7 research outputs found

    Uncertainty Quantification and Runtime Monitoring Using Environment-Aware Digital Twins

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    A digital twin for a Cyber-Physical System includes a simulation model that predicts how a physical system should behave. We show how to quantify and characterise violation events for a given safety property for the physical system. The analysis uses the digital twin to inform a runtime monitor that checks whether the noise and violations observed fall within expected statistical distributions. The results allow engineers to determine the best system configuration through what-if analysis. We illustrate our approach with a case study of an agricultural vehicle

    What Makes Agile Test Artifacts Useful? An Activity-Based Quality Model from a Practitioners' Perspective

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    Background: The artifacts used in Agile software testing and the reasons why these artifacts are used are fairly well-understood. However, empirical research on how Agile test artifacts are eventually designed in practice and which quality factors make them useful for software testing remains sparse. Aims: Our objective is two-fold. First, we identify current challenges in using test artifacts to understand why certain quality factors are considered good or bad. Second, we build an Activity-Based Artifact Quality Model that describes what Agile test artifacts should look like. Method: We conduct an industrial survey with 18 practitioners from 12 companies operating in seven different domains. Results: Our analysis reveals nine challenges and 16 factors describing the quality of six test artifacts from the perspective of Agile testers. Interestingly, we observed mostly challenges regarding language and traceability, which are well-known to occur in non-Agile projects. Conclusions: Although Agile software testing is becoming the norm, we still have little confidence about general do's and don'ts going beyond conventional wisdom. This study is the first to distill a list of quality factors deemed important to what can be considered as useful test artifacts

    Syntactic approaches to negative results in process algebras and modal logics

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    Concurrency as a phenomenon is observed in most of the current computer science trends. However the inherent complexity of analyzing the behavior of such a system is incremented due to the many different models of concurrency, the variety of applications and architectures, as well as the wide spectrum of specification languages and demanded correctness criteria. For the scope of this thesis we focus on state based models of concurrent computation, and on modal logics as specification languages. First we study syntactically the process algebras that describe several different concurrent behaviors, by analyzing their equational theories. Here, we use well-established techniques from the equational logic of processes to older and newer setups, and then transition to the use of more general and novel methods for the syntactical analysis of models of concurrent programs and specification languages. Our main contributions are several positive and negative axiomatizability results over various process algebraic languages and equivalences, along with some complexity results over the satisfiability of multi-agent modal logic with recursion, as a specification language.Samhliða sem fyrirbæri sést í flestum núverandi tölvunarfræði stefnur. Hins vegar er eðlislægt flókið að greina hegðun slíks kerfis- tem er aukið vegna margra mismunandi gerða samhliða, fjölbreytileikans af forritum og arkitektúr, svo og breitt svið forskrifta mælikvarða og kröfðust réttmætisviðmiða. Fyrir umfang þessarar ritgerðar leggjum við áherslu á ástandsbundin líkön af samhliða útreikningum og á formlegum rökfræði sem forskrift tungumálum. Fyrst skoðum við setningafræðilega ferlialgebrurnar sem lýsa nokkrum mismunandi samhliða hegðun, með því að greina jöfnukenningar þeirra. Hér notum við rótgróin tækni mynda jöfnunarrökfræði ferla til eldri og nýrri uppsetningar, og síðan umskipti yfir í notkun almennari og nýrra aðferða fyrir setningafræðileg greining á líkönum samhliða forrita og forskriftartungumála. Helstu framlög okkar eru nokkrar jákvæðar og neikvæðar niðurstöður um axiomatizability yfir ýmis ferli algebrumál og jafngildi, ásamt nokkrum samSveigjanleiki leiðir af því að fullnægjanleiki fjölþátta formrökfræði með endurkomu, sem a forskrift tungumál.RANNIS: `Open Problems in the Equational Logic of Processes’ (OPEL) (grant No 196050-051) Reykjavik University research fund: `Runtime and Equational Verification of Concurrent Programs' (ReVoCoP) (grant No 222021