
Construction of periodic adapted orthonormal frames on closed space curves


The construction of continuous adapted orthonormal frames along C1 closed–loop spatial curves is addressed. Such frames are important in the design of periodic spatial rigid–body motions along smooth closed paths. The construction is illustrated through the simplest non–trivial context — namely, C1 closed loops defined by a single Pythagorean–hodograph (PH) quintic space curve of a prescribed total arc length. It is shown that such curves comprise a two–parameter family, dependent on two angular variables, and they degenerate to planar curves when these parameters differ by an integer multiple of π. The desired frame is constructed through a rotation applied to the normal–plane vectors of the Euler–Rodrigues frame, so as to interpolate a given initial/final frame orientation. A general solution for periodic adapted frames of minimal twist on C1 closed–loop PH curves is possible, although this incurs transcendental terms. However, the C1 closed–loop PH quintics admit particularly simple rational periodic adapted frames

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