4 research outputs found

    How to Benchmark Objective Quality Metrics from Paired Comparison Data?

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    The procedures commonly used to evaluate the performance of objective quality metrics rely on ground truth mean opinion scores and associated confidence intervals, which are usually obtained via direct scaling methods. However, indirect scaling methods, such as the paired comparison (PC) method, have a higher discriminatory power and are gaining popularity, for example in crowdsourcing evaluations. In this paper, we present an existing analysis tool, the classification errors, which can also be used for PC data. Additionally, we propose a new analysis tool based on the receiver operating characteristic analysis. This tool can be used to further assess the performance of objective metrics based on PC data. We provide a MATLAB script with an implementation of the proposed tools and we show one example of application of the proposed tools

    Full-reference quality estimation for images with different spatial resolutions.

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    Multimedia communication is becoming pervasive because of the progress in wireless communications and multimedia coding. Estimating the quality of the visual content accurately is crucial in providing satisfactory service. State of the art visual quality assessment approaches are effective when the input image and reference image have the same resolution. However, finding the quality of an image that has spatial resolution different than that of the reference image is still a challenging problem. To solve this problem, we develop a quality estimator (QE), which computes the quality of the input image without resampling the reference or the input images. In this paper, we begin by identifying the potential weaknesses of previous approaches used to estimate the quality of experience. Next, we design a QE to estimate the quality of a distorted image with a lower resolution compared with the reference image. We also propose a subjective test environment to explore the success of the proposed algorithm in comparison with other QEs. When the input and test images have different resolutions, the subjective tests demonstrate that in most cases the proposed method works better than other approaches. In addition, the proposed algorithm also performs well when the reference image and the test image have the same resolution

    Cross Dynamic Range And Cross Resolution Objective Image Quality Assessment With Applications

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    In recent years, image and video signals have become an indispensable part of human life. There has been an increasing demand for high quality image and video products and services. To monitor, maintain and enhance image and video quality objective image and video quality assessment tools play crucial roles in a wide range of applications throughout the field of image and video processing, including image and video acquisition, communication, interpolation, retrieval, and displaying. A number of objective image and video quality measures have been introduced in the last decades such as mean square error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), and structural similarity index (SSIM). However, they are not applicable when the dynamic range or spatial resolution of images being compared is different from that of the corresponding reference images. In this thesis, we aim to tackle these two main problems in the field of image quality assessment. Tone mapping operators (TMOs) that convert high dynamic range (HDR) to low dynamic range (LDR) images provide practically useful tools for the visualization of HDR images on standard LDR displays. Most TMOs have been designed in the absence of a well-established and subject-validated image quality assessment (IQA) model, without which fair comparisons and further improvement are difficult. We propose an objective quality assessment algorithm for tone-mapped images using HDR images as references by combining 1) a multi-scale signal fidelity measure based on a modified structural similarity (SSIM) index; and 2) a naturalness measure based on intensity statistics of natural images. To evaluate the proposed Tone-Mapped image Quality Index (TMQI), its performance in several applications and optimization problems is provided. Specifically, the main component of TMQI known as structural fidelity is modified and adopted to enhance the visualization of HDR medical images on standard displays. Moreover, a substantially different approach to design TMOs is presented, where instead of using any pre-defined systematic computational structure (such as image transformation or contrast/edge enhancement) for tone-mapping, we navigate in the space of all LDR images, searching for the image that maximizes structural fidelity or TMQI. There has been an increasing number of image interpolation and image super-resolution (SR) algorithms proposed recently to create images with higher spatial resolution from low-resolution (LR) images. However, the evaluation of such SR and interpolation algorithms is cumbersome. Most existing image quality measures are not applicable because LR and resultant high resolution (HR) images have different spatial resolutions. We make one of the first attempts to develop objective quality assessment methods to compare LR and HR images. Our method adopts a framework based on natural scene statistics (NSS) where image quality degradation is gauged by the deviation of its statistical features from NSS models trained upon high quality natural images. In particular, we extract frequency energy falloff, dominant orientation and spatial continuity statistics from natural images and build statistical models to describe such statistics. These models are then used to measure statistical naturalness of interpolated images. We carried out subjective tests to validate our approach, which also demonstrates promising results. The performance of the proposed measure is further evaluated when applied to parameter tuning in image interpolation algorithms