30 research outputs found

    Topological Quantum Programming in TED-K

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    While the realization of scalable quantum computation will arguably require topological stabilization and, with it, topological-hardware-aware quantum programming and topological-quantum circuit verification, the proper combination of these strategies into dedicated topological quantum programming languages has not yet received attention. Here we describe a fundamental and natural scheme that we are developing, for typed functional (hence verifiable) topological quantum programming which is topological-hardware aware -- in that it natively reflects the universal fine technical detail of topological q-bits, namely of symmetry-protected (or enhanced) topologically ordered Laughlin-type anyon ground states in topological phases of quantum materials. What makes this work is: (1) our recent result that wavefunctions of realistic and technologically viable anyon species -- namely of su(2)-anyons such as the popular Majorana/Ising anyons but also of computationally universal Fibonacci anyons -- are reflected in the twisted equivariant differential (TED) K-cohomology of configuration spaces of codimension=2 nodal defects in the host material's crystallographic orbifold; (2) combined with our earlier observation that such TED generalized cohomology theories on orbifolds interpret intuitionistically-dependent linear data types in cohesive homotopy type theory (HoTT), supporting a powerful modern form of modal quantum logic. In this short note we give an exposition of the basic ideas, a quick review of the underlying results and a brief indication of the basic language constructs for anyon braiding via TED-K in cohesive HoTT. The language system is under development at the "Center for Quantum and Topological Systems" at the Research Institute of NYU, Abu Dhabi.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; extended abstract for contribution to: PlanQC2022 https://icfp22.sigplan.org/home/planqc-202

    Twisted Cubes and their Applications in Type Theory

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    This thesis captures the ongoing development of twisted cubes, which is a modification of cubes (in a topological sense) where its homotopy type theory does not require paths or higher paths to be invertible. My original motivation to develop the twisted cubes was to resolve the incompatibility between cubical type theory and directed type theory. The development of twisted cubes is still in the early stages and the intermediate goal, for now, is to define a twisted cube category and its twisted cubical sets that can be used to construct a potential definition of (infinity, n)-categories. The intermediate goal above leads me to discover a novel framework that uses graph theory to transform convex polytopes, such as simplices and (standard) cubes, into base categories. Intuitively, an n-dimensional polytope is transformed into a directed graph consists 0-faces (extreme points) of the polytope as its nodes and 1-faces of the polytope as its edges. Then, we define the base category as the full subcategory of the graph category induced by the family of these graphs from all n-dimensional cases. With this framework, the modification from cubes to twisted cubes can formally be done by reversing some edges of cube graphs. Equivalently, the twisted n-cube graph is the result of a certain endofunctor being applied n times to the singleton graph; this endofunctor (called twisted prism functor) duplicates the input, reverses all edges in the first copy, and then pairwisely links nodes from the first copy to the second copy. The core feature of a twisted graph is its unique Hamiltonian path, which is useful to prove many properties of twisted cubes. In particular, the reflexive transitive closure of a twisted graph is isomorphic to the simplex graph counterpart, which remarkably suggests that twisted cubes not only relate to (standard) cubes but also simplices.Comment: PhD thesis (accepted at the University of Nottingham), 162 page

    Truncation levels in homotopy type theory

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    Homotopy type theory (HoTT) is a branch of mathematics that combines and benefits from a variety of fields, most importantly homotopy theory, higher dimensional category theory, and, of course, type theory. We present several original results in homotopy type theory which are related to the truncation level of types, a concept due to Voevodsky. To begin, we give a few simple criteria for determining whether a type is 0-truncated (a set), inspired by a well-known theorem by Hedberg, and these criteria are then generalised to arbitrary n. This naturally leads to a discussion of functions that are weakly constant, i.e. map any two inputs to equal outputs. A weakly constant function does in general not factor through the propositional truncation of its domain, something that one could expect if the function really did not depend on its input. However, the factorisation is always possible for weakly constant endofunctions, which makes it possible to define a propositional notion of anonymous existence. We additionally find a few other non-trivial special cases in which the factorisation works. Further, we present a couple of constructions which are only possible with the judgmental computation rule for the truncation. Among these is an invertibility puzzle that seemingly inverts the canonical map from Nat to the truncation of Nat, which is perhaps surprising as the latter type is equivalent to the unit type. A further result is the construction of strict n-types in Martin-Lof type theory with a hierarchy of univalent universes (and without higher inductive types), and a proof that the universe U(n) is not n-truncated. This solves a hitherto open problem of the 2012/13 special year program on Univalent Foundations at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton). The main result of this thesis is a generalised universal property of the propositional truncation, using a construction of coherently constant functions. We show that the type of such coherently constant functions between types A and B, which can be seen as the type of natural transformations between two diagrams over the simplex category without degeneracies (i.e. finite non-empty sets and strictly increasing functions), is equivalent to the type of functions with the truncation of A as domain and B as codomain. In the general case, the definition of natural transformations between such diagrams requires an infinite tower of conditions, which exists if the type theory has Reedy limits of diagrams over the ordinal omega. If B is an n-type for some given finite n, (non-trivial) Reedy limits are unnecessary, allowing us to construct functions from the truncation of A to B in homotopy type theory without further assumptions. To obtain these results, we develop some theory on equality diagrams, especially equality semi-simplicial types. In particular, we show that the semi-simplicial equality type over any type satisfies the Kan condition, which can be seen as the simplicial version of the fundamental result by Lumsdaine, and by van den Berg and Garner, that types are weak omega-groupoids. Finally, we present some results related to formalisations of infinite structures that seem to be impossible to express internally. To give an example, we show how the simplex category can be implemented so that the categorical laws hold strictly. In the presence of very dependent types, we speculate that this makes the Reedy approach for the famous open problem of defining semi-simplicial types work

