275 research outputs found

    Some singular sample path properties of a multiparameter fractional Brownian motion

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    We prove a Chung-type law of the iterated logarithm for a multiparameter extension of the fractional Brownian motion which is not increment stationary. This multiparameter fractional Brownian motion behaves very differently at the origin and away from the axes, which also appears in the Hausdorff dimension of its range and in the measure of its pointwise H\"older exponents. A functional version of this Chung-type law is also provided.Comment: 21 pages. To appear in J. Theoret. Proba

    Infinite Dimensional Pathwise Volterra Processes Driven by Gaussian Noise -- Probabilistic Properties and Applications

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    We investigate the probabilistic and analytic properties of Volterra processes constructed as pathwise integrals of deterministic kernels with respect to the H\"older continuous trajectories of Hilbert-valued Gaussian processes. To this end, we extend the Volterra sewing lemma from \cite{HarangTindel} to the two dimensional case, in order to construct two dimensional operator-valued Volterra integrals of Young type. We prove that the covariance operator associated to infinite dimensional Volterra processes can be represented by such a two dimensional integral, which extends the current notion of representation for such covariance operators. We then discuss a series of applications of these results, including the construction of a rough path associated to a Volterra process driven by Gaussian noise with possibly irregular covariance structures, as well as a description of the irregular covariance structure arising from Gaussian processes time-shifted along irregular trajectories. Furthermore, we consider an infinite dimensional fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by Gaussian noise, which can be seen as an extension of the volatility model proposed by Rosenbaum et al. in \cite{ElEuchRosenbaum}.Comment: 38 page

    The Sequential Empirical Process of a Random Walk in Random Scenery

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    A random walk in random scenery (Yn)nN(Y_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}} is given by Yn=ξSnY_n=\xi_{S_n} for a random walk (Sn)nN(S_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}} and iid random variables (ξn)nZ(\xi_n)_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}. In this paper, we will show the weak convergence of the sequential empirical process, i.e. the centered and rescaled empirical distribution function. The limit process shows a new type of behavior, combining properties of the limit in the independent case (roughness of the paths) and in the long range dependent case (self-similarity)

    Skorohod and Stratonovich integration in the plane

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    This article gives an account on various aspects of stochastic calculus in the plane. Specifically, our aim is 3-fold: (i) Derive a pathwise change of variable formula for a path indexed by a square, satisfying some H\"older regularity conditions with a H\"older exponent greater than 1/3. (ii) Get some Skorohod change of variable formulas for a large class of Gaussian processes defined on the suqare. (iii) Compare the bidimensional integrals obtained with those two methods, computing explicit correction terms whenever possible. As a byproduct, we also give explicit forms of corrections in the respective change of variable formulas

    Functional Limit Theorems for Volterra Processes and Applications to Homogenization

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    We prove an enhanced limit theorem for additive functionals of a multi-dimensional Volterra process (yt)t0(y_t)_{t\geq 0} in the rough path topology. As an application, we establish weak convergence as ε0\varepsilon\to 0 of the solution of the random ordinary differential equation (ODE) ddtxtε=1εf(xtε,ytε)\frac{d}{dt}x^\varepsilon_t=\frac{1}{\sqrt \varepsilon} f(x_t^\varepsilon,y_{\frac{t}{\varepsilon}}) and show that its limit solves a rough differential equation driven by a Gaussian field with a drift coming from the L\'evy area correction of the limiting rough driver. Furthermore, we prove that the stochastic flows of the random ODE converge to those of the Kunita type It\^o SDE dxt=G(xt,dt)dx_t=G(x_t,dt), where G(x,t)G(x,t) is a semi-martingale with spatial parameters.Comment: 31 page

    Multi-dimensional parameter estimation of heavy-tailed moving averages

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    In this paper we present a parametric estimation method for certain multi-parameter heavy-tailed L\'evy-driven moving averages. The theory relies on recent multivariate central limit theorems obtained in [3] via Malliavin calculus on Poisson spaces. Our minimal contrast approach is related to the papers [14, 15], which propose to use the marginal empirical characteristic function to estimate the one-dimensional parameter of the kernel function and the stability index of the driving L\'evy motion. We extend their work to allow for a multi-parametric framework that in particular includes the important examples of the linear fractional stable motion, the stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, certain CARMA(2, 1) models and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with a periodic component among other models. We present both the consistency and the associated central limit theorem of the minimal contrast estimator. Furthermore, we demonstrate numerical analysis to uncover the finite sample performance of our method