14 research outputs found

    From Pathwidth to Connected Pathwidth

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    It is proven that the connected pathwidth of any graph GG is at most 2\cdot\pw(G)+1, where \pw(G) is the pathwidth of GG. The method is constructive, i.e. it yields an efficient algorithm that for a given path decomposition of width kk computes a connected path decomposition of width at most 2k+12k+1. The running time of the algorithm is O(dk2)O(dk^2), where dd is the number of `bags' in the input path decomposition. The motivation for studying connected path decompositions comes from the connection between the pathwidth and the search number of a graph. One of the advantages of the above bound for connected pathwidth is an inequality \csn(G)\leq 2\sn(G)+3, where \csn(G) and \sn(G) are the connected search number and the search number of GG. Moreover, the algorithm presented in this work can be used to convert a given search strategy using kk searchers into a (monotone) connected one using 2k+32k+3 searchers and starting at an arbitrary homebase

    On the complexity of optimal homotopies

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    In this article, we provide new structural results and algorithms for the Homotopy Height problem. In broad terms, this problem quantifies how much a curve on a surface needs to be stretched to sweep continuously between two positions. More precisely, given two homotopic curves γ1\gamma_1 and γ2\gamma_2 on a combinatorial (say, triangulated) surface, we investigate the problem of computing a homotopy between γ1\gamma_1 and γ2\gamma_2 where the length of the longest intermediate curve is minimized. Such optimal homotopies are relevant for a wide range of purposes, from very theoretical questions in quantitative homotopy theory to more practical applications such as similarity measures on meshes and graph searching problems. We prove that Homotopy Height is in the complexity class NP, and the corresponding exponential algorithm is the best one known for this problem. This result builds on a structural theorem on monotonicity of optimal homotopies, which is proved in a companion paper. Then we show that this problem encompasses the Homotopic Fr\'echet distance problem which we therefore also establish to be in NP, answering a question which has previously been considered in several different settings. We also provide an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for Homotopy Height on surfaces by adapting an earlier algorithm of Har-Peled, Nayyeri, Salvatipour and Sidiropoulos in the planar setting

    Graph Searching Games and Width Measures for Directed Graphs

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    In cops and robber games a number of cops tries to capture a robber in a graph. A variant of these games on undirected graphs characterises tree width by the least number of cops needed to win. We consider cops and robber games on digraphs and width measures (such as DAG-width, directed tree width or D-width) corresponding to them. All of them generalise tree width and the game characterising it. For the DAG-width game we prove that the problem to decide the minimal number of cops required to capture the robber (which is the same as deciding DAG-width), is PSPACE-complete, in contrast to most other similar games. We also show that the cop-monotonicity cost for directed tree width games cannot be bounded by any function. As a consequence, D-width is not bounded in directed tree width, refuting a conjecture by Safari. A large number of directed width measures generalising tree width has been proposed in the literature. However, only very little was known about the relation between them, in particular about whether classes of digraphs of bounded width in one measure have bounded width in another. In this paper we establish an almost complete order among the most prominent width measures with respect to mutual boundedness

    Connected Search for a Lazy Robber

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    The node search game against a lazy (or, respectively, agile) invisible robber has been introduced as a search-game analogue of the treewidth parameter (and, respectively, pathwidth). In the connected variants of the above two games, we additionally demand that, at each moment of the search, the clean territories are connected. The connected search game against an agile and invisible robber has been extensively examined. The monotone variant (where we also demand that the clean territories are progressively increasing) of this game, corresponds to the graph parameter of connected pathwidth. It is known that the price of connectivty to search for an agile robber is bounded by 2, that is the connected pathwidth of a graph is at most twice (plus some constant) its pathwidth. In this paper, we investigate the connected search game against a lazy robber. A lazy robber moves only when the searchers' strategy threatens the location that he currently occupies. We introduce two alternative graph-theoretic formulations of this game, one in terms of connected tree decompositions, and one in terms of (connected) layouts, leading to the graph parameter of connected treewidth. We observe that connected treewidth parameter is closed under contractions and prove that for every k >= 2, the set of contraction obstructions of the class of graphs with connected treewidth at most k is infinite. Our main result is a complete characterization of the obstruction set for k=2. One may observe that, so far, only a few complete obstruction sets are explicitly known for contraction closed graph classes. We finally show that, in contrast to the agile robber game, the price of connectivity is unbounded

