5 research outputs found

    Jurisprudencia constitucional frente a los derechos fundamentales de los usuarios del servicio público de energía eléctrica: Estudio de caso Electricaribe SA.E.S.P

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    Colombia is a Social State of participatory and pluralistic democratic Law, which aims for the general well-being, having within its purposes serving the community, promoting general prosperity and guaranteeing the effectiveness of the principles, rights and duties contained in the Constitution, and Since public services are inherent to the social purpose of the State, it is their duty to ensure their efficient provision to all the inhabitants of the national territory. But in the Colombian Caribbean region a serious problem arose due to the abuse of the company Electricaribe S.A. E.S.P., in front of its users, since it carried out procedures that go against the constitution and the law. It is concluded with this article that according to the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Colombia, Electricaribe violated the users of public electricity services the fundamental rights to life, health, safety, due process, presumption of innocence, among others. This article will serve as a fundamental basis to make an analogy with other companies that will take over the provision of energy service on the Colombian Caribbean coast, and thus avoid a repeat violation of fundamental rights of users.Colombia es un Estado Social de Derecho democrático participativo y pluralista, que propende por el bienestar general, teniendo dentro de sus fines servir a la comunidad, promover la prosperidad general y garantizar la efectividad de los principios, derechos y deberes contenidos en la ConstituciĂłn, y los servicios pĂşblicos al ser inherentes a la finalidad social del Estado, es su deber asegurar su prestaciĂłn eficiente a todos los habitantes del territorio nacional. Pero en la regiĂłn caribe colombiana se presentĂł una grave problemática por el abuso de la empresa Electricaribe S.A. E.S.P., frente a sus usuarios, ya que realizĂł procedimientos que van en contra de la constituciĂłn y de la ley. Se concluye con este artĂ­culo que, de acuerdo con la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia, Electricaribe vulnerĂł a los usuarios de servicios pĂşblicos de energĂ­a elĂ©ctrica los derechos fundamentales a la vida, salud, seguridad, debido proceso, presunciĂłn de inocencia, entre otros.  Este artĂ­culo servirá como base fundamental para realizar analogĂ­a con otras empresas que tomarán la prestaciĂłn del servicio de energĂ­a en la costa Caribe colombiana, y asĂ­ evitar que se repita la violaciĂłn de derechos fundamentales a los usuarios

    Water, arroyos, and blackouts : exploring political ecologies of water and the state in Barranquilla

