133 research outputs found

    A reconfigurations analogue of Brooks’ theorem.

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    Let G be a simple undirected graph on n vertices with maximum degree Δ. Brooks’ Theorem states that G has a Δ-colouring unless G is a complete graph, or a cycle with an odd number of vertices. To recolour G is to obtain a new proper colouring by changing the colour of one vertex. We show that from a k-colouring, k > Δ, a Δ-colouring of G can be obtained by a sequence of O(n 2) recolourings using only the original k colours unless G is a complete graph or a cycle with an odd number of vertices, or k = Δ + 1, G is Δ-regular and, for each vertex v in G, no two neighbours of v are coloured alike. We use this result to study the reconfiguration graph R k (G) of the k-colourings of G. The vertex set of R k (G) is the set of all possible k-colourings of G and two colourings are adjacent if they differ on exactly one vertex. It is known that if k ≤ Δ(G), then R k (G) might not be connected and it is possible that its connected components have superpolynomial diameter, if k ≥ Δ(G) + 2, then R k (G) is connected and has diameter O(n 2). We complete this structural classification by settling the missing case: if k = Δ(G) + 1, then R k (G) consists of isolated vertices and at most one further component which has diameter O(n 2). We also describe completely the computational complexity classification of the problem of deciding whether two k-colourings of a graph G of maximum degree Δ belong to the same component of R k (G) by settling the case k = Δ(G) + 1. The problem is O(n 2) time solvable for k = 3, PSPACE-complete for 4 ≤ k ≤ Δ(G), O(n) time solvable for k = Δ(G) + 1, O(1) time solvable for k ≥ Δ(G) + 2 (the answer is always yes)

    Reconstruction/Non-reconstruction Thresholds for Colourings of General Galton-Watson Trees

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    The broadcasting models on trees arise in many contexts such as discrete mathematics, biology statistical physics and cs. In this work, we consider the colouring model. A basic question here is whether the root's assignment affects the distribution of the colourings at the vertices at distance h from the root. This is the so-called "reconstruction problem". For a d-ary tree it is well known that d/ln (d) is the reconstruction threshold. That is, for k=(1+eps)d/ln(d) we have non-reconstruction while for k=(1-eps)d/ln(d) we have. Here, we consider the largely unstudied case where the underlying tree is chosen according to a predefined distribution. In particular, our focus is on the well-known Galton-Watson trees. This model arises naturally in many contexts, e.g. the theory of spin-glasses and its applications on random Constraint Satisfaction Problems (rCSP). The aforementioned study focuses on Galton-Watson trees with offspring distribution B(n,d/n), i.e. the binomial with parameters n and d/n, where d is fixed. Here we consider a broader version of the problem, as we assume general offspring distribution, which includes B(n,d/n) as a special case. Our approach relates the corresponding bounds for (non)reconstruction to certain concentration properties of the offspring distribution. This allows to derive reconstruction thresholds for a very wide family of offspring distributions, which includes B(n,d/n). A very interesting corollary is that for distributions with expected offspring d, we get reconstruction threshold d/ln(d) under weaker concentration conditions than what we have in B(n,d/n). Furthermore, our reconstruction threshold for the random colorings of Galton-Watson with offspring B(n,d/n), implies the reconstruction threshold for the random colourings of G(n,d/n)

    Reconfiguring Graph Homomorphisms on the Sphere

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    Given a loop-free graph HH, the reconfiguration problem for homomorphisms to HH (also called HH-colourings) asks: given two HH-colourings ff of gg of a graph GG, is it possible to transform ff into gg by a sequence of single-vertex colour changes such that every intermediate mapping is an HH-colouring? This problem is known to be polynomial-time solvable for a wide variety of graphs HH (e.g. all C4C_4-free graphs) but only a handful of hard cases are known. We prove that this problem is PSPACE-complete whenever HH is a K2,3K_{2,3}-free quadrangulation of the 22-sphere (equivalently, the plane) which is not a 44-cycle. From this result, we deduce an analogous statement for non-bipartite K2,3K_{2,3}-free quadrangulations of the projective plane. This include several interesting classes of graphs, such as odd wheels, for which the complexity was known, and 44-chromatic generalized Mycielski graphs, for which it was not. If we instead consider graphs GG and HH with loops on every vertex (i.e. reflexive graphs), then the reconfiguration problem is defined in a similar way except that a vertex can only change its colour to a neighbour of its current colour. In this setting, we use similar ideas to show that the reconfiguration problem for HH-colourings is PSPACE-complete whenever HH is a reflexive K4K_{4}-free triangulation of the 22-sphere which is not a reflexive triangle. This proof applies more generally to reflexive graphs which, roughly speaking, resemble a triangulation locally around a particular vertex. This provides the first graphs for which HH-Recolouring is known to be PSPACE-complete for reflexive instances.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Path Coupling Using Stopping Times and Counting Independent Sets and Colourings in Hypergraphs

