6,797 research outputs found

    Fine-grained visualization pipelines and lazy functional languages

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    The pipeline model in visualization has evolved from a conceptual model of data processing into a widely used architecture for implementing visualization systems. In the process, a number of capabilities have been introduced, including streaming of data in chunks, distributed pipelines, and demand-driven processing. Visualization systems have invariably built on stateful programming technologies, and these capabilities have had to be implemented explicitly within the lower layers of a complex hierarchy of services. The good news for developers is that applications built on top of this hierarchy can access these capabilities without concern for how they are implemented. The bad news is that by freezing capabilities into low-level services expressive power and flexibility is lost. In this paper we express visualization systems in a programming language that more naturally supports this kind of processing model. Lazy functional languages support fine-grained demand-driven processing, a natural form of streaming, and pipeline-like function composition for assembling applications. The technology thus appears well suited to visualization applications. Using surface extraction algorithms as illustrative examples, and the lazy functional language Haskell, we argue the benefits of clear and concise expression combined with fine-grained, demand-driven computation. Just as visualization provides insight into data, functional abstraction provides new insight into visualization

    Type-Directed Weaving of Aspects for Higher-order Functional Languages

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    Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) has been shown to be a useful model for software development. Special care must be taken when we try to adapt AOP to strongly typed functional languages which come with features like a type inference mechanism, polymorphic types, higher-order functions and type-scoped pointcuts. Our main contribution lies in a seamless integration of these two paradigms through a static weaving process which deals with around advices with type-scoped pointcuts in the presence of higher-order functions. We give a source-level type inference system for a higher-order, polymorphic language coupled with type-scoped pointcuts. The type system ensures that base programs are oblivious to the type of around advices. We present a type-directed translation scheme which resolves all advice applications at static time. The translation removes advice declarations from source programs and produces translated code which is typable in the Hindley-Milner system

    Type-Directed Weaving of Aspects for Polymorphically Typed Functional Languages

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    Incorporating aspect-oriented paradigm to a polymorphically typed functional language enables the declaration of type-scoped advice, in which the effect of an aspect can be harnessed by introducing possibly polymorphic type constraints to the aspect. The amalgamation of aspect orientation and functional programming enables quick behavioral adaption of functions, clear separation of concerns and expressive type-directed programming. However, proper static weaving of aspects in polymorphic languages with a type-erasure semantics remains a challenge. In this paper, we describe a type-directed static weaving strategy, as well as its implementation, that supports static type inference and static weaving of programs written in an aspect-oriented polymorphically typed functional language, AspectFun. We show examples of type-scoped advice, identify the challenges faced with compile-time weaving in the presence of type-scoped advice, and demonstrate how various advanced aspect features can be handled by our techniques. Lastly, we prove the correctness of the static weaving strategy with respect to the operational semantics of AspectFun

    Typing rule-based transformations over topological collections

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    Pattern-matching programming is an example of a rule-based programming style developed in functional languages. This programming style is intensively used in dialects of ML but is restricted to algebraic data-types. This restriction limits the field of application. However, as shown by Giavitto and Michel at RULE'02, case-based function definitions can be extended to more general data structures called topological collections. We show in this paper that this extension retains the benefits of the typed discipline of the functional languages. More precisely, we show that topological collections and the rule-based definition of functions associated with them fit in a polytypic extension of mini-ML where type inference is still possible

    Compilation of extended recursion in call-by-value functional languages

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    This paper formalizes and proves correct a compilation scheme for mutually-recursive definitions in call-by-value functional languages. This scheme supports a wider range of recursive definitions than previous methods. We formalize our technique as a translation scheme to a lambda-calculus featuring in-place update of memory blocks, and prove the translation to be correct.Comment: 62 pages, uses pi

    Prefetching in functional languages

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    Functional programming languages contain a number of runtime and language features, such as garbage collection, indirect memory accesses, linked data structures and immutability, that interact with a processor’s memory system. These conspire to cause a variety of unintuitive memory performance effects. For example, it is slower to traverse through linked lists and arrays of data that have been sorted than to traverse the same data accessed in the order it was allocated. We seek to understand these issues and mitigate them in a manner consistent with functional languages, taking advantage of the features themselves where possible. For example, immutability and garbage collection force linked lists to be allocated roughly sequentially in memory, even when the data pointed to within each node is not. We add language primitives for software-prefetching to the OCaml language to exploit this, and observe significant performance improvements a variety of micro- and macro-benchmarks, resulting in speedups of up to 2× on the out-of-order superscalar Intel Haswell and Xeon Phi Knights Landing systems, and up to 3× on the in-order Arm Cortex-A53.Arm Limite

    Hardware Acceleration Using Functional Languages

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    Cílem této práce je prozkoumat možnosti využití funkcionálního paradigmatu pro hardwarovou akceleraci, konkrétně pro datově paralelní úlohy. Úroveň abstrakce tradičních jazyků pro popis hardwaru, jako VHDL a Verilog, přestáví stačit. Pro popis na algoritmické či behaviorální úrovni se rozmáhají jazyky původně navržené pro vývoj softwaru a modelování, jako C/C++, SystemC nebo MATLAB. Funkcionální jazyky se s těmi imperativními nemůžou měřit v rozšířenosti a oblíbenosti mezi programátory, přesto je předčí v mnoha vlastnostech, např. ve verifikovatelnosti, schopnosti zachytit inherentní paralelismus a v kompaktnosti kódu. Pro akceleraci datově paralelních výpočtů se často používají jednotky FPGA, grafické karty (GPU) a vícejádrové procesory. Praktická část této práce rozšiřuje existující knihovnu Accelerate pro počítání na grafických kartách o výstup do VHDL. Accelerate je možno chápat jako doménově specifický jazyk vestavěný do Haskellu s backendem pro prostředí NVIDIA CUDA. Rozšíření pro vysokoúrovňovou syntézu obvodů ve VHDL představené v této práci používá stejný jazyk a frontend.The aim of this thesis is to research how the functional paradigm can be used for hardware acceleration with an emphasis on data-parallel tasks. The level of abstraction of the traditional hardware description languages, such as VHDL or Verilog, is becoming to low. High-level languages from the domains of software development and modeling, such as C/C++, SystemC or MATLAB, are experiencing a boom for hardware description on the algorithmic or behavioral level. Functional Languages are not so commonly used, but they outperform imperative languages in verification, the ability to capture inherent paralellism and the compactness of code. Data-parallel task are often accelerated on FPGAs, GPUs and multicore processors. In this thesis, we use a library for general-purpose GPU programs called Accelerate and extend it to produce VHDL. Accelerate is a domain-specific language embedded into Haskell with a backend for the NVIDIA CUDA platform. We use the language and its frontend, and create a new backend for high-level synthesis of circuits in VHDL.