48,819 research outputs found

    A Unifying Model for Representing Time-Varying Graphs

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    Graph-based models form a fundamental aspect of data representation in Data Sciences and play a key role in modeling complex networked systems. In particular, recently there is an ever-increasing interest in modeling dynamic complex networks, i.e. networks in which the topological structure (nodes and edges) may vary over time. In this context, we propose a novel model for representing finite discrete Time-Varying Graphs (TVGs), which are typically used to model dynamic complex networked systems. We analyze the data structures built from our proposed model and demonstrate that, for most practical cases, the asymptotic memory complexity of our model is in the order of the cardinality of the set of edges. Further, we show that our proposal is an unifying model that can represent several previous (classes of) models for dynamic networks found in the recent literature, which in general are unable to represent each other. In contrast to previous models, our proposal is also able to intrinsically model cyclic (i.e. periodic) behavior in dynamic networks. These representation capabilities attest the expressive power of our proposed unifying model for TVGs. We thus believe our unifying model for TVGs is a step forward in the theoretical foundations for data analysis of complex networked systems.Comment: Also appears in the Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA'2015

    Simultaneous Representation of Proper and Unit Interval Graphs

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    In a confluence of combinatorics and geometry, simultaneous representations provide a way to realize combinatorial objects that share common structure. A standard case in the study of simultaneous representations is the sunflower case where all objects share the same common structure. While the recognition problem for general simultaneous interval graphs - the simultaneous version of arguably one of the most well-studied graph classes - is NP-complete, the complexity of the sunflower case for three or more simultaneous interval graphs is currently open. In this work we settle this question for proper interval graphs. We give an algorithm to recognize simultaneous proper interval graphs in linear time in the sunflower case where we allow any number of simultaneous graphs. Simultaneous unit interval graphs are much more "rigid" and therefore have less freedom in their representation. We show they can be recognized in time O(|V|*|E|) for any number of simultaneous graphs in the sunflower case where G=(V,E) is the union of the simultaneous graphs. We further show that both recognition problems are in general NP-complete if the number of simultaneous graphs is not fixed. The restriction to the sunflower case is in this sense necessary

    SplineCNN: Fast Geometric Deep Learning with Continuous B-Spline Kernels

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    We present Spline-based Convolutional Neural Networks (SplineCNNs), a variant of deep neural networks for irregular structured and geometric input, e.g., graphs or meshes. Our main contribution is a novel convolution operator based on B-splines, that makes the computation time independent from the kernel size due to the local support property of the B-spline basis functions. As a result, we obtain a generalization of the traditional CNN convolution operator by using continuous kernel functions parametrized by a fixed number of trainable weights. In contrast to related approaches that filter in the spectral domain, the proposed method aggregates features purely in the spatial domain. In addition, SplineCNN allows entire end-to-end training of deep architectures, using only the geometric structure as input, instead of handcrafted feature descriptors. For validation, we apply our method on tasks from the fields of image graph classification, shape correspondence and graph node classification, and show that it outperforms or pars state-of-the-art approaches while being significantly faster and having favorable properties like domain-independence.Comment: Presented at CVPR 201

    Graph Metrics for Temporal Networks

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    Temporal networks, i.e., networks in which the interactions among a set of elementary units change over time, can be modelled in terms of time-varying graphs, which are time-ordered sequences of graphs over a set of nodes. In such graphs, the concepts of node adjacency and reachability crucially depend on the exact temporal ordering of the links. Consequently, all the concepts and metrics proposed and used for the characterisation of static complex networks have to be redefined or appropriately extended to time-varying graphs, in order to take into account the effects of time ordering on causality. In this chapter we discuss how to represent temporal networks and we review the definitions of walks, paths, connectedness and connected components valid for graphs in which the links fluctuate over time. We then focus on temporal node-node distance, and we discuss how to characterise link persistence and the temporal small-world behaviour in this class of networks. Finally, we discuss the extension of classic centrality measures, including closeness, betweenness and spectral centrality, to the case of time-varying graphs, and we review the work on temporal motifs analysis and the definition of modularity for temporal graphs.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, Chapter in Temporal Networks (Petter Holme and Jari Saram\"aki editors). Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 201

    Model validation of simple-graph representations of metabolism

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    The large-scale properties of chemical reaction systems, such as the metabolism, can be studied with graph-based methods. To do this, one needs to reduce the information -- lists of chemical reactions -- available in databases. Even for the simplest type of graph representation, this reduction can be done in several ways. We investigate different simple network representations by testing how well they encode information about one biologically important network structure -- network modularity (the propensity for edges to be cluster into dense groups that are sparsely connected between each other). To reach this goal, we design a model of reaction-systems where network modularity can be controlled and measure how well the reduction to simple graphs capture the modular structure of the model reaction system. We find that the network types that best capture the modular structure of the reaction system are substrate-product networks (where substrates are linked to products of a reaction) and substance networks (with edges between all substances participating in a reaction). Furthermore, we argue that the proposed model for reaction systems with tunable clustering is a general framework for studies of how reaction-systems are affected by modularity. To this end, we investigate statistical properties of the model and find, among other things, that it recreate correlations between degree and mass of the molecules.Comment: to appear in J. Roy. Soc. Intefac
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