61 research outputs found

    Scheduling and partitioning for multiple loop nests

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    ParallĂ©lisme des nids de boucles pour l’optimisation du temps d’exĂ©cution et de la taille du code

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    The real time implementation algorithms always include nested loops which require important execution times. Thus, several nested loop parallelism techniques have been proposed with the aim of decreasing their execution times. These techniques can be classified in terms of granularity, which are the iteration level parallelism and the instruction level parallelism. In the case of the instruction level parallelism, the techniques aim to achieve a full parallelism. However, the loop carried dependencies implies shifting instructions in both side of nested loops. Consequently, these techniques provide implementations with non-optimal execution times and important code sizes, which represent limiting factors when implemented on embedded real-time systems. In this work, we are interested on enhancing the parallelism strategies of nested loops. The first contribution consists of purposing a novel instruction level parallelism technique, called “delayed multidimensional retiming”. It aims to scheduling the nested loops with the minimal cycle period, without achieving a full parallelism. The second contribution consists of employing the “delayed multidimensional retiming” when providing nested loop implementations on real time embedded systems. The aim is to respect an execution time constraint while using minimal code size. In this context, we proposed a first approach that selects the minimal instruction parallelism level allowing the execution time constraint respect. The second approach employs both instruction level parallelism and iteration level parallelism, by using the “delayed multidimensional retiming” and the “loop striping”Les algorithmes des systĂšmes temps rĂ©els incluent de plus en plus de nids de boucles, qui sont caractĂ©risĂ©s par un temps d’exĂ©cution important. De ce fait, plusieurs dĂ©marches de parallĂ©lisme des boucles imbriquĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es dans l’objectif de rĂ©duire leurs temps d’exĂ©cution. Ces dĂ©marches peuvent ĂȘtre classifiĂ©es selon deux niveaux de granularitĂ© : le parallĂ©lisme au niveau des itĂ©rations et le parallĂ©lisme au niveau des instructions. Dans le cas du deuxiĂšme niveau de granularitĂ©, les techniques visent Ă  atteindre un parallĂ©lisme total des instructions appartenant Ă  une mĂȘme itĂ©ration. Cependant, le parallĂ©lisme est contraint par les dĂ©pendances des donnĂ©es inter-itĂ©rations ce qui implique le dĂ©calage des instructions Ă  travers les boucles imbriquĂ©es, provocant ainsi une augmentation du code proportionnelle au niveau du parallĂ©lisme. Par consĂ©quent, le parallĂ©lisme total au niveau des instructions des nids de boucles engendre des implĂ©mentations avec des temps d’exĂ©cution non-optimaux et des tailles du code importantes. Les travaux de cette thĂšse s’intĂ©ressent Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des stratĂ©gies de parallĂ©lisme des nids de boucles. Une premiĂšre contribution consiste Ă  proposer une nouvelle technique de parallĂ©lisme au niveau des instructions baptisĂ©e « retiming multidimensionnel dĂ©calĂ© ». Elle vise Ă  ordonnancer les nids de boucles avec une pĂ©riode de cycle minimale, sans atteindre un parallĂ©lisme total. Une deuxiĂšme contribution consiste Ă  mettre en pratique notre technique dans le contexte de l’implĂ©mentation temps rĂ©el embarquĂ©e des nids de boucles. L’objectif est de respecter la contrainte du temps d’exĂ©cution tout en utilisant un code de taille minimale. Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposĂ© une premiĂšre dĂ©marche d’optimisation qui consiste Ă  utiliser notre technique pour dĂ©terminer le niveau parallĂ©lisme minimal. Par la suite, nous avons dĂ©crit une deuxiĂšme dĂ©marche permettant de combiner les parallĂ©lismes au niveau des instructions et au niveau des itĂ©rations, en utilisant notre technique et le « loop striping

    Power and memory optimization techniques in embedded systems design

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    Embedded systems incur tight constraints on power consumption and memory (which impacts size) in addition to other constraints such as weight and cost. This dissertation addresses two key factors in embedded system design, namely minimization of power consumption and memory requirement. The first part of this dissertation considers the problem of optimizing power consumption (peak power as well as average power) in high-level synthesis (HLS). The second part deals with memory usage optimization mainly targeting a restricted class of computations expressed as loops accessing large data arrays that arises in scientific computing such as the coupled cluster and configuration interaction methods in quantum chemistry. First, a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation is presented for the scheduling problem in HLS using multiple supply-voltages in order to optimize peak power as well as average power and energy consumptions. For large designs, the MILP formulation may not be suitable; therefore, a two-phase iterative linear programming formulation and a power-resource-saving heuristic are presented to solve this problem. In addition, a new heuristic that uses an adaptation of the well-known force-directed scheduling heuristic is presented for the same problem. Next, this work considers the problem of module selection simultaneously with scheduling for minimizing peak and average power consumption. Then, the problem of power consumption (peak and average) in synchronous sequential designs is addressed. A solution integrating basic retiming and multiple-voltage scheduling (MVS) is proposed and evaluated. A two-stage algorithm namely power-oriented retiming followed by a MVS technique for peak and/or average power optimization is presented. Memory optimization is addressed next. Dynamic memory usage optimization during the evaluation of a special class of interdependent large data arrays is considered. Finally, this dissertation develops a novel integer-linear programming (ILP) formulation for static memory optimization using the well-known fusion technique by encoding of legality rules for loop fusion of a special class of loops using logical constraints over binary decision variables and a highly effective approximation of memory usage

