598 research outputs found

    Novel active function blocks and their applications in frequency filters and quadrature oscillators

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    KmitočtovĂ© filtry a sinusoidnĂ­ oscilĂĄtory jsou lineĂĄrnĂ­ elektronickĂ© obvody, kterĂ© jsou pouĆŸĂ­vĂĄny v ĆĄirokĂ© oblasti elektroniky a jsou zĂĄkladnĂ­mi stavebnĂ­mi bloky v analogovĂ©m zpracovĂĄnĂ­ signĂĄlu. V poslednĂ­ dekĂĄdě pro tento Ășčel bylo prezentovĂĄno velkĂ© mnoĆŸstvĂ­ stavebnĂ­ch funkčnĂ­ch blokĆŻ. V letech 2000 a 2006 na Ústavu telekomunikacĂ­, VUT v Brně byly definovĂĄny univerzĂĄlnĂ­ proudovĂœ konvejor (UCC) a univerzĂĄlnĂ­ napět'ovĂœ konvejor (UVC) a vyrobeny ve spoluprĂĄci s firmou AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. OvĆĄem, stĂĄle existuje poĆŸadavek na vĂœvoj novĂœch aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ, kterĂ© nabĂ­zejĂ­ novĂ© vĂœhody. HlavnĂ­ pƙínos prĂĄce proto spočívĂĄ v definici dalĆĄĂ­ch pĆŻvodnĂ­ch aktivnĂ­ch stavebnĂ­ch blokĆŻ jako jsou differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), a minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). PomocĂ­ navrĆŸenĂœch aktivnĂ­ch stavebnĂ­ch blokĆŻ byly prezentovĂĄny pĆŻvodnĂ­ zapojenĂ­ fĂĄzovacĂ­ch člĂĄnkĆŻ prvnĂ­ho ƙádu, univerzĂĄlnĂ­ filtry druhĂ©ho ƙádu, ekvivalenty obvodu typu KHN, inverznĂ­ filtry, aktivnĂ­ simulĂĄtory uzemněnĂ©ho induktoru a kvadraturnĂ­ sinusoidnĂ­ oscilĂĄtory pracujĂ­cĂ­ v proudovĂ©m, napět'ovĂ©m a smĂ­ĆĄenĂ©m mĂłdu. ChovĂĄnĂ­ navrĆŸenĂœch obvodĆŻ byla ověƙena simulacĂ­ v prostƙedĂ­ SPICE a ve vybranĂœch pƙípadech experimentĂĄlnĂ­m měƙenĂ­m.Frequency filters and sinusoidal oscillators are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics and also are the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, huge number of active building blocks (ABBs) were presented for this purpose. In 2000 and 2006, the universal current conveyor (UCC) and the universal voltage conveyor (UVC), respectively, were designed at the Department of Telecommunication, BUT, Brno, and produced in cooperation with AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. There is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new advantages. The main contribution of this thesis is, therefore, the definition of other novel ABBs such as the differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), the current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), the z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), the generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), the voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), and the minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Using the proposed ABBs, novel structures of first-order all-pass filters, second-order universal filters, KHN-equivalent circuits, inverse filters, active grounded inductance simulators, and quadrature sinusoidal oscillators working in the current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode are presented. The behavior of the proposed circuits has been verified by SPICE simulations and in selected cases also by experimental measurements.

    Low-Voltage Ultra-Low-Power Current Conveyor Based on Quasi-Floating Gate Transistors

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    The field of low-voltage low-power CMOS technology has grown rapidly in recent years; it is an essential prerequisite particularly for portable electronic equipment and implantable medical devices due to its influence on battery lifetime. Recently, significant improvements in implementing circuits working in the low-voltage low-power area have been achieved, but circuit designers face severe challenges when trying to improve or even maintain the circuit performance with reduced supply voltage. In this paper, a low-voltage ultra-low-power current conveyor second generation CCII based on quasi-floating gate transistors is presented. The proposed circuit operates at a very low supply voltage of only ±0.4 V with rail-to-rail voltage swing capability and a total quiescent power consumption of mere 9.5 ”W. Further, the proposed circuit is not only able to process the AC signal as it's usual at quasi-floating gate transistors but also the DC which extends the applicability of the proposed circuit. In conclusion, an application example of the current-mode quadrature oscillator is presented. PSpice simulation results using the 0.18 ”m TSMC CMOS technology are included to confirm the attractive properties of the proposed circuit

