84 research outputs found

    An analysis of popularity biases in recommender system evaluation and algorithms

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de Lectura: 03-10-2019Las tecnologías de recomendación han ido progresivamente extendiendo su presencia en las aplicaciones y servicios de uso diario. Los sistemas de recomendación buscan realizar sugerencias individualizadas de productos u opciones que los usuarios puedan encontrar interesantes o útiles. Implícita en el concepto de recomendación está la idea de que las sugerencias más satisfactorias para cada usuario son aquellas que tienen en cuenta sus gustos particulares, por lo que cabría esperar que los algoritmos de recomendación más eficaces sean los más personalizados. Sin embargo, se ha observado recientemente que recomendar simplemente los productos más populares no resulta una estrategia mucho peor que los mejores y más sofisticados algoritmos personalizados, y más aún, que estos tienden a sesgar sus recomendaciones hacia opciones mayoritarias. Por todo ello, es rele-vante entender en qué medida y bajo qué circunstancias es la popularidad una señal real-mente efectiva a la hora de recomendar, y si su aparente efectividad se debe a la existencia de ciertos sesgos en las metodologías de evaluación offline actuales, como todo parece indicar, o no. En esta tesis abordamos esta cuestión desde un punto de vista plenamente formal, identificando los factores que pueden determinar la respuesta y modelizándolos en térmi-nos de dependencias probabilísticas entre variables aleatorias, tales como la votación, el descubrimiento y la relevancia. De esta forma, caracterizamos situaciones concretas que garantizan que la popularidad sea efectiva o que no lo sea, y establecemos las condiciones bajo las cuales pueden existir contradicciones entre el acierto observado y el real. Las principales conclusiones hacen referencia a escenarios simplificados prototípicos, más allá de los cuales el análisis formal concluye que cualquier resultado es posible. Para profun-dizar en el escenario general sin suposiciones tan simplificadas, estudiamos un caso parti-cular donde el descubrimiento de ítems es consecuencia de la interacción entre usuarios en una red social. Además, en esta tesis proporcionamos una explicación formal del sesgo de populari-dad que presentan los algoritmos de filtrado colaborativo. Para ello, desarrollamos una versión probabilística del algoritmo de vecinos próximos kNN. Dicha versión evidencia además la condición fundamental que hace que kNN produzca recomendaciones perso-nalizadas y se diferencie de la popularidad pura

