit the potential for these threats.We contribute static and dynamic program analysis techniques for three modern platforms in emerging domains -- smartphone, smart home, and autonomous vehicle. Our app analysis reveals various different vulnerabilities and design flaws on these platforms, and we propose (1) static analysis tool OPAnalyzer to automates the discovery of problems by searching for vulnerable code patterns; (2) dynamic testing tool AutoFuzzer to efficiently produce and capture domain specific issues that are previously undefined; and (3) propose new access control mechanism ContexIoT to strengthen the platform's immunity to the vulnerability and malice in third-party software. Concretely, we first study a vulnerability family caused by the open ports on mobile devices, which allows remote exploitation due to insufficient protection. We devise a tool called OPAnalyzer to perform the first systematic study of open port usage and their security implications on mobile platform, which effectively identify and characterize vulnerable open port usage at scale in popular Android apps. We further identify the lack of context-based access control as a main enabler for such attacks, and begin to seek for defense solution to strengthen the system security. We study the popular smart home platform, and find the existing access control mechanisms to be coarse-grand, insufficient, and undemanding. Taking lessons from previous permission systems, we propose the ContexIoT approach, a context-based permission system for IoT platform that supports third-party app development, which protects the user from vulnerability and malice in these apps through fine-grained identification of context. Finally, we design dynamic fuzzing tool, AutoFuzzer for the testing of self-driving functionalities, which demand very high code quality using improved testing practice combining the state-of-the-art fuzzing techniques with vehicular domain knowledge, and discover problems that lead to crashes in safety-critical software on emerging autonomous vehicle platform.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145845/1/jackjia_1.pd

    Regulating and Securing the Interfaces Across Mobile Apps, OS and Users

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    Over the past decade, we have seen a swift move towards a mobile-centered world. This thriving mobile ecosystem builds upon the interplay of three important parties: the mobile user, OS, and app. These parties interact via designated interfaces many of which are newly invented for, or introduced to the mobile platform. Nevertheless, as these new ways of interactions arise in the mobile ecosystem, what is enabled by these communication interfaces often violates the expectations of the communicating parties. This makes the foundation of the mobile ecosystem untrustworthy, causing significant security and privacy hazards. This dissertation aims to fill this gap by: 1) securing the conversations between trusted parties, 2) regulating the interactions between partially trusted parties, and 3) protecting the communications between untrusted parties. We first deal with the case of mobile OS and app, and analyze the Inter-Process Communication (IPC) protocol (Android Binder in particular) between these two untrusted parties. We found that the Android OS is frequently making unrealistic assumptions on the validity (sanity) of transactions from apps, thus creating significant security hazards. We analyzed the root cause of this emerging attack surface and protected this interface by developing an effective, precautionary testing framework and a runtime diagnostic tool. Then, we study the deficiency of how a mobile user interacts with an app that he can only partially trust. In the current mobile ecosystem, information about the same user in different apps can be easily shared and aggregated, which clearly violates the conditional trust mobile user has on each app. This issue is addressed by providing two complementary options: an OS-level extension that allows the user to track and control, during runtime, the potential flow of his information across apps; and a user-level solution that allows the users to maintain multiple isolated profiles for each app. Finally, we elaborate on how to secure the voice interaction channel between two trusted parties, mobile user and OS. The open nature of the voice channel makes applications that depend on voice interactions, such as voice assistants, difficult to secure and exposed to various attacks. We solve this problem by proposing the first system, called VAuth, that provides continuous and usable authentication for voice commands, designed as a wearable security token. It collects the body-surface vibrations of a user via an accelerometer and continuously matches them to the voice commands received by the voice assistant. This way, VAuth guarantees that the voice assistant executes only the commands that originate from the voice of the owner. Overall, this thesis examined the privacy and security issues across various interfaces in the mobile ecosystem, analyzed the trust relationship between different parties and proposed practical solutions. It also documented the experience learned from tackling these problems, and can serve as a reference in dealing with similar issues in other domains.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137033/1/huanfeng_1.pd

    Architecture de sécurité de bout en bout et mécanismes d'autoprotection pour les environnements Cloud

