30 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Partitioning And Description Of Full-Length Routine Fetal Anomaly Ultrasound Scans

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    This paper considers automatic clinical workflow description of full-length routine fetal anomaly ultrasound scans using deep learning approaches for spatio-temporal video analysis. Multiple architectures consisting of 2D and 2D + t CNN, LSTM, and convolutional LSTM are investigated and compared. The contributions of short-term and long-term temporal changes are studied, and a multi-stream framework analysis is found to achieve the best top-l accuracy =0.77 and top-3 accuracy =0.94. Automated partitioning and characterisation on unlabelled full-length video scans show high correlation (ρ=0.95, p=0.0004) with workflow statistics of manually labelled videos, suggesting practicality of proposed methods

    A review on Video Classification with Methods, Findings, Performance, Challenges, Limitations and Future Work

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    In recent years, there has been a rapid development in web users and sufficient bandwidth. Internet connectivity, which is so low cost, makes the sharing of information (text, audio, and videos) more common and faster. This video content needs to be analyzed for prediction it classes in different purpose for the users. Many machines learning approach has been developed for the classification of video to save people time and energy. There are a lot of existing review papers on video classification, but they have some limitations such as limitation of the analysis, badly structured, not mention research gaps or findings, not clearly describe advantages, disadvantages, and future work. But our review paper almost overcomes these limitations. This study attempts to review existing video-classification procedures and to examine the existing methods of video-classification comparatively and critically and to recommend the most effective and productive process. First of all, our analysis examines the classification of videos with taxonomical details, the latest application, process, and datasets information. Secondly, overall inconvenience, difficulties, shortcomings and potential work, data, performance measurements with the related recent relation in science, deep learning, and the model of machine learning. Study on video classification systems using their tools, benefits, drawbacks, as well as other features to compare the techniques they have used also constitutes a key task of this review. Lastly, we also present a quick summary table based on selected features. In terms of precision and independence extraction functions, the RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and combination approach performs better than the CNN dependent method

    Parameter estimation of binned Hawkes processes

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    A key difficulty that arises from real event data is imprecision in the recording of event time-stamps. In many cases, retaining event times with a high precision is expensive due to the sheer volume of activity. Combined with practical limits on the accuracy of measurements, binned data is common. In order to use point processes to model such event data, tools for handling parameter estimation are essential. Here we consider parameter estimation of the Hawkes process, a type of self-exciting point process that has found application in the modeling of financial stock markets, earthquakes and social media cascades. We develop a novel optimization approach to parameter estimation of binned Hawkes processes using a modified Expectation-Maximization algorithm, referred to as Binned Hawkes Expectation Maximization (BH-EM). Through a detailed simulation study, we demonstrate that existing methods are capable of producing severely biased and highly variable parameter estimates and that our novel BH-EM method significantly outperforms them in all studied circumstances. We further illustrate the performance on network flow (NetFlow) data between devices in a real large-scale computer network, to characterize triggering behavior. These results highlight the importance of correct handling of binned data

    Explicit correlations for the Hawkes processes

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    In this paper we fill a gap in the literature by providing exact and explicit expressions for the correlation of general Hawkes processes together with its intensity process. Our methodology relies on the Poisson imbedding representation and on recent findings on Malliavin calculus and pseudo-chaotic representation for counting processes