166 research outputs found

    RPYS i/o: A web-based tool for the historiography and visualization of citation classics, sleeping beauties, and research fronts

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    Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy (RPYS) and Multi-RPYS provide algorithmic approaches to reconstructing the intellectual histories of scientific fields. With this brief communication, we describe a technical advancement for developing research historiographies by introducing RPYS i/o, an online tool for performing standard RPYS and Multi-RPYS analyses interactively (at http://comins.leydesdorff.net/). The tool enables users to explore seminal works underlying a research field and to plot the influence of these seminal works over time. This suite of visualizations offers the potential to analyze and visualize the myriad of temporal dynamics of scientific influence, such as citation classics, sleeping beauties, and the dynamics of research fronts. We demonstrate the features of the tool by analyzing--as an example--the references in documents published in the journal Philosophy of Science

    CitNetExplorer: A new software tool for analyzing and visualizing citation networks

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    We present CitNetExplorer, a new software tool for analyzing and visualizing citation networks of scientific publications. CitNetExplorer can for instance be used to study the development of a research field, to delineate the literature on a research topic, and to support literature reviewing. We first introduce the main concepts that need to be understood when working with CitNetExplorer. We then demonstrate CitNetExplorer by using the tool to analyze the scientometric literature and the literature on community detection in networks. Finally, we discuss some technical details on the construction, visualization, and analysis of citation networks in CitNetExplorer

    A Scientometric Methodology Based on Co-Word Analysis in Gas Turbine Maintenance

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    Evaluation of scientific journals has a profound effect on the future of scientific research so that different institutes and countries can set appropriate goals and invest with less risk in various scientific fields. Accordingly, this article presents a new method based on a combination of co-word analysis and social network analysis to extract the hotspot topics. Using HistCite, NodeXL, and VOSviewer, then combining their results, the desired analysis is conducted for six time periods. Based on the bibliographic parameters in HistCite and by defining an index, the first five periods are selected such that both quantity and quality of articles in each period are maximum compared to other years, while the sixth time period contains the latest research. For each of the six periods, the co-word networks as created in VOSviewer are analyzed. Next, based on a combination of network centralities developed in NodeXL, the hotspot keywords are specified which are then validated and aggregated using the bibliographic parameters in HistCite. The results reveal five important time periods in gas turbine maintenance. The hotspot keywords obtained for the last period show that in recent years, some topics including gas turbine fault prognosis, neural network-based approaches, big data analysis, sensor fault diagnosis, blade availability, economic analysis and useful life estimation are prominent subjects in gas turbine maintenance

    Referenced Publication Year Spectroscopy (RPYS) and Algorithmic Historiography: The Bibliometric Reconstruction of Andr\'as Schubert's {\OE}uvre

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    Referenced Publication Year Spectroscopy (RPYS) was recently introduced as a method to analyze the historical roots of research fields and groups or institutions. RPYS maps the distribution of the publication years of the cited references in a document set. In this study, we apply this methodology to the {\oe}uvre of an individual researcher on the occasion of a Festschrift for Andr\'as Schubert's 70th birthday. We discuss the different options of RPYS in relation to one another (e.g. Multi-RPYS), and in relation to the longer-term research program of algorithmic historiography (e.g., HistCite) based on Schubert's publications (n=172) and cited references therein as a bibliographic domain in scientometrics. Main path analysis and Multi-RPYS of the citation network are used to show the changes and continuities in Schubert's intellectual career. Diachronic and static decomposition of a document set can lead to different results, while the analytically distinguishable lines of research may overlap and interact over time, and intermittent.Comment: Leydesdorff, L., Bornmann, L., Comins, J. A., Marx, W., & Thor, A. (2016). Referenced Publication Year Spectrography (RPYS) and Algorithmic Historiography: A Bibliometric Reconstruction of Andr\'as Schubert's {\OE}uvre. In W. Gl\"anzel & B. Schlemmer (Eds.), Andr\'as Schubert--A World of Models and Metrics (pp. 79-96). Louvain: ISS

    The Evolution of the Science Citation Index

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    El Science Citation Index (SCI) va ser proposat fa més de 50 anys per facilitar la disseminació i recuperació de literatura científica. El seu cercador era únic pel fet de basar-se en una recerca per cites, però no va ser àmpliament adoptat fins que va estar disponible en la xarxa en l'any 1972. El Journal Citation Reports, que apareix com a conseqüència d'aquest en 1975, incloïa a més una classificació basada en el factor d'impacte. No era comú utilitzar els factors d'impacte fins a fa una dècada quan van començar a ser usats com una alternativa per a calcular les freqüències esperades de cites a articles publicats recentment—una aplicació molt polèmica de la cienciometria com eina per avaluar institucions i científics. L'inventor de l'SCI, i la seva base de dades companya, l'SSCI, examinarà la seva història i discutirà el seu ús més recent en la visualització gràfica de microhistories de temes acadèmics. Mitjançant HistCite, un programari patentat per a l'anàlisi historiogràfic algorítmic, es parlarà sobre la genealogia del descobriment de Watson-Crick de la estructura de la doble hèlix del DNA i la seva relació amb el treball de Heidelberger, Avery i altres.The Science Citation Index was proposed over 50 years ago to facilitate the dissemination and retrieval of scientific literature. Its unique search engine, based on citation searching, was not widely adopted until it was made available online in 1972. Its by product, Journal Citation Reports, became available in 1975 and included its rankings by impact factor. Impact factors were not widely implemented until about a decade ago, when they began to be used as surrogates for expected citation frequencies for recently published papers—a highly controversial application of scientometrics in evaluating scientists and institutions. Here, the inventor of both the SCI and its companion, Social Sciences Citation Index, review the history of these instruments and discusses their more recent use in graphically visualizing microhistories of scholarly topics. In an example thereof, the patented HistCite software for algorithmic historiographic analysis is used to follow the genealogy of the Watson-Crick discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA and its relationship to the work of Heidelberger, Avery, and others


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    The main objective of this article is to find out most prolific authors and journals in the environmental management research output during 1989 to 2014. This area is an interdisciplinary subject and developed dramatically over the last few decades. Scientometrics offers assess the quantitative analytical techniques with the development and growth of research in Environmental management. The total sample data retrieved from the database of Web of Knowledge, includes, SCI, SSCI, A&HCI. Total records of 61877 research articles retrieved from 22 types of different sources. Applicability of Bradford’s law and Lotka’s law methods was tested