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    We give a new method for analysing the mixing time of a Markov chain using path coupling with stopping times. We apply this approach to two hypergraph problems. We show that the Glauber dynamics for independent sets in a hypergraph mixes rapidly as long as the maximum degree Delta of a vertex and the minimum size m of an edge satisfy m>= 2Delta+1. We also show that the Glauber dynamics for proper q-colourings of a hypergraph mixes rapidly if m>= 4 and q > Delta, and if m=3 and q>=1.65Delta. We give related results on the hardness of exact and approximate counting for both problems.Comment: Simpler proof of main theorem. Improved bound on mixing time. 19 page

    Reconfiguration of vertex colouring and forbidden induced subgraphs

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    The reconfiguration graph of the kk-colourings, denoted Rk(G)\mathcal{R}_k(G), is the graph whose vertices are the kk-colourings of GG and two colourings are adjacent in Rk(G)\mathcal{R}_k(G) if they differ in colour on exactly one vertex. In this paper, we investigate the connectivity and diameter of Rk+1(G)\mathcal{R}_{k+1}(G) for a kk-colourable graph GG restricted by forbidden induced subgraphs. We show that Rk+1(G)\mathcal{R}_{k+1}(G) is connected for every kk-colourable HH-free graph GG if and only if HH is an induced subgraph of P4P_4 or P3+P1P_3+P_1. We also start an investigation into this problem for classes of graphs defined by two forbidden induced subgraphs. We show that if GG is a kk-colourable (2K22K_2, C4C_4)-free graph, then Rk+1(G)\mathcal{R}_{k+1}(G) is connected with diameter at most 4n4n. Furthermore, we show that Rk+1(G)\mathcal{R}_{k+1}(G) is connected for every kk-colourable (P5P_5, C4C_4)-free graph GG.Comment: 10 page

    A Reconfigurations Analogue of Brooks’ Theorem

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    Let G be a simple undirected graph on n vertices with maximum degree Δ. Brooks’ Theorem states that G has a Δ-colouring unless G is a complete graph, or a cycle with an odd number of vertices. To recolour G is to obtain a new proper colouring by changing the colour of one vertex. We show that from a k-colouring, k > Δ, a Δ-colouring of G can be obtained by a sequence of O(n 2) recolourings using only the original k colours unless G is a complete graph or a cycle with an odd number of vertices, or k = Δ + 1, G is Δ-regular and, for each vertex v in G, no two neighbours of v are coloured alike. We use this result to study the reconfiguration graph R k (G) of the k-colourings of G. The vertex set of R k (G) is the set of all possible k-colourings of G and two colourings are adjacent if they differ on exactly one vertex. It is known that if k ≤ Δ(G), then R k (G) might not be connected and it is possible that its connected components have superpolynomial diameter, if k ≥ Δ(G) + 2, then R k (G) is connected and has diameter O(n 2). We complete this structural classification by settling the missing case: if k = Δ(G) + 1, then R k (G) consists of isolated vertices and at most one further component which has diameter O(n 2). We also describe completely the computational complexity classification of the problem of deciding whether two k-colourings of a graph G of maximum degree Δ belong to the same component of R k (G) by settling the case k = Δ(G) + 1. The problem is O(n 2) time solvable for k = 3, PSPACE-complete for 4 ≤ k ≤ Δ(G), O(n) time solvable for k = Δ(G) + 1, O(1) time solvable for k ≥ Δ(G) + 2 (the answer is always yes)
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