    Low Voltage Low Power Analogue Circuits Design

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    DisertačnĂ­ prĂĄce je zaměƙena na vĂœzkum nejbÄ›ĆŸnějĆĄĂ­ch metod, kterĂ© se vyuĆŸĂ­vajĂ­ pƙi nĂĄvrhu analogovĂœch obvodĆŻ s vyuĆŸitĂ­ nĂ­zkonapěƄovĂœch (LV) a nĂ­zkopƙíkonovĂœch (LP) struktur. Tyto LV LP obvody mohou bĂœt vytvoƙeny dĂ­ky vyspělĂœm technologiĂ­m nebo takĂ© vyuĆŸitĂ­m pokročilĂœch technik nĂĄvrhu. DisertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ prĂĄvě pokročilĂœmi technikami nĂĄvrhu, pƙedevĆĄĂ­m pak nekonvenčnĂ­mi. Mezi tyto techniky patƙí vyuĆŸitĂ­ prvkĆŻ s ƙízenĂœm substrĂĄtem (bulk-driven - BD), s plovoucĂ­m hradlem (floating-gate - FG), s kvazi plovoucĂ­m hradlem (quasi-floating-gate - QFG), s ƙízenĂœm substrĂĄtem s plovoucĂ­m hradlem (bulk-driven floating-gate - BD-FG) a s ƙízenĂœm substrĂĄtem s kvazi plovoucĂ­m hradlem (quasi-floating-gate - BD-QFG). PrĂĄce je takĂ© orientovĂĄna na moĆŸnĂ© zpĆŻsoby implementace znĂĄmĂœch a modernĂ­ch aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ pracujĂ­cĂ­ch v napěƄovĂ©m, proudovĂ©m nebo mix-mĂłdu. Mezi tyto prvky lze začlenit zesilovače typu OTA (operational transconductance amplifier), CCII (second generation current conveyor), FB-CCII (fully-differential second generation current conveyor), FB-DDA (fully-balanced differential difference amplifier), VDTA (voltage differencing transconductance amplifier), CC-CDBA (current-controlled current differencing buffered amplifier) a CFOA (current feedback operational amplifier). Za Ășčelem potvrzenĂ­ funkčnosti a chovĂĄnĂ­ vĂœĆĄe zmĂ­něnĂœch struktur a prvkĆŻ byly vytvoƙeny pƙíklady aplikacĂ­, kterĂ© simulujĂ­ usměrƈovacĂ­ a induktančnĂ­ vlastnosti diody, dĂĄle pak filtry dolnĂ­ propusti, pĂĄsmovĂ© propusti a takĂ© univerzĂĄlnĂ­ filtry. VĆĄechny aktivnĂ­ prvky a pƙíklady aplikacĂ­ byly ověƙeny pomocĂ­ PSpice simulacĂ­ s vyuĆŸitĂ­m parametrĆŻ technologie 0,18 m TSMC CMOS. Pro ilustraci pƙesnĂ©ho a ĂșčinnĂ©ho chovĂĄnĂ­ struktur je v disertačnĂ­ prĂĄci zahrnuto velkĂ© mnoĆŸstvĂ­ simulačnĂ­ch vĂœsledkĆŻ.The dissertation thesis is aiming at examining the most common methods adopted by analog circuits' designers in order to achieve low voltage (LV) low power (LP) configurations. The capability of LV LP operation could be achieved either by developed technologies or by design techniques. The thesis is concentrating upon design techniques, especially the non–conventional ones which are bulk–driven (BD), floating–gate (FG), quasi–floating–gate (QFG), bulk–driven floating–gate (BD–FG) and bulk–driven quasi–floating–gate (BD–QFG) techniques. The thesis also looks at ways of implementing structures of well–known and modern active elements operating in voltage–, current–, and mixed–mode such as operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), second generation current conveyor (CCII), fully–differential second generation current conveyor (FB–CCII), fully–balanced differential difference amplifier (FB–DDA), voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA), current–controlled current differencing buffered amplifier (CC–CDBA) and current feedback operational amplifier (CFOA). In order to confirm the functionality and behavior of these configurations and elements, they have been utilized in application examples such as diode–less rectifier and inductance simulations, as well as low–pass, band–pass and universal filters. All active elements and application examples have been verified by PSpice simulator using the 0.18 m TSMC CMOS parameters. Sufficient numbers of simulated plots are included in this thesis to illustrate the precise and strong behavior of structures.

