20,402 research outputs found

    A Discrete Geometric Optimal Control Framework for Systems with Symmetries

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    This paper studies the optimal motion control of mechanical systems through a discrete geometric approach. At the core of our formulation is a discrete Lagrange-d’Alembert- Pontryagin variational principle, from which are derived discrete equations of motion that serve as constraints in our optimization framework. We apply this discrete mechanical approach to holonomic systems with symmetries and, as a result, geometric structure and motion invariants are preserved. We illustrate our method by computing optimal trajectories for a simple model of an air vehicle flying through a digital terrain elevation map, and point out some of the numerical benefits that ensue

    Kinematic Flexibility Analysis: Hydrogen Bonding Patterns Impart a Spatial Hierarchy of Protein Motion

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    Elastic network models (ENM) and constraint-based, topological rigidity analysis are two distinct, coarse-grained approaches to study conformational flexibility of macromolecules. In the two decades since their introduction, both have contributed significantly to insights into protein molecular mechanisms and function. However, despite a shared purpose of these approaches, the topological nature of rigidity analysis, and thereby the absence of motion modes, has impeded a direct comparison. Here, we present an alternative, kinematic approach to rigidity analysis, which circumvents these drawbacks. We introduce a novel protein hydrogen bond network spectral decomposition, which provides an orthonormal basis for collective motions modulated by non-covalent interactions, analogous to the eigenspectrum of normal modes, and decomposes proteins into rigid clusters identical to those from topological rigidity. Our kinematic flexibility analysis bridges topological rigidity theory and ENM, and enables a detailed analysis of motion modes obtained from both approaches. Our analysis reveals that collectivity of protein motions, reported by the Shannon entropy, is significantly lower for rigidity theory versus normal mode approaches. Strikingly, kinematic flexibility analysis suggests that the hydrogen bonding network encodes a protein-fold specific, spatial hierarchy of motions, which goes nearly undetected in ENM. This hierarchy reveals distinct motion regimes that rationalize protein stiffness changes observed from experiment and molecular dynamics simulations. A formal expression for changes in free energy derived from the spectral decomposition indicates that motions across nearly 40% of modes obey enthalpy-entropy compensation. Taken together, our analysis suggests that hydrogen bond networks have evolved to modulate protein structure and dynamics

    Endoscopic Camera Control by Head Movements for Thoracic Surgery

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    In current video-assisted thoracic surgery, the endoscopic camera is operated by an assistant of the surgeon, which has several disadvantages. This paper describes a system which enables the surgeon to control the endoscopic camera without the help of an assistant. The system is controlled using head movements, so the surgeon can use his/her hands to oper- ate the instruments. The system is based on a flexible endoscope, which leaves more space for the surgeon to operate his/her instruments compared to a rigid endoscope. The endoscopic image is shown either on a monitor or by means of a head- mounted display. Several trial sessions were performed with an anatomical model. Results indicate that the developed concept may provide a solution to some of the problems currently encountered in video-assisted thoracic surgery. The use of a head-mounted display turned out to be a valuable addition since it ensures the image is always in front of the surgeon’s eyes
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