231 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic studies of supergiant elliptical galaxies

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    This investigation reports on detailed spectroscopic observations of four southern supergiant elliptical galaxies. A Fourier Difference method is derived to analyse absorption-line data to obtain velocities, velocity dispersions and line-strengths. The method is then applied to the galaxy sample to provide rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles. A dynamical model is used to assist interpretation, in which a normal elliptical galaxy is placed in a massive background of dark material. The observations indicate that supergiant elliptical galaxies do not rotate; are over-luminous for their central velocity dispersions and have velocity dispersion profiles which depend on the location of the galaxy within the cluster. Modelling of the profiles suggests that any dark background has a density scale length less than or equal to the cluster galaxies themselves. Two dumb-bell galaxies included in the sample are probably merging. The conclusion of this work is that the formation of supergiant elliptical galaxies is primarily an evolutionary process [eg galactic cannibalism], but does depend on certain initial conditions which affect the way in which that evolution proceeds [eg tidal stripping]

    An investigation of priming, self-consciousness, and allegiance in the diegetic camera horror film

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    The main research question underpinning this study asks why and how the diegetic camera technique has become so popular to both contemporary horror filmmakers and audiences. In order to answer this question, this thesis adopts a mainly cognitive theoretical framework in order to address the mental schemata and processes that are elicited and triggered by these films. The concept of the diegetic camera is explored by analysing specific films and constructing an argument for the effects that this aesthetic and narrational technique can have on the cognition of viewers. Applying theoretical notions such as schema, priming, identification, recognition, alignment, and allegiance to the analysis of the focus films, I examine how the viewer’s mind works when watching these films. Another central concern of this thesis is the way in which mediated realism is constructed in the films in order to attempt to make audiences either (mis)read the footage as non-fiction, or more commonly to imagine that the footage is non-fiction. I demonstrate that the films under scrutiny create a sense of increased immediacy and alignment with the characters through various techniques associated with the diegetic camera. The concepts of identification and character engagement are interrogated by using cognitive concepts such as recognition, alignment, and allegiance (Smith, 1995). These individual concepts break down the notion of identification into distinct processes, allowing for a more rigorous examination of the notion of character engagement. The thesis also considers how priming and self-consciousness eventually affect the audience’s perception and cognition of the films, most significantly in relation to the theory of personal imagining (Currie, 1995)

    Recent Changes in Drug Abuse Scenario: The Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Phenomenon

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    copyright 2019 by the authors. Articles in this book are Open Access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. The book as a whole is distributed by MDPI under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.Final Published versio

    2009 Abstract Booklet

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    Complete Schedule of Events for the 11th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at Minnesota State University, Mankato

    Subjective Excess: Aesthetics, Character, and Non-Normative Perspectives in Serial Television After 2000

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    This dissertation aims to fill gaps in contemporary television scholarship with regards to aesthetics and character subjectivity. By analyzing eight series that have all aired after 2000, there is a marked trend in series that use an excessive visual and aural style to not only differentiate themselves from other programming, but also to explore non-normative perspectives. Now more willing to explore previously taboo topics such as mental health, addiction, illness, and trauma, the shows featured in this dissertation show how a seemingly excessive televisual aesthetic works with television’s seriality to create narrative complexity and generate character development. Chapters are arranged by mode of production with the first chapter focusing on the series Grey’s Anatomy and Hannibal as a means of exploring the production and distribution practices surrounding network TV. The second chapter examines the basic cable series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Legion and posits how the narrowcasting of cable allows for more nuanced character representations through aesthetics. In the third chapter, the impact HBO has had on the television medium is explored through Carnivàle and Euphoria. The final chapter looks at contemporary series The Boys and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt as a way to better understand how the medium’s production and distribution has shifted during the convergence era. Ultimately, this dissertation will argue that in addition to further explorations of aesthetics, television studies is in need of a medium specific vernacular for creating meaningful textual analyses that avoid an overreliance on cinematic terminology

