16,399 research outputs found

    From Distributional to Semantic Similarity

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsLexical-semantic resources, including thesauri and WORDNET, have been successfully incorporated into a wide range of applications in Natural Language Processing. However they are very difficult and expensive to create and maintain, and their usefulness has been severely hampered by their limited coverage, bias and inconsistency. Automated and semi-automated methods for developing such resources are therefore crucial for further resource development and improved application performance. Systems that extract thesauri often identify similar words using the distributional hypothesis that similar words appear in similar contexts. This approach involves using corpora to examine the contexts each word appears in and then calculating the similarity between context distributions. Different definitions of context can be used, and I begin by examining how different types of extracted context influence similarity. To be of most benefit these systems must be capable of finding synonyms for rare words. Reliable context counts for rare events can only be extracted from vast collections of text. In this dissertation I describe how to extract contexts from a corpus of over 2 billion words. I describe techniques for processing text on this scale and examine the trade-off between context accuracy, information content and quantity of text analysed. Distributional similarity is at best an approximation to semantic similarity. I develop improved approximations motivated by the intuition that some events in the context distribution are more indicative of meaning than others. For instance, the object-of-verb context wear is far more indicative of a clothing noun than get. However, existing distributional techniques do not effectively utilise this information. The new context-weighted similarity metric I propose in this dissertation significantly outperforms every distributional similarity metric described in the literature. Nearest-neighbour similarity algorithms scale poorly with vocabulary and context vector size. To overcome this problem I introduce a new context-weighted approximation algorithm with bounded complexity in context vector size that significantly reduces the system runtime with only a minor performance penalty. I also describe a parallelized version of the system that runs on a Beowulf cluster for the 2 billion word experiments. To evaluate the context-weighted similarity measure I compare ranked similarity lists against gold-standard resources using precision and recall-based measures from Information Retrieval, since the alternative, application-based evaluation, can often be influenced by distributional as well as semantic similarity. I also perform a detailed analysis of the final results using WORDNET. Finally, I apply my similarity metric to the task of assigning words to WORDNET semantic categories. I demonstrate that this new approach outperforms existing methods and overcomes some of their weaknesses

    Evaluation of taxonomic and neural embedding methods for calculating semantic similarity

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    Modelling semantic similarity plays a fundamental role in lexical semantic applications. A natural way of calculating semantic similarity is to access handcrafted semantic networks, but similarity prediction can also be anticipated in a distributional vector space. Similarity calculation continues to be a challenging task, even with the latest breakthroughs in deep neural language models. We first examined popular methodologies in measuring taxonomic similarity, including edge-counting that solely employs semantic relations in a taxonomy, as well as the complex methods that estimate concept specificity. We further extrapolated three weighting factors in modelling taxonomic similarity. To study the distinct mechanisms between taxonomic and distributional similarity measures, we ran head-to-head comparisons of each measure with human similarity judgements from the perspectives of word frequency, polysemy degree and similarity intensity. Our findings suggest that without fine-tuning the uniform distance, taxonomic similarity measures can depend on the shortest path length as a prime factor to predict semantic similarity; in contrast to distributional semantics, edge-counting is free from sense distribution bias in use and can measure word similarity both literally and metaphorically; the synergy of retrofitting neural embeddings with concept relations in similarity prediction may indicate a new trend to leverage knowledge bases on transfer learning. It appears that a large gap still exists on computing semantic similarity among different ranges of word frequency, polysemous degree and similarity intensity

    Zero-Shot Event Detection by Multimodal Distributional Semantic Embedding of Videos

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    We propose a new zero-shot Event Detection method by Multi-modal Distributional Semantic embedding of videos. Our model embeds object and action concepts as well as other available modalities from videos into a distributional semantic space. To our knowledge, this is the first Zero-Shot event detection model that is built on top of distributional semantics and extends it in the following directions: (a) semantic embedding of multimodal information in videos (with focus on the visual modalities), (b) automatically determining relevance of concepts/attributes to a free text query, which could be useful for other applications, and (c) retrieving videos by free text event query (e.g., "changing a vehicle tire") based on their content. We embed videos into a distributional semantic space and then measure the similarity between videos and the event query in a free text form. We validated our method on the large TRECVID MED (Multimedia Event Detection) challenge. Using only the event title as a query, our method outperformed the state-of-the-art that uses big descriptions from 12.6% to 13.5% with MAP metric and 0.73 to 0.83 with ROC-AUC metric. It is also an order of magnitude faster.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201

