3,985 research outputs found

    Double-pass technique and compensation-comparison method in eyes with cataract

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    PURPOSE To clinically assess the objective scatter index (OSI) obtained from double-pass images and the log(s) parameter measured with the direct compensation-comparison psychophysical technique in eyes with cataract. SETTING Ophthalmology Service, Terrassa Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. DESIGN Prospective observational case series. METHODS The analysis comprised eyes diagnosed with nuclear, cortical, or posterior subcapsular cataracts and healthy eyes (control group). Patient examinations included assessment of the manifest subjective refraction, corrected distance visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and cataract grade using the Lens Opacities Classification System III (LOCS III) score. The protocol also included the straylight (log[s]) measured by the C-Quant device, measurement of the objective optical quality (Strehl ratio and modulation transfer function cutoff frequency), and the OSI (HD Analyzer). RESULTS Significant correlations with LOCS III classification were found in terms of log(s) and OSI, although they were slightly stronger with OSI for all cataract types, which could be attributable to higher-order aberrations. The OSI and log(s) shared approximately 44% of the scattering estimation and to coincide on the visual function decline with scattering for the 3 cataract types evaluated. Limits to discriminate between healthy and cataractous eyes and sensitivity and specificity values were 1.15 (sensitivity 91%, specificity 100%) for log(s) and 1.18 (sensitivity 89%, specificity 100%) for OSI (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS Both instruments provide complementary information to diagnose cataracts and follow patients. Although backscattered light from deeper retinal layers can have an effect on OSI, the double-pass image provides information to grade different types of cataract when assessing cataractous eyes for treatment.Preprin

    Engineering data compendium. Human perception and performance. User's guide

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    The concept underlying the Engineering Data Compendium was the product of a research and development program (Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers project) aimed at facilitating the application of basic research findings in human performance to the design and military crew systems. The principal objective was to develop a workable strategy for: (1) identifying and distilling information of potential value to system design from the existing research literature, and (2) presenting this technical information in a way that would aid its accessibility, interpretability, and applicability by systems designers. The present four volumes of the Engineering Data Compendium represent the first implementation of this strategy. This is the first volume, the User's Guide, containing a description of the program and instructions for its use

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Changes in Visual Performance under the Effects of Moderate–High Alcohol Consumption: The Influence of Biological Sex

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes in visual functions under the effects of moderate–high breath alcohol concentrations (BrACs), and the influence of biological sex on visual deterioration, considering different factors. A total of 37 healthy habitual alcohol users were enrolled in the experiment. The participants underwent a baseline session and a second session after an intake of 450 mL of red wine, so that all of them reached a BrAC above 0.25 mg/L. Visual performance was assessed by measuring the contrast sensitivity function, the halo perception, the stereopsis, and finally the retinal image quality. A Visual Deterioration Score (VDS) was calculated using the deterioration of these visual variables. All visual functions analyzed were significantly impaired following alcohol consumption (p < 0.05). The VDS was associated with the BrAC (ρ = −0.476). The VDS was also significantly higher in females, with the BrAC having a significant effect on the variability of the VDS in males and females (p 0.05). Visual functions were significantly impaired under the influence of alcohol, and this deterioration was greater in females. The deterioration depends on the BrAC reached, being the primary thing responsible for the differences observed between males and females.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain)European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (FIS2017-85058-R

    Automatic sensitivity-adjustment for a curvature sensor

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    There are different techniques to sense the wavefront phase-distortions due to atmospheric turbulence. Curvature sensors are practical in their sensitivity being adjustable to the prevailing atmospheric conditions. Even at the best sites, the turbulence intensity has been found to vary at times over only a few minutes and regularly over longer periods. Two methods to automatically adjust the sensitivity of a curvature sensor are proposed: First, the defocus distance can be adjusted prior to the adaptive-optics (AO) loop through the acquisition of a long exposure image and can then be kept constant. Secondly, the defocus distance can be changed during the AO loop, based on the voltage values sent to the deformable mirror. We demonstrate that the performance increase - assessed in terms of the image Strehl-ratio - can be significant.Comment: Accepted for publication in the adaptive-optics feature of Applied Optic

    Studies on the mechanisms of vision

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    Macular Pigment Optical Density Fluctuation as a Function of Pupillary Mydriasis: Methodological Considerations for Dual-Wavelength Autofluorescence

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    Macular pigment (MP), comprising the dietary carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin, is believed to benefit eye health and vision. Numerous clinical and research devices and techniques are currently available to facilitate MP optical density (MPOD) measurement. One of those techniques, dual-wavelength fundus autofluorescence (AF) is being increasingly used for measurement of MP in the eye. There is substantial methodological variation across the published studies that have employed this technique, including in relation to the use of mydriasis, the possible influence of which does not appear to have been addressed in the literature. This prospective cross-sectional study was designed to investigate the effect of mydriasis on MP measurement quality and MPOD values obtained with dual-wavelength AF using the Heidelberg Spectralis HRA+OCT device

    The stroboscopic human vision

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    When the frequency of seeing light from a pair of point flashes is beyond the probability summation of the separate flashes, the surplus is due to the successful interaction of subliminal responses from the different flashes. Experiments with various distances and various periods of the pair show thet successful interaction occurs when in each of two successive time-quanta of 0.04 seconds and in each of two adjacent distinct receptor groups at least one subliminal receptor response occurs. An autonomous source produces the time-quanta. It serves the time-processing of the central nervous system and of the motor system. Posdsibly, action potentials from the purkinje cells of the myocardium play a role. Hyper acuity in direction and in depth, flicker fusion, perceptual rivalry and ather phenomena follow from the quantized spatiotemporal signal processing