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    Since several years the virtualization of infrastructures became one of the major research challenges, consuming less energy while delivering new services. However, many attacks hinder the global adoption of Cloud computing. Self-protection has recently raised growing interest as possible element of answer to the cloud computing infrastructure protection challenge. Yet, previous solutions fall at the last hurdle as they overlook key features of the cloud, by lack of flexible security policies, cross-layered defense, multiple control granularities, and open security architectures. This thesis presents VESPA, a self-protection architecture for cloud infrastructures. Flexible coordination between self-protection loops allows enforcing a rich spectrum of security strategies. A multi-plane extensible architecture also enables simple integration of commodity security components.Recently, some of the most powerful attacks against cloud computing infrastructures target the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). In many case, the main attack vector is a poorly confined device driver. Current architectures offer no protection against such attacks. This thesis proposes an altogether different approach by presenting KungFuVisor, derived from VESPA, a framework to build self-defending hypervisors. The result is a very flexible self-protection architecture, enabling to enforce dynamically a rich spectrum of remediation actions over different parts of the VMM, also facilitating defense strategy administration. We showed the application to three different protection scheme: virus infection, mobile clouds and hypervisor drivers. Indeed VESPA can enhance cloud infrastructure securityLa virtualisation des infrastructures est devenue un des enjeux majeurs dans la recherche, qui fournissent des consommations d'Ă©nergie moindres et des nouvelles opportunitĂ©s. Face Ă  de multiples menaces et des mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, l'approche autonomique propose une gestion simplifiĂ©e, robuste et plus efficace de la sĂ©curitĂ© du cloud. Aujourd'hui, les solutions existantes s'adaptent difficilement. Il manque des politiques de sĂ©curitĂ© flexibles, une dĂ©fense multi-niveaux, des contrĂŽles Ă  granularitĂ© variable, ou encore une architecture de sĂ©curitĂ© ouverte. Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente VESPA, une architecture d'autoprotection pour les infrastructures cloud. VESPA est construit autour de politiques qui peuvent rĂ©guler la sĂ©curitĂ© Ă  plusieurs niveaux. La coordination flexible entre les boucles d'autoprotection rĂ©alise un large spectre de stratĂ©gies de sĂ©curitĂ© comme des dĂ©tections et des rĂ©actions sur plusieurs niveaux. Une architecture extensible multi plans permet d'intĂ©grer simplement des Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sents. Depuis peu, les attaques les plus critiques contre les infrastructures cloud visent la brique la plus sensible: l'hyperviseur. Le vecteur d'attaque principal est un pilote de pĂ©riphĂ©rique mal confinĂ©. Les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense mis en jeu sont statiques et difficile Ă  gĂ©rer. Nous proposons une approche diffĂ©rente avec KungFuVisor, un canevas logiciel pour crĂ©er des hyperviseurs autoprotĂ©gĂ©s spĂ©cialisant l'architecture VESPA. Nous avons montrĂ© son application Ă  trois types de protection diffĂ©rents : les attaques virales, la gestion hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne multi-domaines et l'hyperviseur. Ainsi la sĂ©curitĂ© des infrastructures cloud peut ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©e grĂące Ă  VESP

    Conflict-Aware Active Automata Learning

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    Active automata learning algorithms cannot easily handle conflict in the observation data (different outputs observed for the same inputs). This inherent inability to recover after a conflict impairs their effective applicability in scenarios where noise is present or the system under learning is mutating. We propose the Conflict-Aware Active Automata Learning (C AL) framework to enable handling conflicting information during the learning process. The core idea is to consider the so-called observation tree as a first-class citizen in the learning process. Though this idea is explored in recent work, we take it to its full effect by enabling its use with any existing learner and minimizing the number of tests performed on the system under learning, specially in the face of conflicts. We evaluate C AL in a large set of benchmarks, covering over 30 different realistic targets, and over 18,000 different scenarios. The results of the evaluation show that C AL is a suitable alternative framework for closed-box learning that can better handle noise and mutations

    Understanding and protecting closed-source systems through dynamic analysis

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    In this dissertation, we focus on dynamic analyses that examine the data handled by programs and operating systems in order to divine the undocumented constraints and implementation details that determine their behavior in the field. First, we introduce a novel technique for uncovering the constraints actually used in OS kernels to decide whether a given instance of a kernel data structure is valid. Next, we tackle the semantic gap problem in virtual machine security: we present a pair of systems that allow, on the one hand, automatic extraction of whole-system algorithms for collecting information about a running system, and, on the other, the rapid identification of “hook points” within a system or program where security tools can interpose to be notified of security-relevant events. Finally, we present and evaluate a new dynamic measure of code similarity that examines the content of the data handled by the code, rather than the syntactic structure of the code itself. This problem has implications both for understanding the capabilities of novel malware as well as understanding large binary code bases such as operating system kernels.Ph.D

    Securing the software-defined networking control plane by using control and data dependency techniques

