624 research outputs found

    Automata Minimization: a Functorial Approach

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    In this paper we regard languages and their acceptors - such as deterministic or weighted automata, transducers, or monoids - as functors from input categories that specify the type of the languages and of the machines to categories that specify the type of outputs. Our results are as follows: A) We provide sufficient conditions on the output category so that minimization of the corresponding automata is guaranteed. B) We show how to lift adjunctions between the categories for output values to adjunctions between categories of automata. C) We show how this framework can be instantiated to unify several phenomena in automata theory, starting with determinization, minimization and syntactic algebras. We provide explanations of Choffrut's minimization algorithm for subsequential transducers and of Brzozowski's minimization algorithm in this setting.Comment: journal version of the CALCO 2017 paper arXiv:1711.0306

    Uniform Interpolation for Coalgebraic Fixpoint Logic

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    We use the connection between automata and logic to prove that a wide class of coalgebraic fixpoint logics enjoys uniform interpolation. To this aim, first we generalize one of the central results in coalgebraic automata theory, namely closure under projection, which is known to hold for weak-pullback preserving functors, to a more general class of functors, i.e.; functors with quasi-functorial lax extensions. Then we will show that closure under projection implies definability of the bisimulation quantifier in the language of coalgebraic fixpoint logic, and finally we prove the uniform interpolation theorem

    Presenting Distributive Laws

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    Distributive laws of a monad T over a functor F are categorical tools for specifying algebra-coalgebra interaction. They proved to be important for solving systems of corecursive equations, for the specification of well-behaved structural operational semantics and, more recently, also for enhancements of the bisimulation proof method. If T is a free monad, then such distributive laws correspond to simple natural transformations. However, when T is not free it can be rather difficult to prove the defining axioms of a distributive law. In this paper we describe how to obtain a distributive law for a monad with an equational presentation from a distributive law for the underlying free monad. We apply this result to show the equivalence between two different representations of context-free languages

    Quantum Genetics and Quantum Automata Models of Quantum-Molecular Evolution Involved in the Evolution of Organisms and Species

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    Previous theoretical or general approaches to the problems of Quantum Genetics and Molecular Evolution are considered in this article from the point of view of Quantum Automata Theory first published by the author in 1971 and further developed in several recent articles. The representation of genomes and Interactome networks in categories of many-valued logic LMn –algebras that are naturally transformed during biological evolution, or evolve through interactions with the environment provide a new insight into the mechanisms of molecular evolution, as well as organismal evolution, in terms of sequences of quantum automata. Phenotypic changes are expressed only when certain environmentally-induced quantum-molecular changes are coupled with an internal re-structuring of major submodules of the genome and Interactome networks related to cell cycling and cell growth. Contrary to the commonly held view of `standard’ Darwinist models of evolution, the evolution of organisms and species occurs through coupled multi-molecular transformations induced not only by the environment but actually realized through internal re-organizations of genome and interactome networks. The biological, evolutionary processes involve certain epigenetic transformations that are responsible for phenotypic expression of the genome and Interactome transformations initiated at the quantum-molecular level. It can thus be said that only quantum genetics can provide correct explanations of evolutionary processes that are initiated at the quantum--multi-molecular levels and propagate to the higher levels of organismal and species evolution.

Biological evolution should be therefore regarded as a multi-scale process which is initiated by underlying quantum (coupled) multi-molecular transformations of the genomic and interactomic networks, followed by specific phenotypic transformations at the level of organism and the variable biogroupoids associated with the evolution of species which are essential to the survival of the species. The theoretical framework introduced in this article also paves the way to a Quantitative Biology approach to biological evolution at the quantum-molecular, as well as at the organismal and species levels. This is quite a substantial modification of the 'established’ modern Darwinist, and also of several so-called `molecular evolution’ theories

    Functorial Semantics for Petri Nets under the Individual Token Philosophy

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    Although the algebraic semantics of place/transition Petri nets under the collective token philosophy has been fully explained in terms of (strictly) symmetric (strict) monoidal categories, the analogous construction under the individual token philosophy is not completely satisfactory because it lacks universality and also functoriality. We introduce the notion of pre-net to recover these aspects, obtaining a fully satisfactory categorical treatment centered on the notion of adjunction. This allows us to present a purely logical description of net behaviours under the individual token philosophy in terms of theories and theory morphisms in partial membership equational logic, yielding a complete match with the theory developed by the authors for the collective token view of net