    Truncation levels in homotopy type theory

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    Homotopy type theory (HoTT) is a branch of mathematics that combines and benefits from a variety of fields, most importantly homotopy theory, higher dimensional category theory, and, of course, type theory. We present several original results in homotopy type theory which are related to the truncation level of types, a concept due to Voevodsky. To begin, we give a few simple criteria for determining whether a type is 0-truncated (a set), inspired by a well-known theorem by Hedberg, and these criteria are then generalised to arbitrary n. This naturally leads to a discussion of functions that are weakly constant, i.e. map any two inputs to equal outputs. A weakly constant function does in general not factor through the propositional truncation of its domain, something that one could expect if the function really did not depend on its input. However, the factorisation is always possible for weakly constant endofunctions, which makes it possible to define a propositional notion of anonymous existence. We additionally find a few other non-trivial special cases in which the factorisation works. Further, we present a couple of constructions which are only possible with the judgmental computation rule for the truncation. Among these is an invertibility puzzle that seemingly inverts the canonical map from Nat to the truncation of Nat, which is perhaps surprising as the latter type is equivalent to the unit type. A further result is the construction of strict n-types in Martin-Lof type theory with a hierarchy of univalent universes (and without higher inductive types), and a proof that the universe U(n) is not n-truncated. This solves a hitherto open problem of the 2012/13 special year program on Univalent Foundations at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton). The main result of this thesis is a generalised universal property of the propositional truncation, using a construction of coherently constant functions. We show that the type of such coherently constant functions between types A and B, which can be seen as the type of natural transformations between two diagrams over the simplex category without degeneracies (i.e. finite non-empty sets and strictly increasing functions), is equivalent to the type of functions with the truncation of A as domain and B as codomain. In the general case, the definition of natural transformations between such diagrams requires an infinite tower of conditions, which exists if the type theory has Reedy limits of diagrams over the ordinal omega. If B is an n-type for some given finite n, (non-trivial) Reedy limits are unnecessary, allowing us to construct functions from the truncation of A to B in homotopy type theory without further assumptions. To obtain these results, we develop some theory on equality diagrams, especially equality semi-simplicial types. In particular, we show that the semi-simplicial equality type over any type satisfies the Kan condition, which can be seen as the simplicial version of the fundamental result by Lumsdaine, and by van den Berg and Garner, that types are weak omega-groupoids. Finally, we present some results related to formalisations of infinite structures that seem to be impossible to express internally. To give an example, we show how the simplex category can be implemented so that the categorical laws hold strictly. In the presence of very dependent types, we speculate that this makes the Reedy approach for the famous open problem of defining semi-simplicial types work

    Reversibility for Quantum Programming Language QML

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    We present an extension of the denotational semantic model of the quantum programming language QML, to which computational reversibility is incorporated. The semantics of QML is defined in a functional setting which consider classical and quantum data, to which we add inverse functions. Additionally we incorporate into the semantics a history track which allows reversibility in QML. From the generation and processing of the history track and the final result of a program, the rules for executing reversibility allow to compute the original input data. This work contributes to the study of reversibility in quantum programming languages and considering that there is not yet a quantum computer in which the language can be implemented, this history and the proposed inverse functions are not trivial and allows us to determine that this language is reversible

    Twisted Cubes and their Applications in Type Theory

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    This thesis captures the ongoing development of twisted cubes, which is a modification of cubes (in a topological sense) where its homotopy type theory does not require paths or higher paths to be invertible. My original motivation to develop the twisted cubes was to resolve the incompatibility between cubical type theory and directed type theory. The development of twisted cubes is still in the early stages and the intermediate goal, for now, is to define a twisted cube category and its twisted cubical sets that can be used to construct a potential definition of (infinity, n)-categories. The intermediate goal above leads me to discover a novel framework that uses graph theory to transform convex polytopes, such as simplices and (standard) cubes, into base categories. Intuitively, an n-dimensional polytope is transformed into a directed graph consists 0-faces (extreme points) of the polytope as its nodes and 1-faces of the polytope as its edges. Then, we define the base category as the full subcategory of the graph category induced by the family of these graphs from all n-dimensional cases. With this framework, the modification from cubes to twisted cubes can formally be done by reversing some edges of cube graphs. Equivalently, the twisted n-cube graph is the result of a certain endofunctor being applied n times to the singleton graph; this endofunctor (called twisted prism functor) duplicates the input, reverses all edges in the first copy, and then pairwisely links nodes from the first copy to the second copy. The core feature of a twisted graph is its unique Hamiltonian path, which is useful to prove many properties of twisted cubes. In particular, the reflexive transitive closure of a twisted graph is isomorphic to the simplex graph counterpart, which remarkably suggests that twisted cubes not only relate to (standard) cubes but also simplices

    Axiomatic Architecture of Scientific Theories

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    The received concepts of axiomatic theory and axiomatic method, which stem from David Hilbert, need a systematic revision in view of more recent mathematical and scientific axiomatic practices, which do not fully follow in Hilbert’s steps and re-establish some older historical patterns of axiomatic thinking in unexpected new forms. In this work I motivate, formulate and justify such a revised concept of axiomatic theory, which for a variety of reasons I call constructive, and then argue that it can better serve as a formal representational tool in mathematics and science than the received concept