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    Qu’est-ce que l’étude locale de l’eau nous révèle sur l’État? Et qu’est-ce que l’étude de l’État nous révèle sur l’eau locale? Cette thèse explore ces questions à travers l’histoire récente de Barranquilla, la principale ville de la Colombie caribéenne. L’histoire commence dans les années 1980, lorsque des réformes majeures touchant l’eau sont entreprises à l’échelle locale et à l’échelle nationale, et finit au début de la présente décennie. Aujourd’hui, les coupures d’eau sont récurrentes dans les quartiers non privilégiés et la population se plaint systématiquement des coûts élevés de l’eau et des coupures fréquentes. Nous rapprocherons des concepts de l’écologie politique, des études d'infrastructure et de l’anthropologie de l’État dans le but de nous concentrer sur trois problématiques : les réformes concernant les politiques de l’eau, les infrastructures de l’eau (approvisionnement en eau, assainissement et drainage) et les protestations pour l'eau. Ainsi, les concepts mobilisés dans cette thèse seront les relations de pouvoir, l’infrastructure et l’État. La première problématique, concernant les réformes politiques à Barranquilla, élargit les idées sur-la thématique de la production de l’eau pour la révéler comme étant un processus politique qui reflète d’amples tensions dans la société urbaine. À partir de celle-ci, nous révélons une lacune dans la littérature: la plupart des analyses d’écologie politique se concentrent sur l’implantation de politiques et de réformes de l’eau (et la reproduction subséquente d’asymétries de pouvoir), sans pour autant traiter des luttes et des tensions que chaque réforme politique entraîne à l’intérieur des partis politiques à l’échelle locale. Les directives et les recommandations provenant de la Banque Mondiale et du gouvernement central de la Colombie ont convergé avec les politiques locales sur la réforme de la gouvernance de l’eau dans le contexte de Barranquilla. Ainsi, les partis politiques, les coalitions temporaires, les dissidences, et les dynamiques électorales ont profondément influencé ce qui en résulte. La deuxième problématique, les infrastructures d’eau, porte sur les débats concernant l’agentivité non-humaine, la matérialité et l’infrastructure. Cette thèse contribue à ces débats dans les aspects qui vont suivre. Nous argumentons qu’il est important de reconnaître et d’analyser le lien entre l’eau et les infrastructures d’électricité. Dans le contexte des villes du Sud, alors que plusieurs infrastructures sont caractérisées comme étant en détérioration chronique et manquant de maintien, les infrastructures ont tendance à être profondément interdépendantes parce que si l’une tombe en panne les autres suivront probablement. Dans le cas de Barranquilla, la pluie provoque des crues soudaines – de par l’absence d’un drainage convenable – et l’excès d’eau endommage les infrastructures d’électricité qui sont à priori en mauvaise condition. Subséquemment, les pannes d’électricité affectent les stations de pompage causant ainsi des coupures d’eau. En étant conscients de cette interconnexion, cette thèse analyse les façons dont la matérialité de l’eau et des infrastructures influencent les développements sociospatiaux tout en étant une source imprédictible. La troisième problématique, la contestation, se concentre spécifiquement sur les manières dont les résidents interagissent avec les agences locales de l’État pour revendiquer les asymétries de pouvoir liées à l’eau. Cette section s’intéresse à l’anthropologie, en mettant en évidence l’importance d’étudier l’État de manière ethnographique : en analysant les pratiques quotidiennes des bureaucraties locales pour voir comment les imaginaires de l’État sont forgés. Cette section s’intéresse aux approches de l’écologie politique qui analysent les façons dont l’État, à travers les pratiques quotidiennes, se consolide et se constitue en relation avec la nature et les infrastructures. La thèse contribue à ces débats en étudiant les pratiques quotidiennes des intermédiaires entre l’État et les populations marginalisées. Il s’agit ici d’un groupe d’habitants dont le travail est de bâtir des ponts entre les bureaucraties de l’État et les locaux, dans la contestation des politiques de prestation de services d’eau et d’électricité. Bref, l’objectif est d’explorer le domaine régulatoire dans lequel la contestation quotidienne a lieu.What does the study of local water reveal about the state? And what does the study of the state reveal about local water? This thesis explores these questions through an account of the recent history of Barranquilla, the main city of the Colombian Caribbean. The story starts in the 1980s, when major water reforms were undertaken at the local and national levels, and finishes in the start of the present decade. Today, frequent water cuts are common in underprivileged neighbourhoods and the population systematically complains about water’s high prices and frequent cuts. I bring together scholarship from political ecology, infrastructure studies, and the anthropology of the state in order to focus on three issues: water policy reforms, water infrastructure (water supply, sanitation and drainage), and water contestations. As such, the organizing concepts of this thesis are power relations, infrastructure, and the state. The first issue, policy reform in Barranquilla, expands on ideas about the production of water as a political process reflecting wider tensions in urban society. I contribute to literature on power relations by putting local party politics at the centre of the analysis. By electoral politics, I refer to the campaign and party dynamics that surround the elections by which people choose their representatives at regular intervals. Political ecology analyses focusing on the implementation of water policies (and the subsequent reproduction or reworking of power asymmetries), seldom portray the struggles and tensions that each policy reform entails within political parties and among professional politicians at the local level. Directives and recommendations from the World Bank and the Colombian central government converged with local electoral politics in the context of Barranquilla’s water governance reform. As such, party politics, temporary coalitions, dissidences, and electoral dynamics deeply influenced the outcome. The second issue, water infrastructure, speaks to debates on non-human agency, materiality, and infrastructure. This thesis contributes to these debates in the following ways. I argue that it is important to recognize and analyse the entanglement between water and electricity infrastructure. In the context of southern cities, where many infrastructures are characterized by long term breakdown and poor maintenance, infrastructures tend to be deeply intertwined because if one breaks down the others will probably follow. In the case of Barranquilla, rain forms flash floods- in the absence of proper storm drains - and excess of water damages electricity’s poorly maintained infrastructure. Subsequently, electricity outages affect pumping stations causing water cuts. Being conscious of this interconnectedness, this thesis analyses the ways in which water and infrastructure’s materiality influence socio spatial developments and are a source of unpredictability. The third issue, contestation, focuses specifically on the ways in which residents interact with local state agencies to contest existent water power asymmetries. It speaks to scholarship on anthropology, highlighting the importance of studying the state ethnographically: analysing everyday practices of local bureaucracies to see how the imaginaries of the state are forged. It also speaks to political ecological approaches that analyse the way in which, through everyday practices, the state is consolidated and constituted in relation to nature and infrastructure. The thesis contributes to these debates by studying the everyday practices of intermediaries between the state and marginalized communities. That is, of a group of people whose work is to build bridges between state bureaucracies and local neighbours, in the contestation of water and electricity allocation policies. With this the thesis aims to explore the regulatory ground in which everyday contestation stands

    Formular herramienta de medición para la prestación de servicio de energía eléctrica como complemento para la regulación de las acciones populares dirigidas hacia los operadores de red de energía eléctrica.

