173 research outputs found


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    Colonial Female Subjects in Joseph Conrad's Lingard Trilogy

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    Joseph Conrad esittÀÀ koloniaalisesta diskurssista ja lĂ€nsimaisesta dualismista poikkeavan nĂ€kemyksen idĂ€n ja lĂ€nnen suhteesta Lingard-trilogiassaan (2003–2010). LĂ€nsimaisessa koloniaalisessa kirjallisuudessa alkuperĂ€iskansojen edustajat kuvataan usein stereotyyppisesti primitiivisenĂ€ massana. He edustavat lĂ€nsimaiselle ihmiselle toiseutta, eli piirteitĂ€, joita lĂ€nsimaissa ei haluta tunnustaa osaksi itseĂ€. Conradin trilogian miespuoliset henkilöhahmot edustavat ennakkoluuloista patriarkaalista lĂ€nttĂ€ ja naispuoleiset hahmot puolestaan itĂ€isiĂ€ alkuperĂ€iskansoja ja luontoa. Conrad kuvailee henkilöitÀÀn dualistisilla piirteillĂ€, jotka on jaettu arvostettuihin maskuliinisiin piirteisiin ja niiden vĂ€heksyttyihin feminiineihin vastakohtiin. Vaikka Conradin naispuoliset henkilöt esitetÀÀn kĂ€yttĂ€en lĂ€nnessĂ€ aliarvostettuja feminiinejĂ€ piirteitĂ€, he eivĂ€t kuitenkaan jÀÀ halveksunnan kohteiksi, sillĂ€ Conrad esittÀÀ heidĂ€t voimallisina subjekteina, jotka vastustavat lĂ€nsimaisen miehen yrityksiĂ€ alistaa heidĂ€t. NĂ€in ollen Conrad kÀÀntÀÀ dualismien arvostuksen pĂ€invastoin, jolloin maskuliiniset kĂ€sitteet, kuten sivilisaatio ja Ă€lyllisyys, ovat merkityksettömiĂ€ naisten luontosuhteen rinnalla. Conradin luomat naishenkilöt ovat voimallisia toimijoita, joiden subjektiudessa nĂ€kyy ekofeminististen teorioiden kĂ€sittelemĂ€ luonnon yhteys ja vaikutus. Kulttuurinen ekofeminismi on feminismin suuntaus, joka korostaa naisen ja luonnon positiivista ja eheyttĂ€vÀÀ suhdetta. TĂ€llainen luonnonvaikutus on nĂ€htĂ€vissĂ€ Conradin naishahmoissa, jotka saavat voimaa ollessaan luonnon kanssa vuorovaikutuksessa, mutta lamautuvat lĂ€nsimaisen yhteiskunnan piirissĂ€. Naisten voimallisuus nĂ€kyy avoimena tunteellisuutena, ruumiillisuuden hyvĂ€ksymisenĂ€ ja positiivisena elĂ€imellisyytenĂ€, mikĂ€ tarkoittaa omien vaistojensa ja tunteidensa kuuntelemista ja arvostamista. Conradin teosten naishenkilöissĂ€ nĂ€kyy myös sosiaalisen ekofeminismin tutkima patriarkaatin vaikutus. Sosiaalinen ekofeminismi pyrkii naisen ja luonnon vapauttamiseen tunnustamalla patriarkaatin vallan ja pyrkimĂ€llĂ€ siten murtamaan sen. TĂ€mĂ€ hierarkkinen valta nĂ€kyy lĂ€nsimaisena dualistisena ajattelutapana, joka sortaa naisia ja luontoa. Conradin trilogiassa naiset kuitenkin kÀÀntĂ€vĂ€t luontosuhteensa voitoksi ja puolustautuvat lĂ€nsimaisen miehen alistusyrityksiĂ€ vastaan.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Evangelical Visitor - April 25, 1955 Vol LXVIII. No. 8.

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    Vol LXVIII. No. 8

    The End of the World

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    Our fear of the world ending, like our fear of the dark, is ancient, deep-seated and perennial. It crosses boundaries of space and time, recurs in all human communities and finds expression in every aspect of cultural production – from pre-historic cave paintings to high-tech computer games. This book examines historical and imaginary scenarios of Apocalypse, the depiction of its likely triggers, and imagined landscapesin the aftermath of global destruction. Its discussion moves effortlessly from classic novels including Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, to blockbuster films such as Blade Runner, Armageddon and The Terminator. The author also takes into account religious doctrine, scientific research and the visual arts to create a penetrating, multi-disciplinarystudy that provides profound insight into one of Western culture’s darkest and most enduring preoccupations