    Computational explorations of semantic cognition

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    Motivated by the widespread use of distributional models of semantics within the cognitive science community, we follow a computational modelling approach in order to better understand and expand the applicability of such models, as well as to test potential ways in which they can be improved and extended. We review evidence in favour of the assumption that distributional models capture important aspects of semantic cognition. We look at the models’ ability to account for behavioural data and fMRI patterns of brain activity, and investigate the structure of model-based, semantic networks. We test whether introducing affective information, obtained from a neural network model designed to predict emojis from co-occurring text, can improve the performance of linguistic and linguistic-visual models of semantics, in accounting for similarity/relatedness ratings. We find that adding visual and affective representations improves performance, especially for concrete and abstract words, respectively. We describe a processing model based on distributional semantics, in which activation spreads throughout a semantic network, as dictated by the patterns of semantic similarity between words. We show that the activation profile of the network, measured at various time points, can account for response time and accuracies in lexical and semantic decision tasks, as well as for concreteness/imageability and similarity/relatedness ratings. We evaluate the differences between concrete and abstract words, in terms of the structure of the semantic networks derived from distributional models of semantics. We examine how the structure is related to a number of factors that have been argued to differ between concrete and abstract words, namely imageability, age of acquisition, hedonic valence, contextual diversity, and semantic diversity. We use distributional models to explore factors that might be responsible for the poor linguistic performance of children suffering from Developmental Language Disorder. Based on the assumption that certain model parameters can be given a psychological interpretation, we start from “healthy” models, and generate “lesioned” models, by manipulating the parameters. This allows us to determine the importance of each factor, and their effects with respect to learning concrete vs abstract words

    Vector spaces for historical linguistics : using distributional semantics to study syntactic productivity in diachrony

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    This paper describes an application of dis- tributional semantics to the study of syn- tactic productivity in diachrony, i.e., the property of grammatical constructions to attract new lexical items over time. By providing an empirical measure of seman- tic similarity between words derived from lexical co-occurrences, distributional se- mantics not only reliably captures how the verbs in the distribution of a construc- tion are related, but also enables the use of visualization techniques and statistical modeling to analyze the semantic develop- ment of a construction over time and iden- tify the semantic determinants of syntactic productivity in naturally occurring data

    SemR-11: A Multi-Lingual Gold-Standard for Semantic Similarity and Relatedness for Eleven Languages

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    This work describes SemR-11, a multi-lingual dataset for evaluating semantic similarity and relatedness for 11 languages (German, French, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese, Swedish, Spanish, Arabic and Persian). Semantic similarity and relatedness gold standards have been initially used to support the evaluation of semantic distance measures in the context of linguistic and knowledge resources and distributional semantic models. SemR-11 builds upon the English gold-standards of Miller & Charles (MC), Rubenstein & Goodenough (RG), WordSimilarity 353 (WS-353), and Simlex-999, providing a canonical translation for them. The final dataset consists of 15,917 word pairs and can be used to support the construction and evaluation of semantic similarity/relatedness and distributional semantic models. As a case study, the SemR-11 test collections was used to investigate how different distributional semantic models built from corpora in different languages and with different sizes perform in computing semantic relatedness similarity and relatedness tasks

    Distributional Formal Semantics

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    Natural language semantics has recently sought to combine the complementary strengths of formal and distributional approaches to meaning. More specifically, proposals have been put forward to augment formal semantic machinery with distributional meaning representations, thereby introducing the notion of semantic similarity into formal semantics, or to define distributional systems that aim to incorporate formal notions such as entailment and compositionality. However, given the fundamentally different 'representational currency' underlying formal and distributional approaches - models of the world versus linguistic co-occurrence - their unification has proven extremely difficult. Here, we define a Distributional Formal Semantics that integrates distributionality into a formal semantic system on the level of formal models. This approach offers probabilistic, distributed meaning representations that are also inherently compositional, and that naturally capture fundamental semantic notions such as quantification and entailment. Furthermore, we show how the probabilistic nature of these representations allows for probabilistic inference, and how the information-theoretic notion of "information" (measured in terms of Entropy and Surprisal) naturally follows from it. Finally, we illustrate how meaning representations can be derived incrementally from linguistic input using a recurrent neural network model, and how the resultant incremental semantic construction procedure intuitively captures key semantic phenomena, including negation, presupposition, and anaphoricity.Comment: To appear in: Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2019 Special Issue
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