    Unconventional Circuit Elements for Ladder Filter Design

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    KmitočtovĂ© filtry jsou lineĂĄrnĂ­ elektrickĂ© obvody, kterĂ© jsou vyuĆŸĂ­vĂĄny v rĆŻznĂœch oblastech elektroniky. Současně tvoƙí zĂĄkladnĂ­ stavebnĂ­ bloky pro analogovĂ© zpracovĂĄnĂ­ signĂĄlĆŻ. V poslednĂ­ dekĂĄdě bylo zavedeno mnoĆŸstvĂ­ aktivnĂ­ch stavebnĂ­ch blokĆŻ pro analogovĂ© zpracovĂĄnĂ­ signĂĄlĆŻ. StĂĄle vĆĄak existuje potƙeba vĂœvoje novĂœch aktivnĂ­ch součástek, kterĂ© by poskytovaly novĂ© moĆŸnosti a lepĆĄĂ­ parametry. V prĂĄci jsou diskutovĂĄny rĆŻznĂ© aspekty obvodĆŻ pracujĂ­cĂ­ch v napěƄovĂ©m, proudovĂ©m a smĂ­ĆĄnĂ©m mĂłdu. PrĂĄce reaguje na dneĆĄnĂ­ potƙebu nĂ­zkovĂœkonovĂœch a nĂ­zkonapěƄovĂœch aplikacĂ­ pro pƙenosnĂ© pƙístroje a mobilnĂ­ komunikačnĂ­ systĂ©my a na problĂ©my jejich nĂĄvrhu. Potƙeba těchto vĂœkonnĂœch nĂ­zkonapěƄovĂœch zaƙízenĂ­ je vĂœzvou nĂĄvrháƙƯ k hledĂĄnĂ­ novĂœch obvodovĂœch topologiĂ­ a novĂœch nĂ­zkonapěƄovĂœch technik. V prĂĄci je popsĂĄna ƙada aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ, jako napƙíklad operačnĂ­ transkonduktančnĂ­ zesilovač (OTA), proudovĂœ konvejor II. generace (CCII) a CDTA (Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier). DĂĄle jsou navrĆŸeny novĂ© prvky, jako jsou VDTA (Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier) a VDVTA (Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier). VĆĄechny tyto prvky byly rovnÄ›ĆŸ implementovĂĄny pomocĂ­ "bulk-driven" techniky CMOS s cĂ­lem realizace nĂ­zkonapěƄovĂœch aplikacĂ­. Tato prĂĄce je rovnÄ›ĆŸ zaměƙena na nĂĄhrady klasickĂœch induktorĆŻ syntetickĂœmi induktory v pasivnĂ­ch LC pƙíčkovĂœch filtrech. Tyto nĂĄhrady pak mohou vĂ©st k syntĂ©ze aktivnĂ­ch filtrĆŻ se zajĂ­mavĂœmi vlastnostmi.Frequency filters are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics. They are also the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, a huge number of active building blocks for analogue signal processing was introduced. However, there is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new possibilities and better parameters. The current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode analog circuits and their various aspects are discussed in the thesis. This work reflects the trend of low-power (LP) low-voltage (LV) circuits for portable electronic and mobile communication systems and the problems of their design. The need for high-performance LV circuits encourages the analog designers to look for new circuit architectures and new LV techniques. This thesis presents various active elements such as Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA), Current Conveyor of Second Generation (CCII), and Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier (CDTA), and introduces novel ones, such as Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier (VDTA) and Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier (VDVTA). All the above active elements were also designed in CMOS bulk-driven technology for LP LV applications. This thesis is also focused on replacement of conventional inductors by synthetic ones in passive LC ladder filters. These replacements can lead to the synthesis of active filters with interesting parameters.

