12 research outputs found

    A modal proof theory for final polynomial coalgebras

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    AbstractAn infinitary proof theory is developed for modal logics whose models are coalgebras of polynomial functors on the category of sets. The canonical model method from modal logic is adapted to construct a final coalgebra for any polynomial functor. The states of this final coalgebra are certain “maximal” sets of formulas that have natural syntactic closure properties.The syntax of these logics extends that of previously developed modal languages for polynomial coalgebras by adding formulas that express the “termination” of certain functions induced by transition paths. A completeness theorem is proven for the logic of functors which have the Lindenbaum property that every consistent set of formulas has a maximal extension. This property is shown to hold if the deducibility relation is generated by countably many inference rules.A counter-example to completeness is also given. This is a polynomial functor that is not Lindenbaum: it has an uncountable set of formulas that is deductively consistent but has no maximal extension and is unsatisfiable, even though all of its countable subsets are satisfiable

    Modal Rules are Co-Implications

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    In [13], it was shown that modal logic for coalgebras dualises—concerning definability— equational logic for algebras. This paper establishes that, similarly, modal rules dualise implications:It is shown that a class of coalgebras is definable by modal rules iff it is closed under H (images) and Σ (disjoint unions). As a corollary the expressive power of rules of infinitary modal logic on Kripke frames is characterised

    Modal Rules are Co-Implications

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    In [13], it was shown that modal logic for coalgebras dualises—concerning definability— equational logic for algebras. This paper establishes that, similarly, modal rules dualise implications:It is shown that a class of coalgebras is definable by modal rules iff it is closed under H (images) and Σ (disjoint unions). As a corollary the expressive power of rules of infinitary modal logic on Kripke frames is characterised

    Definability, Canonical Models, and Compactness for Finitary Coalgebraic Modal Logic

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    This paper studies coalgebras from the perspective of the finitary observations that can be made of their behaviours. Based on the terminal sequence, notions of finitary behaviours and finitary predicates are introduced. A category Behω(T) of coalgebras with morphisms preserving finitary behaviours is defined. We then investigate definability and compactness for finitary coalgebraic modal logic, show that the final object in Behω(T) generalises the notion of a canonical model in modal logic, and study the topology induced on a coalgebra by the finitary part of the terminal sequence

    Strongly Complete Logics for Coalgebras

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    Coalgebras for a functor model different types of transition systems in a uniform way. This paper focuses on a uniform account of finitary logics for set-based coalgebras. In particular, a general construction of a logic from an arbitrary set-functor is given and proven to be strongly complete under additional assumptions. We proceed in three parts. Part I argues that sifted colimit preserving functors are those functors that preserve universal algebraic structure. Our main theorem here states that a functor preserves sifted colimits if and only if it has a finitary presentation by operations and equations. Moreover, the presentation of the category of algebras for the functor is obtained compositionally from the presentations of the underlying category and of the functor. Part II investigates algebras for a functor over ind-completions and extends the theorem of J{\'o}nsson and Tarski on canonical extensions of Boolean algebras with operators to this setting. Part III shows, based on Part I, how to associate a finitary logic to any finite-sets preserving functor T. Based on Part II we prove the logic to be strongly complete under a reasonable condition on T

    Modular Construction of Complete Coalgebraic Logics

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    We present a modular approach to defining logics for a wide variety of state-based systems. The systems are modelled by coalgebras, and we use modal logics to specify their observable properties. We show that the syntax, semantics and proof systems associated to such logics can all be derived in a modular fashion. Moreover, we show that the logics thus obtained inherit soundness, completeness and expressiveness properties from their building blocks. We apply these techniques to derive sound, complete and expressive logics for a wide variety of probabilistic systems, for which no complete axiomatisation has been obtained so far

    Coalgebras and Their Logics

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    Transition systems pervade much of computer science. This article outlines the beginnings of a general theory of specification languages for transition systems. More specifically, transition systems are generalised to coalgebras. Specification languages together with their proof systems, in the following called (logical or modal) calculi, are presented by the associated classes of algebras (e.g., classical propositional logic by Boolean algebras). Stone duality will be used to relate the logics and their coalgebraic semantics

    Coalgebras on Measurable Spaces

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    Thesis (PhD) - Indiana University, Mathematics, 2005Given an endofunctor T in a category C, a coalgebra is a pair (X,c) consisting of an object X and a morphism c:X ->T(X). X is called the carrier and the morphism c is called the structure map of the T-coalgebra. The theory of coalgebras has been found to abstract common features of different areas like computer program semantics, modal logic, automata, non-well-founded sets, etc. Most of the work on concrete examples, however, has been limited to the category Set. The work developed in this dissertation is concerned with the category Meas of measurable spaces and measurable functions. Coalgebras of measurable spaces are of interest as a formalization of Markov Chains and can also be used to model probabilistic reasoning. We discuss some general facts related to the most interesting functor in Meas, Delta, that assigns to each measurable space, the space of all probability measures on it. We show that this functor does not preserve weak pullbacks or omega op-limits, conditions assumed in many theorems about coalgebras. The main result will be two constructions of final coalgebras for many interesting functors in Meas. The first construction (joint work with L. Moss), is based on a modal language that lets us build formulas that describe the elements of the final coalgebra. The second method makes use of a subset of the projective limit of the final sequence for the functor in question. That is, the sequence 1 <- T1 <- T 2 1 <-... obtained by iteratively applying the functor to the terminal element 1 of the category. Since these methods seem to be new, we also show how to use them in the category Set, where they provide some insight on how the structure map of the final coalgebra works. We show as an application how to construct universal Type Spaces, an object of interest in Game Theory and Economics. We also compare our method with previously existing constructions