    An Analysis of Interactions and Outcomes Associated with an Online Professional Development Course for Science Teachers

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    This mixed-methods study examined the interactions and learning outcomes of science teachers in an online graduate-level course on evolutionary biology intended to improve their content knowledge and science lesson planning. Discussion posts made by the teachers in this seven-week course were analyzed for cognitive presence using the Community of Inquiry framework. Compared to other studies examining cognitive presence, high levels of Integration level cognitive activity were observed (47% of total posts). This was most likely due to the design of the discussion prompts and expectations used to frame student participation. The questions were open-ended, and students were expected to use reference materials to construct their responses. During the course, 395 student posts contained statements that could be coded for scientific accuracy. Of these, 85% were coded as scientifically accurate. This reinforces reports from previous literature that the online environment is conducive to reflective and careful contributions by participants.As the course progressed, the number of faculty posts per discussion declined, while the number of student posts remained relatively constant. Student-to-student posts increased in frequency as faculty participation dropped. The number of student posts increased towards the end of each two-week discussion period, however the frequencies of posts with scientifically accurate statements and Integration level cognitive activity remained relatively constant over this same period. The increase in total posts was due to the increase in other types of communication in the discussions. Case study analysis was used to examine patterns of online behavior in three participants who achieved different course grades. A low-performing student had a pattern of intermittent activity, made low numbers of posts in each discussion, and had low percentages of posts that contained scientific statements or indicators of Integration level cognitive activity compared to classmates. A medium-performing learner posted infrequently but was efficient in making scientifically accurate posts that demonstrated Integration. Both the medium and low performer made most of their posts near the end of each two-week discussion period and had limited interaction with other learners. The high-performing learner demonstrated high levels of engagement with the course material. She posted frequently, introduced new resources to the other learners, and had high numbers of scientifically accurate and Integration level posts. An examination of teachers' views of the Nature of Science (NOS) using a pre- and post course Views of Nature of Science - C survey indicated that this group of teachers began the course with relatively informed views of many of the nature of science aspects. An exception was views about the nature of scientific theories and laws. At the start of the course 10 of 18 participants had naive views, five had partially informed views, and three had informed views. While scientific definitions of theories and laws were addressed in the course, there was no task that asked teachers to apply their understanding of this topic. When the course finished, six participants still had naive views, six held partially informed views, and six had informed views. Participants used course content to create teaching unit plans that indicated how they might use the course outcomes in their practice. Most of the learning objectives stated in the unit plans were grade-level appropriate when referenced to the Benchmarks for Science Literacy. The exception was the inclusion by some middle school teachers of detailed analyses of evolutionary relationships using genetic data. Although there was alignment of stated objectives to content from the online course and lesson activities, some of the teachers did not fully align assessments with their objectives.Based on these findings, it is suggested that designers of online instruction be mindful in the framing of learning tasks and use open-ended discussion prompts that require the use of reference materials if Integration level cognitive activity is the goal. The teachers in this course were generally able to utilize content from the course to create teaching applications, but more support for pedagogical applications could be an important addition for teachers who struggled with this task. This study reinforces previous research that indicates that online asynchronous discussions encourage reflection by learners. However, analysis of individuals who struggled in the course indicates that the online format may not suit all learners since consistent effort and the ability to communicate effectively in writing are important for success

    The Foyers Granitic Complex and its aureole

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    The field mapping of the Foyers Granitic Complex and its psammite envelope provided data to study the emplacement of the complex, and produce part of British Geological Survey Sheet 73E. The complex contains quartz diorite cut by quartz monzodiorite in the north, granodiorite in the south, and cross cutting adamellite stocks throughout the pluton. These units are the products of a differentiating magma body at depth. A north easterly trending suite of microdiorite dykes cross cuts the complex. The complex was emplaced into Grampian Group psammites, after the cessation of Caledonian orogenesis, and developed an extensive thermal aureole, with minor anatexis occuring in the inner aureole. Granitoid fabrics, enclaves, xenoliths and internal contacts imply emplacement whilst in a magmatic state. The adamellite was emplaced into a solid pluton. Boudinage and shearing in envelope psammites, and intense solid state fabrics in pre-Foyers granitoids, indicate the envelope shortened perpendicular to the complex margin. Major and minor D1, D2 and D3 regional structures are not rotated by granitoid emplacement. The orientations of the contact parallel psammite units are controlled by regional structures. Contact relationships between envelope and complex imply sloping was the major intrusion mechanism, with siliceous lithologies more readily sloped than others. Low density contrasts between granitoid and envelope necessitate sloping occured whilst the pluton was very fluid, extra bouyancy perhaps derived from connection with a magma source at depth. The Foyers Complex was emplaced as a series of stocks sloping into the crust. Regional structures controlled the morphology of the magma chamber because certain stratigraphic units either facilitated or hindered sloping. The positions of these units are controlled by regional structure. Ballooning of the magma chamber occured whilst the entire complex was fluid and deformed the envelope


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    A Catalogue of Khoisan Folktales of Southern Africa. Part I: Introduction, Types, Indices, Sources; Part II: The Tales (Analyses). By Sigrid Schmidt. Review by Robert Cancel, University of California, San Diego. Baba Yaga: The Wild Witch of the East in Russian Fairy Tales. Edited by Sibelan Forrester, Martin Skoro, and Helena Goscilo. Review by Cory Thomas Hutcheson, Penn State Harrisburg Espen Ash Lad: Folk Tales from Norway. Translated by Robert Gambles. Review by Jack Zipes, University of Minnesota. Shikhandi and Other Tales They Don’t Tell You. By Devdutt Pattanaik. Review by Jane Orton. A Fairytale in Question: Historical Interactions Between Humans and Wolves. Edited by Patrick Masius and Jana Sprenger. Review by Shannon Scott, University of St. Thomas. The Folkloresque: Reframing Folklore in a Popular Culture World. Edited by Michael Dylan Foster and Jeffrey A. Tolbert. Review by Anelise Farris, Idaho State University. The Teller’s Tale: Lives of the Classic Fairy Tale Writers. Edited by Sophie Raynard. Review by Megan Egbert, Utah State University. Contes en réseaux: l’émergence du conte sur la scène littéraire européenne. By Patricia Eichel–Lojkine. Review by Bérénice V. Le Marchand, San Francisco State University. Demystifying Disney: A History of Feature Animation. By Chris Pallant. Review by Jack Zipes, University of Minnesota. Fairy Tale. By Andrew Teverson. Review by Donald Haase, Wayne State University. Fairy Tale and Film: Old Tales with a New Spin. By Sue Short. Review by Shannon Branfield, Utah State University. George MacDonald: Divine Carelessness and Fairytale Levity. By Daniel Gabelman. Review by Sara Cleto, The Ohio State University. Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction: A Cognitive Reading. By Marek C. Oziewicz. Review by Carmen Nolte-Odhiambo, University of Hawai‘i, West O‘ahu. Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale. By Marina Warner. Review by Jeffrey Howard, Idaho State University. Queer Enchantments: Gender, Sexuality, and Class in the Fairy-Tale Cinema of Jacques Demy. By Anne E. Duggan. Review by Kimberly J. Lau, University of California, Santa Cruz

    AQD highlights 2006

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    The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department is mandated to: 1) promote and undertake aquaculture research that is relevant and appropriate for the region; 2) develop human resources for the region; and, 3) disseminate and exchange information in aquaculture. The Aquaculture Department in the Philippines maintains 4 stations: in Iloilo Province, the Tigbauan Main Station and Dumangas Brackishwater Station; in Guimaras, the Igang Marine Station; and, in Rizal, the Binangonan Freshwater Substation. Highlights are provided of the research programmes and activities conducted by the department during the year 2006
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