    Realization of Low-Voltage Modified CBTA and Design of Cascadable Current-Mode All-Pass Filter

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    In this paper, a low voltage modified current backward transconductance amplifier (MCBTA) and a novel first-order current-mode (CM) all-pass filter are presented. The MCBTA can operate with ±0.9 V supply voltage and the total power consumption of MCBTA is 1.27 mW. The presented all-pass filter employs single MCBTA, a grounded resistor and a grounded capacitor. The circuit possesses low input and high output impedances which make it ideal for current-mode systems. The presented all-pass filter circuit can be made electronically tunable due to the bias current of the MCBTA. Non-ideal study along with simulation results are given for validation purpose. Further, an nth-order cascadable all-pass filter is also presented. It uses n MCBTAs, n grounded resistors and n grounded capacitors. The performance of the proposed circuits is demonstrated by using PSPICE simulations based on the 0.18 ”m TSMC level-7 CMOS technology parameters

    Circuits for Analog Signal Processing Employing Unconventional Active Elements

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    DisertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ zavĂĄděnĂ­m novĂœch struktur modernĂ­ch aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ pracujĂ­cĂ­ch v napěƄovĂ©m, proudovĂ©m a smĂ­ĆĄenĂ©m reĆŸimu. Funkčnost a chovĂĄnĂ­ těchto prvkĆŻ byly ověƙeny prostƙednictvĂ­m SPICE simulacĂ­. V tĂ©to prĂĄci je zahrnuta ƙada simulacĂ­, kterĂ© dokazujĂ­ pƙesnost a dobrĂ© vlastnosti těchto prvkĆŻ, pƙičemĆŸ velkĂœ dĆŻraz byl kladen na to, aby tyto prvky byly schopny pracovat pƙi nĂ­zkĂ©m napĂĄjecĂ­m napětĂ­, jelikoĆŸ poptĂĄvka po pƙenosnĂœch elektronickĂœch zaƙízenĂ­ch a implantabilnĂ­ch zdravotnickĂœch pƙístrojĂ­ch stĂĄle roste. Tyto pƙístroje jsou napĂĄjeny bateriemi a k tomu, aby byla prodlouĆŸena jejich ĆŸivotnost, trend navrhovĂĄnĂ­ analogovĂœch obvodĆŻ směƙuje k stĂĄle větĆĄĂ­mu sniĆŸovĂĄnĂ­ spotƙeby a napĂĄjecĂ­ho napětĂ­. HlavnĂ­m pƙínosem tĂ©to prĂĄce je nĂĄvrh novĂœch CMOS struktur: CCII (Current Conveyor Second Generation) na zĂĄkladě BD (Bulk Driven), FG (Floating Gate) a QFG (Quasi Floating Gate); DVCC (Differential Voltage Current Conveyor) na zĂĄkladě FG, transkonduktor na zĂĄkladě novĂ© techniky BD_QFG (Bulk Driven_Quasi Floating Gate), CCCDBA (Current Controlled Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier) na zĂĄkladě GD (Gate Driven), VDBA (Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier) na zĂĄkladě GD a DBeTA (Differential_Input Buffered and External Transconductance Amplifier) na zĂĄkladě BD. DĂĄle je uvedeno několik zajĂ­mavĂœch aplikacĂ­ uĆŸĂ­vajĂ­cĂ­ch vĂœĆĄe jmenovanĂ© prvky. ZĂ­skanĂ© vĂœsledky simulacĂ­ odpovĂ­dajĂ­ teoretickĂœm pƙedpokladĆŻm.The dissertation thesis deals with implementing new structures of modern active elements working in voltage_, current_, and mixed mode. The functionality and behavior of these elements have been verified by SPICE simulation. Sufficient numbers of simulated plots are included in this thesis to illustrate the precise and strong behavior of those elements. However, a big attention to implement active elements by utilizing LV LP (Low Voltage Low Power) techniques is given in this thesis. This attention came from the fact that growing demand of portable electronic equipments and implantable medical devices are pushing the development towards LV LP integrated circuits because of their influence on batteries lifetime. More specifically, the main contribution of this thesis is to implement new CMOS structures of: CCII (Current Conveyor Second Generation) based on BD (Bulk Driven), FG (Floating Gate) and QFG (Quasi Floating Gate); DVCC (Differential Voltage Current Conveyor) based on FG; Transconductor based on new technique of BD_QFG (Bulk Driven_Quasi Floating Gate); CCCDBA (Current Controlled Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier) based on conventional GD (Gate Driven); VDBA (Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier) based on GD. Moreover, defining new active element i.e. DBeTA (Differential_Input Buffered and External Transconductance Amplifier) based on BD is also one of the main contributions of this thesis. To confirm the workability and attractive properties of the proposed circuits many applications were exhibited. The given results agree well with the theoretical anticipation.