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    La calidad de la prestación de los servicios públicos domiciliarios en Colombia, es vigilada por la Super Intendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios quien es la encargada de velar por el cumplimiento de la reglamentación vigente por parte de las empresas prestadoras del servicio de energía eléctrica en términos de calidad, cobros o retribuciones justas a los ciudadanos, garantizando de esta forma el respeto de los derechos colectivos de la sociedad. Por lo tanto, es necesaria una herramienta de entendimiento popular, que mida de manera clara la calidad del servicio de energía eléctrica y que además cumpla con las exigencias técnicas y regulatorias de que trata la ley 142 y 143 de 1994, lo anterior por medio del análisis de los indicadores de calidad (SAIDI-SAIFI) de la empresa de energía DISPAC S.A ESP, para con base en estos, desarrollar una formulación que ayude a medir la disponibilidad del servicio de forma dinámica para que se convierta en una herramienta con la cual se pueda evidenciar la calidad del servicio otorgado en tiempo real a los usuarios por la empresa prestadora del servicio, y que además ayude a determinar incumplimientos o cumplimientos regulatorios. El presente trabajo se desarrolla bajo un diseño de investigación aplicado, en la línea de derechos humanos y sub línea gestión licita de la información, para otorgar herramientas a los usuarios del servicio público de energía eléctrica y a los entes de control para que les ayude a preservar el derecho fundamental de acceso a la energía de calidad que no es, un derecho humano más, sino que es la clave para el desarrollo económico y social, ya que se ha convertido en un derecho fundamental, como lo es el derecho a la educación y a la salud, pues poder disponer de una energía eléctrica de calidad permite que se satisfaga otros derechos fundamentales que dependen de ella.The quality of the provision of domiciliary public services in Colombia is supervised by the Superintendence of Domiciliary Public Services, who is in charge of ensuring compliance with the regulations in force by the companies that provide the electric energy service in terms of quality, collections or fair remuneration to citizens, thus guaranteeing respect for the collective rights of society. Therefore, a tool of popular understanding is necessary, which clearly measures the quality of the electric energy service and also complies with the technical and regulatory requirements of law 142 and 143 of 1994, the above through analysis of the quality indicators (SAIDI-SAIFI) of the energy company DISPAC SA ESP, for based on these, develop a formulation that helps measure the availability of the service in a dynamic way so that it becomes a tool with which The quality of the service provided to users by the service provider can be evidenced in real time, and it also helps determine breaches or regulatory compliance. This work is carried out under an applied research design, in the line of human rights and the sub-line of licit information management, to provide tools to users of the public electric power service and control entities to help them preserve the fundamental right of access to quality energy, which is not just another human right, but is the key to economic and social development, since it has become a fundamental right, as is the right to education and health, since having quality electrical energy allows other fundamental rights that depend on it to be satisfied

    Sharia and Democracy: Efforts to Synergize the Demands of Faith with the legal System in Indonesia

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    Since the fall of the New Order's authoritarian regime, Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world is often praised as a country that has proven that Islam, democracy and modernity can grow and develop together. However, democracy in Indonesia does not escape the challenges associated with the return of the spirit of religion in political life. The problem is the return of religion to politics – and to public life in general – is a serious challenge to the rule of democratically enacted law and the civil liberties that go with it. Islamic activism or Islamism although they use freedom provided by democracy, actually rejects the principles of democracy and human rights which they see as contrary to the sharia and the absolute sovereignty of God. In the past thirteen years there has been a tendency for rising aspirations for Indonesia to be regulated by sharia law. The purpose of this research is to look for the meaning of sharia and democracy for Muslims, the theological foundations for Muslim to support democracy, and the challenges and alternative solutions that can be offered so that sharia can be transformed to Indonesia legal system. By assuming that sharia has a purpose and that Islamic law can change, evolve in line with developments and challenges of the times, the author argues that the synergy between sharia and democracy can occur in Indonesia as long as Muslims in Indonesia can accept plurality in understanding the sharia and are not bound to one model in understanding sharia. The author believes that sharia can be applied in democratic countries such as Indonesia, because the purpose of the sharia and the purpose of the state are the same, namely the achievement of social justice for all without discrimination

    Publishing Activities of Shiites and Democratization of Islamic Thought in Indonesia

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    This paper examines the pattern of publication in a mass Islamic organization that is a minority in Indonesia, namely those originating from the Shia Islamic School. The publication process itself is inseparable from the position of an organization which is one of the centers of Shia community activities in Indonesia in giving and receiving knowledge and information. The study on the Indonesian Ahlulbait Jamaat Association (IJABI) which was founded in Bandung uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation studies, and literature studies. The results of the study show that there is a model of publication activity which is characterized by the presence of managers, participants, and supporters of publication activities based on the role of communication among the very dominant Shia citizens. This needs to be exemplified by other organizations, in order to strengthen the character, intelligence and skills of the community in facing the fast, effective and efficient development of the ag