    A ranking framework and evaluation for diversity-based retrieval

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    There has been growing momentum in building information retrieval (IR) systems that consider both relevance and diversity of retrieved information, which together improve the usefulness of search results as perceived by users. Some users may genuinely require a set of multiple results to satisfy their information need as there is no single result that completely fulfils the need. Others may be uncertain about their information need and they may submit ambiguous or broad (faceted) queries, either intentionally or unintentionally. A sensible approach to tackle these problems is to diversify search results to address all possible senses underlying those queries or all possible answers satisfying the information need. In this thesis, we explore three aspects of diversity-based document retrieval: 1) recommender systems, 2) retrieval algorithms, and 3) evaluation measures. This first goal of this thesis is to provide an understanding of the need for diversity in search results from the users’ perspective. We develop an interactive recommender system for the purpose of a user study. Designed to facilitate users engaged in exploratory search, the system is featured with content-based browsing, aspectual interfaces, and diverse recommendations. While the diverse recommendations allow users to discover more and different aspects of a search topic, the aspectual interfaces allow users to manage and structure their own search process and results regarding aspects found during browsing. The recommendation feature mines implicit relevance feedback information extracted from a user’s browsing trails and diversifies recommended results with respect to document contents. The result of our user-centred experiment shows that result diversity is needed in realistic retrieval scenarios. Next, we propose a new ranking framework for promoting diversity in a ranked list. We combine two distinct result diversification patterns; this leads to a general framework that enables the development of a variety of ranking algorithms for diversifying documents. To validate our proposal and to gain more insights into approaches for diversifying documents, we empirically compare our integration framework against a common ranking approach (i.e. the probability ranking principle) as well as several diversity-based ranking strategies. These include maximal marginal relevance, modern portfolio theory, and sub-topic-aware diversification based on sub-topic modelling techniques, e.g. clustering, latent Dirichlet allocation, and probabilistic latent semantic analysis. Our findings show that the two diversification patterns can be employed together to improve the effectiveness of ranking diversification. Furthermore, we find that the effectiveness of our framework mainly depends on the effectiveness of the underlying sub-topic modelling techniques. Finally, we examine evaluation measures for diversity retrieval. We analytically identify an issue affecting the de-facto standard measure, novelty-biased discounted cumulative gain (α-nDCG). This issue prevents the measure from behaving as desired, i.e. assessing the effectiveness of systems that provide complete coverage of sub-topics by avoiding excessive redundancy. We show that this issue is of importance as it highly affects the evaluation of retrieval systems, specifically by overrating top-ranked systems that repeatedly retrieve redundant information. To overcome this issue, we derive a theoretically sound solution by defining a safe threshold on a query-basis. We examine the impact of arbitrary settings of the α-nDCG parameter. We evaluate the intuitiveness and reliability of α-nDCG when using our proposed setting on both real and synthetic rankings. We demonstrate that the diversity of document rankings can be intuitively measured by employing the safe threshold. Moreover, our proposal does not harm, but instead increases the reliability of the measure in terms of discriminative power, stability, and sensitivity

    A ranking framework and evaluation for diversity-based retrieval

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    There has been growing momentum in building information retrieval (IR) systems that consider both relevance and diversity of retrieved information, which together improve the usefulness of search results as perceived by users. Some users may genuinely require a set of multiple results to satisfy their information need as there is no single result that completely fulfils the need. Others may be uncertain about their information need and they may submit ambiguous or broad (faceted) queries, either intentionally or unintentionally. A sensible approach to tackle these problems is to diversify search results to address all possible senses underlying those queries or all possible answers satisfying the information need. In this thesis, we explore three aspects of diversity-based document retrieval: 1) recommender systems, 2) retrieval algorithms, and 3) evaluation measures. This first goal of this thesis is to provide an understanding of the need for diversity in search results from the users’ perspective. We develop an interactive recommender system for the purpose of a user study. Designed to facilitate users engaged in exploratory search, the system is featured with content-based browsing, aspectual interfaces, and diverse recommendations. While the diverse recommendations allow users to discover more and different aspects of a search topic, the aspectual interfaces allow users to manage and structure their own search process and results regarding aspects found during browsing. The recommendation feature mines implicit relevance feedback information extracted from a user’s browsing trails and diversifies recommended results with respect to document contents. The result of our user-centred experiment shows that result diversity is needed in realistic retrieval scenarios. Next, we propose a new ranking framework for promoting diversity in a ranked list. We combine two distinct result diversification patterns; this leads to a general framework that enables the development of a variety of ranking algorithms for diversifying documents. To validate our proposal and to gain more insights into approaches for diversifying documents, we empirically compare our integration framework against a common ranking approach (i.e. the probability ranking principle) as well as several diversity-based ranking strategies. These include maximal marginal relevance, modern portfolio theory, and sub-topic-aware diversification based on sub-topic modelling techniques, e.g. clustering, latent Dirichlet allocation, and probabilistic latent semantic analysis. Our findings show that the two diversification patterns can be employed together to improve the effectiveness of ranking diversification. Furthermore, we find that the effectiveness of our framework mainly depends on the effectiveness of the underlying sub-topic modelling techniques. Finally, we examine evaluation measures for diversity retrieval. We analytically identify an issue affecting the de-facto standard measure, novelty-biased discounted cumulative gain (α-nDCG). This issue prevents the measure from behaving as desired, i.e. assessing the effectiveness of systems that provide complete coverage of sub-topics by avoiding excessive redundancy. We show that this issue is of importance as it highly affects the evaluation of retrieval systems, specifically by overrating top-ranked systems that repeatedly retrieve redundant information. To overcome this issue, we derive a theoretically sound solution by defining a safe threshold on a query-basis. We examine the impact of arbitrary settings of the α-nDCG parameter. We evaluate the intuitiveness and reliability of α-nDCG when using our proposed setting on both real and synthetic rankings. We demonstrate that the diversity of document rankings can be intuitively measured by employing the safe threshold. Moreover, our proposal does not harm, but instead increases the reliability of the measure in terms of discriminative power, stability, and sensitivity.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    A Graph-based Bandit Algorithm for Maximum User Coverage in Online Recommendation Systems