    Power-efficient current-mode analog circuits for highly integrated ultra low power wireless transceivers

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    In this thesis, current-mode low-voltage and low-power techniques have been applied to implement novel analog circuits for zero-IF receiver backend design, focusing on amplification, filtering and detection stages. The structure of the thesis follows a bottom-up scheme: basic techniques at device level for low voltage low power operation are proposed in the first place, followed by novel circuit topologies at cell level, and finally the achievement of new designs at system level. At device level the main contribution of this work is the employment of Floating-Gate (FG) and Quasi-Floating-Gate (QFG) transistors in order to reduce the power consumption. New current-mode basic topologies are proposed at cell level: current mirrors and current conveyors. Different topologies for low-power or high performance operation are shown, being these circuits the base for the system level designs. At system level, novel current-mode amplification, filtering and detection stages using the former mentioned basic cells are proposed. The presented current-mode filter makes use of companding techniques to achieve high dynamic range and very low power consumption with for a very wide tuning range. The amplification stage avoids gain bandwidth product achieving a constant bandwidth for different gain configurations using a non-linear active feedback network, which also makes possible to tune the bandwidth. Finally, the proposed current zero-crossing detector represents a very power efficient mixed signal detector for phase modulations. All these designs contribute to the design of very low power compact Zero-IF wireless receivers. The proposed circuits have been fabricated using a 0.5ÎŒm double-poly n-well CMOS technology, and the corresponding measurement results are provided and analyzed to validate their operation. On top of that, theoretical analysis has been done to fully explore the potential of the resulting circuits and systems in the scenario of low-power low-voltage applications.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en TecnologĂ­as de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    Tunable class AB CMOS Gm-C channel filter for a bluetooth zero-IF receiver

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    A novel tunable third order low-pass Gm-C filter is introduced. Programmable transconductors operating in class AB have been used for its implementation hence featuring low quiescent power consumption. The operation in class AB is achieved using quasi-floating gate transistors. This filter is suitable for channel filtering of highly integrated, ultra low power wireless receivers e.g. for Bluetooth and Zigbee. Measurement results for a test chip prototype in a low-cost 0.5”m standard CMOS process are presented

    A compact current-mode instrumentation amplifier for general-purpose sensor interfaces

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    The proposed amplifier architecture follows a consolidated topology based on second-generation current conveyors (CCIIs), optimized for fully-differential operation. The architecture uses gain-boosting to improve the offset and noise characteristics of a recently proposed design. Wide input and output ranges and high accuracy are obtained by designing the CCIIs according to an original two-stage architecture with local voltage feedback. Embedding of chopper switch matrices into the amplifier enables vector analysis of the input signal, expanding the application field. The main strengths of the proposed amplifier are compactness and versatility. Measurements performed on a prototype designed with a 0.18 ÎŒm CMOS process are described