    Towards a homotopy theory of process algebra

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    This paper proves that labelled flows are expressive enough to contain all process algebras which are a standard model for concurrency. More precisely, we construct the space of execution paths and of higher dimensional homotopies between them for every process name of every process algebra with any synchronization algebra using a notion of labelled flow. This interpretation of process algebra satisfies the paradigm of higher dimensional automata (HDA): one non-degenerate full nn-dimensional cube (no more no less) in the underlying space of the time flow corresponding to the concurrent execution of nn actions. This result will enable us in future papers to develop a homotopical approach of process algebras. Indeed, several homological constructions related to the causal structure of time flow are possible only in the framework of flows.Comment: 33 pages ; LaTeX2e ; 1 eps figure ; package semantics included ; v2 HDA paradigm clearly stated and simplification in a homotopical argument ; v3 "bug" fixed in notion of non-twisted shell + several redactional improvements ; v4 minor correction : the set of labels must not be ordered ; published at http://intlpress.com/HHA/v10/n1/a16

    Category of Metabolic-Replication Systems\ud in Biology and Medicine

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    Metabolic-repair models, or (M,R)-systems were introduced in Relational Biology by Robert Rosen. Subsequently, Rosen represented such (M,R)-systems (or simply MRs) in terms of categories of sets, deliberately selected without any structure other than the discrete topology of sets. Theoreticians of life’s origins postulated that Life on Earth has begun with the simplest possible organism, called the primordial. Mathematicians interested in biology attempted to answer this important question of the minimal living organism by defining the functional relations that would have made life possible in such a minimal system- a grandad and grandma of all living organisms on Earth

    Quantum Genetics, Quantum Automata and Quantum Computation

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    The concepts of quantum automata and quantum computation are studied in the context of quantum genetics and genetic networks with nonlinear dynamics. In a previous publication (Baianu,1971a) the formal concept of quantum automaton was introduced and its possible implications for genetic and metabolic activities in living cells and organisms were considered. This was followed by a report on quantum and abstract, symbolic computation based on the theory of categories, functors and natural transformations (Baianu,1971b). The notions of topological semigroup, quantum automaton,or quantum computer, were then suggested with a view to their potential applications to the analogous simulation of biological systems, and especially genetic activities and nonlinear dynamics in genetic networks. Further, detailed studies of nonlinear dynamics in genetic networks were carried out in categories of n-valued, Lukasiewicz Logic Algebras that showed significant dissimilarities (Baianu, 1977) from Bolean models of human neural networks (McCullough and Pitts,1945). Molecular models in terms of categories, functors and natural transformations were then formulated for uni-molecular chemical transformations, multi-molecular chemical and biochemical transformations (Baianu, 1983,2004a). Previous applications of computer modeling, classical automata theory, and relational biology to molecular biology, oncogenesis and medicine were extensively reviewed and several important conclusions were reached regarding both the potential and limitations of the computation-assisted modeling of biological systems, and especially complex organisms such as Homo sapiens sapiens(Baianu,1987). Novel approaches to solving the realization problems of Relational Biology models in Complex System Biology are introduced in terms of natural transformations between functors of such molecular categories. Several applications of such natural transformations of functors were then presented to protein biosynthesis, embryogenesis and nuclear transplant experiments. Other possible realizations in Molecular Biology and Relational Biology of Organisms are here suggested in terms of quantum automata models of Quantum Genetics and Interactomics. Future developments of this novel approach are likely to also include: Fuzzy Relations in Biology and Epigenomics, Relational Biology modeling of Complex Immunological and Hormonal regulatory systems, n-categories and Topoi of Lukasiewicz Logic Algebras and Intuitionistic Logic (Heyting) Algebras for modeling nonlinear dynamics and cognitive processes in complex neural networks that are present in the human brain, as well as stochastic modeling of genetic networks in Lukasiewicz Logic Algebras

    Metabolic, Replication and Genomic Category of Systems in Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine

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    Metabolic-repair models, or (M,R)-systems were introduced in Relational Biology by Robert Rosen. Subsequently, Rosen represented such (M,R)-systems (or simply MRs)in terms of categories of sets, deliberately selected without any structure other than the discrete topology of sets. Theoreticians of life’s origins postulated that Life on Earth has begun with the simplest possible organism, called the primordial. Mathematicians interested in biology attempted to answer this important question of the minimal living organism by defining the functional relations that would have made life possible in such a minimal system- a grandad and grandma of all living organisms on Earth. Genomic systems are also considered as molecular realizations of (M,R)-system subcatgeories