    Benediction and Malediction in Fulani Culture: Exploring an Afro-Muslim Perception of the Socio-Spiritual Dimensions of Success and Faliure

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    Gender in 21st century animated children's cinema

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    This e-book is the product of the activities carried out in the elective MA course 'Gender Studies: New Sexualities/New Textualities', taught in the Autumn/Winter semester of the academic year 2020-21, within the MA in Advanced English Studies of the Universitat AutĂČnoma de Barcelona. This collective volume authored by the students is focused on how gender is represented in current 21st century Anglophone animated children's cinema. The 57 films dealt with cover the period 2001-2020, from 'Monsters Inc' to 'Onward', and include analyses of film by Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, Illumination Studios, Laika Studios, Blue Sky Studios and others

    The End of the World

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    Our fear of the world ending, like our fear of the dark, is ancient, deep-seated and perennial. It crosses boundaries of space and time, recurs in all human communities and finds expression in every aspect of cultural production – from pre-historic cave paintings to high-tech computer games. This book examines historical and imaginary scenarios of Apocalypse, the depiction of its likely triggers, and imagined landscapesin the aftermath of global destruction. Its discussion moves effortlessly from classic novels including Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, to blockbuster films such as Blade Runner, Armageddon and The Terminator. The author also takes into account religious doctrine, scientific research and the visual arts to create a penetrating, multi-disciplinarystudy that provides profound insight into one of Western culture’s darkest and most enduring preoccupations

    Herald of Holiness Volume 43, Number 06 (1954)

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    01 The Lord is Risen by General Superintendent Benner 02 The Sanctification of Memory by John T. Donnelly 02 We Will Follow by T. W. Stofer 03 Uruguay - The Switzerland of America by General Superintendent Williamson 04 The Heavenly Stairway by A. O. Hendricks 04 Bright Daffodils in Bloom by Alice Hansche Mortenson 05 “Rock of Ages”: The Song and Story by Haldor Lillenas 05 A Personal Testimony by J. Kenneth Grider 06 The Uttermost Salvation by H. Orton Wiley 07 Thinking About Easter: A Talk About Heaven by Maude Cretors 07 The Victor’s Name by E. E. Wordsworth 08 Help from the Sanctuary by B. V. Seals 08 Port of Home by Jean L. Phillips 09 Soft Were Your Hands, Dear Jesus by Ross E. Price 10 I Watched the Sun Go Down by George H. Talbert 10 Can You Buy Your Own Groceries? By Genevieve Thompson 11 The Question Box by Stephen S. White 12 Editorials by Stephen S. White 14 Home Missions and Evangelism by Roy F. See 15 The Sunday-School Lesson by J. George Taylorson 15 Foreign Missions by Remiss Rehfeldt 16 Religious News and Comments by A. K. Bracken 17 News of the Churches 23 Servicemen’s Corner by L. J. Du Boishttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/2662/thumbnail.jp

    Iain Sinclair and the psychogeography of the split city

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    Iain Sinclair’s London is a labyrinthine city split by multiple forces deliriously replicated in the complexity and contradiction of his own hybrid texts. Sinclair played an integral role in the ‘psychogeographical turn’ of the 1990s, imaginatively mapping the secret histories and occulted alignments of urban space in a series of works that drift between the subject of topography and the topic of subjectivity. In the wake of Sinclair’s continued association with the spatial and textual practices from which such speculative theses derive, the trajectory of this variant psychogeography appears to swerve away from the revolutionary impulses of its initial formation within the radical milieu of the Lettrist International and Situationist International in 1950s Paris towards a more literary phenomenon. From this perspective, the return of psychogeography has been equated with a loss of political ambition within fin de millennium literature. However, the tangled contexts from which Sinclair’s variant psychogeography emerges have received only cursory scholarly attention. This study will unravel these contexts in order to clarify the literary and political ramifications of the seemingly incompatible strands that Sinclair interweaves around the term. Are Sinclair’s counter-narratives to the neoliberal consensus of the early twenty-first century comparable to the critique of capitalism and urbanism advanced by the Situationists? Or is his appropriation of psychogeography emblematic of a broader contemporary recuperation of the oppositional tactics and strategies associated with counter-cultural currents from a more politically adversarial era? Is Sinclair’s transition from the margins of experimental poetry to the literary mainstream correlative with urban gentrification? By examining these questions through the orientating device of a series of psychogeographical plaques tournantes with which Sinclair is preoccupied, this study facilitates a more nuanced evaluation of Sinclair’s compulsively associative use of psychogeography to navigate the split city of London

    Sierra County Advocate, 1891-03-13

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