    Parallelization of dynamic programming recurrences in computational biology

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    The rapid growth of biosequence databases over the last decade has led to a performance bottleneck in the applications analyzing them. In particular, over the last five years DNA sequencing capacity of next-generation sequencers has been doubling every six months as costs have plummeted. The data produced by these sequencers is overwhelming traditional compute systems. We believe that in the future compute performance, not sequencing, will become the bottleneck in advancing genome science. In this work, we investigate novel computing platforms to accelerate dynamic programming algorithms, which are popular in bioinformatics workloads. We study algorithm-specific hardware architectures that exploit fine-grained parallelism in dynamic programming kernels using field-programmable gate arrays: FPGAs). We advocate a high-level synthesis approach, using the recurrence equation abstraction to represent dynamic programming and polyhedral analysis to exploit parallelism. We suggest a novel technique within the polyhedral model to optimize for throughput by pipelining independent computations on an array. This design technique improves on the state of the art, which builds latency-optimal arrays. We also suggest a method to dynamically switch between a family of designs using FPGA reconfiguration to achieve a significant performance boost. We have used polyhedral methods to parallelize the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm to build a family of accelerators that can trade resources for parallelism and are between 15-130x faster than a modern dual core CPU implementation. A Zuker RNA folding accelerator we built on a single workstation with four Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGAs outperforms 198 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processors. Furthermore, our design running on a single FPGA is an order of magnitude faster than competing implementations on similar-generation FPGAs and graphics processors. Our work is a step toward the goal of automated synthesis of hardware accelerators for dynamic programming algorithms

    Tools for efficient Deep Learning

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    In the era of Deep Learning (DL), there is a fast-growing demand for building and deploying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on various platforms. This thesis proposes five tools to address the challenges for designing DNNs that are efficient in time, in resources and in power consumption. We first present Aegis and SPGC to address the challenges in improving the memory efficiency of DL training and inference. Aegis makes mixed precision training (MPT) stabler by layer-wise gradient scaling. Empirical experiments show that Aegis can improve MPT accuracy by at most 4\%. SPGC focuses on structured pruning: replacing standard convolution with group convolution (GConv) to avoid irregular sparsity. SPGC formulates GConv pruning as a channel permutation problem and proposes a novel heuristic polynomial-time algorithm. Common DNNs pruned by SPGC have maximally 1\% higher accuracy than prior work. This thesis also addresses the challenges lying in the gap between DNN descriptions and executables by Polygeist for software and POLSCA for hardware. Many novel techniques, e.g. statement splitting and memory partitioning, are explored and used to expand polyhedral optimisation. Polygeist can speed up software execution in sequential and parallel by 2.53 and 9.47 times on Polybench/C. POLSCA achieves 1.5 times speedup over hardware designs directly generated from high-level synthesis on Polybench/C. Moreover, this thesis presents Deacon, a framework that generates FPGA-based DNN accelerators of streaming architectures with advanced pipelining techniques to address the challenges from heterogeneous convolution and residual connections. Deacon provides fine-grained pipelining, graph-level optimisation, and heuristic exploration by graph colouring. Compared with prior designs, Deacon shows resource/power consumption efficiency improvement of 1.2x/3.5x for MobileNets and 1.0x/2.8x for SqueezeNets. All these tools are open source, some of which have already gained public engagement. We believe they can make efficient deep learning applications easier to build and deploy.Open Acces

    Loop distribution and fusion with timing and code size optimization for embedded dsps

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    Abstract. Loop distribution and loop fusion are two effective loop transformation techniques to optimize the execution of the programs in DSP applications. In this paper, we propose a new technique combining loop distribution with direct loop fusion, which will improve the timing performance without jeopardizing the code size. We first develop the loop distribution theorems that state the legality conditions of loop distribution for multi-level nested loops. We show that if the summation of the edge weights of the dependence cycle satisfies a certain condition, then the statements involved in the dependence cycle can be distributed; otherwise, they should be put in the same loop after loop distribution. Then, we propose the technique of maximum loop distribution with direct loop fusion. The experimental results show that the execution time of the transformed loops by our technique is reduced 21.0% on average compared to the original loops and the code size of the transformed loops is reduced 7.0% on average compared to the original loops

    Loop Distribution and Fusion with Timing and Code Size Optimization for Embedded DSPs

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    International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2005), Nagasaki, Japan,6-9 Dec 2005Loop distribution and loop fusion are two e.ective loop transformation techniques to optimize the execution of the programs in DSP applications. In this paper, we propose a new technique combining loop distribution with direct loop fusion, which will improve the timing performance without jeopardizing the code size. We .rst develop the loop distribution theorems that state the legality conditions of loop distribution for multi-level nested loops. We show that if the summation of the edge weights of the dependence cycle satis.es a certain condition, then the statements involved in the dependence cycle can be distributed; otherwise, they should be put in the same loop after loop distribution. Then, we propose the technique of maximum loop distribution with direct loop fusion. The experimental results show that the execution time of the transformed loops by our technique is reduced 21.0compared to the original loops and the code size of the transformed loops is reduced 7.0% on average compared to the original loops.Department of Computin