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    We study a type of recommendation systems problem, in which the system must be able to cover as many users’ tastes as possible while users’ tastes change over time. This problem can be viewed as a variation of the maximum coverage problem, where the number of sets and elements within any sets can change dynamically. When the number of distinctive elements is large, an exhaustive search for even a fixed number of elements is known to be computationally expensive. Many known algorithms tend to have exponential growth in complexity. We propose a novel graph based UCB1 algorithm that effectively minimizes the number of elements to consider, thereby reducing the search space greatly. The algorithm utilizes a new rewarding scheme to choose items that satisfy more user types as it construct a relational graph between items to choose. Experiments show that the new algorithm performs better than existing techniques such as Ranked Bandits [17] and Independent Bandits [12] in terms of satisfying diverse types of users while minimizing computational complexity

    Context effects on memory retrieval:Theory and applications

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    Context effects on memory retrieval:Theory and applications

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    Cold-Start Collaborative Filtering

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    Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a technique to generate personalised recommendations for a user from a collection of correlated preferences in the past. In general, the effectiveness of CF greatly depends on the amount of available information about the target user and the target item. The cold-start problem, which describes the difficulty of making recommendations when the users or the items are new, remains a great challenge for CF. Traditionally, this problem is tackled by resorting to an additional interview process to establish the user (item) profile before making any recommendations. During this process the user’s information need is not addressed. In this thesis, however, we argue that recommendations would be preferably provided right from the beginning. And the goal of solving the cold-start problem should be maximising the overall recommendation utility during all interactions with the recommender system. In other words, we should not distinguish between the information-gathering and recommendation-making phases, but seamlessly integrate them together. This mechanism naturally addresses the cold-start problem as any user (item) can immediately receive sequential recommendations without providing extra information beforehand. This thesis solves the cold-start problem in an interactive setting by focusing on four interconnected aspects. First, we consider a continuous sequential recommendation process with CF and relate it to the exploitation-exploration (EE) trade-off. By employing probabilistic matrix factorization, we obtain a structured decision space and are thus able to leverage several EE algorithms, such as Thompson sampling and upper confidence bounds, to select items. Second, we extend the sequential recommendation process to a batch mode where multiple recommendations are made at each interaction stage. We specifically discuss the case of two consecutive interaction stages, and model it with the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) to obtain its exact theoretical solution. Through an in-depth analysis of the POMDP value iteration solution, we identify that an exact solution can be abstracted as selecting users (items) that are not only highly relevant to the target according to the initial-stage information, but also highly correlated with other potential users (items) for the next stage. Third, we consider the intra-stage recommendation optimisation and focus on the problem of personalised item diversification. We reformulate the latent factor models using the mean-variance analysis from the portfolio theory in economics. The resulting portfolio ranking algorithm naturally captures the user’s interest range and the uncertainty of the user preference by employing the variance of the learned user latent factors, leading to a diversified item list adapted to the individual user. And, finally, we relate the diversification algorithm back to the interactive process by considering inter-stage joint portfolio diversification, where the recommendations are optimised jointly with the user’s past preference records