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) fundamentally changes how network and security practitioners design, implement, and manage their networks. SDN decouples the decision-making about traffic forwarding (i.e., the control plane) from the traffic being forwarded (i.e., the data plane). SDN also allows for network applications, or apps, to programmatically control network forwarding behavior and policy through a logically centralized control plane orchestrated by a set of SDN controllers. As a result of logical centralization, SDN controllers act as network operating systems in the coordination of shared data plane resources and comprehensive security policy implementation. SDN can support network security through the provision of security services and the assurances of policy enforcement. However, SDN’s programmability means that a network’s security considerations are different from those of traditional networks. For instance, an adversary who manipulates the programmable control plane can leverage significant control over the data plane’s behavior. In this dissertation, we demonstrate that the security posture of SDN can be enhanced using control and data dependency techniques that track information flow and enable understanding of application composability, control and data plane decoupling, and control plane insight. We support that statement through investigation of the various ways in which an attacker can use control flow and data flow dependencies to influence the SDN control plane under different threat models. We systematically explore and evaluate the SDN security posture through a combination of runtime, pre-runtime, and post-runtime contributions in both attack development and defense designs. We begin with the development a conceptual accountability framework for SDN. We analyze the extent to which various entities within SDN are accountable to each other, what they are accountable for, mechanisms for assurance about accountability, standards by which accountability is judged, and the consequences of breaching accountability. We discover significant research gaps in SDN’s accountability that impact SDN’s security posture. In particular, the results of applying the accountability framework showed that more control plane attribution is necessary at different layers of abstraction, and that insight motivated the remaining work in this dissertation. Next, we explore the influence of apps in the SDN control plane’s secure operation. We find that existing access control protections that limit what apps can do, such as role-based access controls, prove to be insufficient for preventing malicious apps from damaging control plane operations. The reason is SDN’s reliance on shared network state. We analyze SDN’s shared state model to discover that benign apps can be tricked into acting as “confused deputies”; malicious apps can poison the state used by benign apps, and that leads the benign apps to make decisions that negatively affect the network. That violates an implicit (but unenforced) integrity policy that governs the network’s security. Because of the strong interdependencies among apps that result from SDN’s shared state model, we show that apps can be easily co-opted as “gadgets,” and that allows an attacker who minimally controls one app to make changes to the network state beyond his or her originally granted permissions. We use a data provenance approach to track the lineage of the network state objects by assigning attribution to the set of processes and agents responsible for each control plane object. We design the ProvSDN tool to track API requests from apps as they access the shared network state’s objects, and to check requests against a predefined integrity policy to ensure that low-integrity apps cannot poison high-integrity apps. ProvSDN acts as both a reference monitor and an information flow control enforcement mechanism. Motivated by the strong inter-app dependencies, we investigate whether implicit data plane dependencies affect the control plane’s secure operation too. We find that data plane hosts typically have an outsized effect on the generation of the network state in reactive-based control plane designs. We also find that SDN’s event-based design, and the apps that subscribe to events, can induce dependencies that originate in the data plane and that eventually change forwarding behaviors. That combination gives attackers that are residing on data plane hosts significant opportunities to influence control plane decisions without having to compromise the SDN controller or apps. We design the EventScope tool to automatically identify where such vulnerabilities occur. EventScope clusters apps’ event usage to decide in which cases unhandled events should be handled, statically analyzes controller and app code to understand how events affect control plane execution, and identifies valid control flow paths in which a data plane attacker can reach vulnerable code to cause unintended data plane changes. We use EventScope to discover 14 new vulnerabilities, and we develop exploits that show how such vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to bypass an intended network (i.e., data plane) access control policy. This research direction is critical for SDN security evaluation because such vulnerabilities could be induced by host-based malware campaigns. Finally, although there are classes of vulnerabilities that can be removed prior to deployment, it is inevitable that other classes of attacks will occur that cannot be accounted for ahead of time. In those cases, a network or security practitioner would need to have the right amount of after-the-fact insight to diagnose the root causes of such attacks without being inundated with too much informa- tion. Challenges remain in 1) the modeling of apps and objects, which can lead to overestimation or underestimation of causal dependencies; and 2) the omission of a data plane model that causally links control and data plane activities. We design the PicoSDN tool to mitigate causal dependency modeling challenges, to account for a data plane model through the use of the data plane topology to link activities in the provenance graph, and to account for network semantics to appropriately query and summarize the control plane’s history. We show how prior work can hinder investigations and analysis in SDN-based attacks and demonstrate how PicoSDN can track SDN control plane attacks.Ope

    Hardware-Assisted Processor Tracing for Automated Bug Finding and Exploit Prevention

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    The proliferation of binary-only program analysis techniques like fuzz testing and symbolic analysis have lead to an acceleration in the number of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, while bug finding has benefited from recent advances in automation and a decreasing barrier to entry, bug remediation has received less attention. Consequently, analysts are publicly disclosing bugs faster than developers and system administrators can mitigate them. Hardware-supported processor tracing within commodity processors opens new doors to observing low-level behaviors with efficiency, transparency, and integrity that can close this automation gap. Unfortunately, several trade-offs in its design raise serious technical challenges that have limited widespread adoption. Specifically, modern processor traces only capture control flow behavior, yield high volumes of data that can incur overhead to sift through, and generally introduce a semantic gap between low-level behavior and security relevant events. To solve the above challenges, I propose control-oriented record and replay, which combines concrete traces with symbolic analysis to uncover vulnerabilities and exploits. To demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of my approach, I first present a system called ARCUS, which is capable of analyzing processor traces flagged by host-based monitors to detect, localize, and provide preliminary patches to developers for memory corruption vulnerabilities. ARCUS has detected 27 previously known vulnerabilities alongside 4 novel cases, leading to the issuance of several advisories and official developer patches. Next, I present MARSARA, a system that protects the integrity of execution unit partitioning in data provenance-based forensic analysis. MARSARA prevents several expertly crafted exploits from corrupting partitioned provenance graphs while incurring little overhead compared to prior work. Finally, I present Bunkerbuster, which extends the ideas from ARCUS and MARSARA into a system capable of proactively hunting for bugs across multiple end-hosts simultaneously, resulting in the discovery and patching of 4 more novel bugs.Ph.D