    A Linear Fixed Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Connected Pathwidth

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    International audienceThe graph parameter of {\sl pathwidth} can be seen as a measure of the topological resemblance of a graph to a path. A popular definition of pathwidth is given in terms of {\sl node search} where we are given a system of tunnels (represented by a graph) that is contaminated by some infectious substance and we are looking for a search strategy that, at each step, either places a searcher on a vertex or removes a searcher from a vertex and where an edge is cleaned when both endpoints are simultaneously occupied by searchers. It was proved that the minimum number of searchers required for a successful cleaning strategy is equal to the pathwidth of the graph plus one.Two desired characteristics for a cleaning strategy is to be {\sl monotone} (no recontamination occurs) and {\sl connected} (clean territories always remain connected). Under these two demands, the number of searchers is equivalent to a variant of pathwidth called {\em connected pathwidth}. We prove that connected pathwidth is fixed parameter tractable, in particular we design a 2O(k2)⋅n2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n time algorithm that checks whether the connected pathwidth of GG is at most k.k. This resolves an open question by [{\sl Dereniowski, Osula, and Rz{\k{a}}{\.{z}}ewski, Finding small-width connected path-decompositions in polynomial time. Theor. Comput. Sci., 794:85–100, 2019}\,]. For our algorithm, we enrich the {\sl typical sequence technique} that is able to deal with the connectivity demand. Typical sequences have been introduced in [{\sl Bodlaender and Kloks. Efficient and constructive algorithms for the pathwidth and treewidth of graphs. J. Algorithms, 21(2):358–402, 1996}\,] for the design of linear parameterized algorithms for treewidth and pathwidth. While this technique has been later applied to other parameters, none of its advancements was able to deal with the connectivity demand, as it is a ``global’’ demand that concerns an unbounded number of parts of the graph of unbounded size. The proposed extension is based on an encoding of the connectivity property that is quite versatile and may be adapted so to deliver linear parameterized algorithms for the connected variants of other width parameters as well. An immediate consequence of our result is a 2O(k2)⋅n2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n time algorithm for the monotone and connected version of the edge search number

    Contraction Obstructions for Connected Graph Searching

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    We consider the connected variant of the classic mixed search game where, in each search step, cleaned edges form a connected subgraph. We consider graph classes with bounded connected (and monotone) mixed search number and we deal with the question whether the obstruction set, with respect of the contraction partial ordering, for those classes is finite. In general, there is no guarantee that those sets are finite, as graphs are not well quasi ordered under the contraction partial ordering relation. In this paper we provide the obstruction set for k=2k=2, where kk is the number of searchers we are allowed to use. This set is finite, it consists of 177 graphs and completely characterises the graphs with connected (and monotone) mixed search number at most 2. Our proof reveals that the "sense of direction" of an optimal search searching is important for connected search which is in contrast to the unconnected original case. We also give a double exponential lower bound on the size of the obstruction set for the classes where this set is finite

    Connected searching of weighted trees

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    AbstractIn this paper we consider the problem of connected edge searching of weighted trees. Barrière et al. claim in [L. Barrière, P. Flocchini, P. Fraigniaud, N. Santoro, Capture of an intruder by mobile agents, in: SPAA’02: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2002, pp. 200–209] that there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for finding an optimal search strategy, that is, a strategy that minimizes the number of used searchers. However, due to some flaws in their algorithm, the problem turns out to be open. It is proven in this paper that the considered problem is strongly NP-complete even for node-weighted trees (the weight of each edge is 1) with one vertex of degree greater than 2. It is also shown that there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for finding an optimal connected search strategy for a given bounded degree tree with arbitrary weights on the edges and on the vertices. This is an FPT algorithm with respect to the maximum degree of a tree