13 research outputs found

    The Application of Geographic Information Systems to Support Wayfinding for People with Visual Impairments or Blindness

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    People with visual impairments or legal blindness are relying on differing, comprehensive information utilized for their individual mobility. Increasing the personal mobility of people with disabilities and thereby achieving a self-determined life are major steps toward a more inclusive society. Research and applications on mobility issues of people with visual impairments or blindness mainly focus on technical applications or assistive orientation and navigation devices, and less work is covering the individual needs, e.g., regarding the information required for wayfinding. Moreover, active participation of people with disabilities in research and development is still limited. ways2see offers a new online application to support individual mobility in context of pre-trip planning for people with visual impairments or blindness based on a Geographic Information System (GIS). Obstacles, barriers, landmarks, orientation hints, and directions for wayfinding are generated by user profiles. The underlying network for GIS analysis is designed as pedestrian network. This individually coded network approach integrates sidewalks and different types of crossings and implements various orientation and navigation attributes. ways2see integrates three research realms: firstly, implementing a participative and transdisciplinary research design; secondly, integrating personalized information aligned with the individual user needs; and thirdly, presenting result of GIS analysis through an accessible designed user interface


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    Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independent functioning in the traffic system. Today’s development of technology provides the user the access to information about their environment by using the smartphone device at any moment if there is a defined applicative solution. For this, it is necessary to define the user’s environment according to the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) concept, which understands adequate technology of gathering, processing and distribution of information. This paper presents the proposal of the solution for informing the traffic network users about the environment for the defined group of users based on the beacon technology. The mentioned solution is based on the results of two separate studies about the needs of users who move along a part of the traffic network. The aim of the proposed solution is to provide the user with precise and real-time information and to raise the level of safety during movement. Document type: Articl

    Beacon technology for real-time informing the traffic network users about the environment

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    Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independent functioning in the traffic system. Today’s development of technology provides the user the access to information about their environment by using the smartphone device at any moment if there is a defined applicative solution. For this, it is necessary to define the user’s environment according to the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) concept, which understands adequate technology of gathering, processing and distribution of information. This paper presents the proposal of the solution for informing the traffic network users about the environment for the defined group of users based on the beacon technology. The mentioned solution is based on the results of two separate studies about the needs of users who move along a part of the traffic network. The aim of the proposed solution is to provide the user with precise and real-time information and to raise the level of safety during movement

    PERCEPT Indoor Navigation System for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Architecture and Experimentation

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    We introduce PERCEPT system, an indoor navigation system for the blind and visually impaired. PERCEPT will improve the quality of life and health of the visually impaired community by enabling independent living. Using PERCEPT, blind users will have independent access to public health facilities such as clinics, hospitals, and wellness centers. Access to healthcare facilities is crucial for this population due to the multiple health conditions that they face such as diabetes and its complications. PERCEPT system trials with 24 blind and visually impaired users in a multistory building show PERCEPT system effectiveness in providing appropriate navigation instructions to these users. The uniqueness of our system is that it is affordable and that its design follows orientation and mobility principles. We hope that PERCEPT will become a standard deployed in all indoor public spaces, especially in healthcare and wellness facilities

    HaptiSole: Wearable Haptic System in Vibrotactile Guidance Shoes for Visually Impaired Wayfinding

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    During the last decade, several Electronic Orientation Aids devices have been proposed to solve the autonomy problems of visually impaired people. When hearing is considered the primary sense for Visually Impaired people (VI) and it is generally loaded with the environment, the use of tactile sense can be considered a solution to transmit directional information. This paper presents a new wearable haptic system based on four motors implemented in shoes, while six directions can be played. This study aims to introduce an interface design and investigate an appropriate means of spatial information delivery through haptic sense. The first experiment of the proposed system was performed with 15 users in an indoor environment. The results showed that the users were able to recognize, with high accuracy, the directions displayed on their feet. The second experiment was conducted in an outdoor environment with five blindfolded users who were guided along 120 meters. The users, guided only by the haptic system, successfully reached their destinations. The potential of tactile-foot stimulation to help VI understand Electronic Orientation Aids (EOA) instructions was discussed, and future challenges were defined

    Sonar ultrassónico para cegos com sonificação de obstáculos

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    In this master’s thesis it is intended to develop a portable device that can be used by people with visual impairment in the echolocation of obstacles. This device must be capable of transmitting and detecting ultrasound signals to work as a sonar and still allow its operation as a parametric speaker capable of performing the sonification of obstacles. To do this, it was necessary to develop a Sigma-Delta ADC in FPGA that allows a high density in the independent acquisition of a large number of channels in a small device. Tests performed with the developed Sigma-Delta ADC revealed low distortion and good signal-to-noise ratio, comparable to same type ADCs available on the market. The path for the construction of the device is, then, open.Nesta tese de mestrado pretende-se desenvolver um dispositivo portátil que possa ser usado por pessoas com deficiência visual na ecolocalização de obstáculos. Este dispositivo deverá ser dotado de capacidade de emissão e deteção de ultrassons para funcionar como um sonar e permitir ainda o seu funcionamento como altifalante paramétrico capaz de realizar a sonificação dos obstáculos. Para tal, foi necessário desenvolver uma ADC Sigma-Delta em FPGA que permita uma alta densidade na aquisição independente de um grande número de canais num dispositivo de pequenas dimensões. Os testes realizados com a ADC Sigma-Delta revelaram uma baixa distorção e uma boa relação sinal ruı́do, comparáveis às ADCs do mesmo tipo existentes no mercado. Está assim preparado o caminho para a construção do dispositivo.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe