10 research outputs found

    Software as a service: Undo

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    This paper proposes a highly automated mechanism to build an undo facility into a new or existing system easily. Our proposal is based on the observation that for a large set of operators it is not necessary to store in-memory object states or executed system commands to undo an action; the storage of input data is instead enough. This strategy simplifies greatly the design of the undo process and encapsulates most of the functionalities required in a framework structure similar to the many object-oriented programming frameworks

    Service Oriented Architecture for Undo Functionality

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    This paper proposes a highly automated mechanism to build an undo facility into a new or existing system easily encapsulated into a service. Our proposal is based on the observation that for a large set of operators it is not necessary to store in-memory object states or executed system commands to undo an action; the storage of input data is instead enough. The use of services strategy simplifies greatly the design of the undo process and encapsulates most of the functionalities required in a framework structure similar to the many object-oriented programming frameworks. We present a proof of concept illustrating the simplicity and reusability of the proposed framework under alignments of Software as a Service.Trabajo presentado en el VI International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, realizado del 19 al 21 de septiembre en B茅lgica

    Service Oriented Architecture for Undo Functionality

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    This paper proposes a highly automated mechanism to build an undo facility into a new or existing system easily encapsulated into a service. Our proposal is based on the observation that for a large set of operators it is not necessary to store in-memory object states or executed system commands to undo an action; the storage of input data is instead enough. The use of services strategy simplifies greatly the design of the undo process and encapsulates most of the functionalities required in a framework structure similar to the many object-oriented programming frameworks. We present a proof of concept illustrating the simplicity and reusability of the proposed framework under alignments of Software as a Service.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Modelo de inclusi贸n de la funcionalidad UNDO/REDO

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    Se propone la utilizaci贸n de un servicio de software (SaaS) junto a una metodolog铆a para realizar en forma ordenada la inclusi贸n de la funcionalidad de Undo/Redo dentro de una aplicaci贸n nueva o existente.Eje: Workshop Innovaci贸n en sistemas de software (WISS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Software as a Service: Undo

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    This paper proposes a highly automated mechanism to build an undo facility into a new or existing system easily. Our proposal is based on the observation that for a large set of operators it is not necessary to store in-memory object states or executed system commands to undo an action; the storage of input data is instead enough. This strategy simplifies greatly the design of the undo process and encapsulates most of the functionalities required in a framework structure similar to the many object-oriented programming frameworks.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Service Oriented Architecture for Undo Functionality

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    This paper proposes a highly automated mechanism to build an undo facility into a new or existing system easily encapsulated into a service. Our proposal is based on the observation that for a large set of operators it is not necessary to store in-memory object states or executed system commands to undo an action; the storage of input data is instead enough. The use of services strategy simplifies greatly the design of the undo process and encapsulates most of the functionalities required in a framework structure similar to the many object-oriented programming frameworks. We present a proof of concept illustrating the simplicity and reusability of the proposed framework under alignments of Software as a Service.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Inclusi贸n de servicios en aplicaciones basados en patrones de usabilidad : Caso UNDO/REDO

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    Los patrones de usabilidad son un aspecto central en el desarrollo de software, pues estos son los encargados de sentar las bases de un conjunto de principios validados y establecidos para la creaci贸n de una apropiada interfaz de usuario. En este sentido el esfuerzo por desarrollar un modelo de patrones de usabilidad esta justificado y permite sumar una instancia mas al proceso de automatizaci贸n en el desarrollo de software. En esta tesis doctoral se propone un mecanismo que ha evolucionado desde los patrones hasta una arquitectura de usabilidad, detallando el proceso evolutivo que ha llevado el mismo, define en detalle el patr贸n de usabilidad UNDO/REDO y construye los cimientos para extender este modelo a otros patrones de usabilidad.Usability patterns are a central aspect of software development, as these are responsible for laying the foundations of a set of validated and established principles for creating an appropriate user interface. In this sense the effort to develop a model of usability patterns is justified and can then add another instance to process automation in software. This PhD thesis proposes a mechanism that has evolved from an architecture patterns to usability, detailing the evolutionary process that has led it defines in detail the usability pattern UNDO/REDO and builds the foundation for extending this model to other usability patterns.La tesis cont贸 con la doble direcci贸n de la Dr. Patricia Pesado (UNLP) y del Prof. Oscar Dieste (UPM).Facultad de Inform谩tic

    From Undo to Multi-User Applications

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    . The interaction history of a document can be modelled as a tree of command objects. This model does not only support recovery (undo/redo), but is also suitable for cooperation between distributed users working on a common document. Various coupling modes can be supported. Switching between modes is supported by regarding different versions of a document as different branches of the history. Branches can later be merged using a selective redo mechanism. Synchronous cooperation is supported by replicating the document state and exchanging command objects. Optimistic concurrency control can be applied because conflicting actions can later be undone automatically. 1 Introduction In the context of the GINA [14] project at GMD we have developed a model for the generic implementation of mechanisms for multi-user applications for both synchronous and asynchronous cooperation. GINA is an object-oriented application framework to support graphical user interfaces. Our model for the i..

    From undo to multi-user applications

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    From Undo to Multi-User Applications - the Demo

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    The object-oriented history mechanism of the GINA application framework and its relevance for multi-user applications are demonstrated. The interaction history of a document is represented as a tree of command objects. Synchronous cooperation is supported by replicating the document state and exchanging command objects. Asynchronous cooperation leads to different branches of the history tree which can later be merged. KEYWORDS: User Interface Management Systems, CSCW, Command Objects, Undo, Dialog History. INTRODUCTION GINA (the Generic INteractive Application) is a class library which allows the implementation of state-of-the-art direct-manipulation user interfaces [7]. Applications are created by defining subclasses of GINA classes and adding and overriding methods. The behaviour of a typical application is inherited in this way. The unlimited history mechanism is generically implemented in GINA and therefore available in all applications. It is based on command objects describin..