118 research outputs found

    Glossary for FLeD patterns

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    Els patrons i glossari FLeD pertanyen al consorci d'universitats que conformen el projecte FLeD (fledproject.eu). Volem agrair als membres del projecte la revisió dels patrons així com als i les validadores per la seva inestimable contribució, en concret: Alessia Scarinci (Università degli Studi di Bari), Anna Serbati i Daniele Agostini (Università di Trento), Davinia Hernández-Leo, Laia Albó, Marc Beardsley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Kenan Dikilitas i Abdelnour Alhourani (University of Stavanger), Lina Morgado, Ana Paula Afonso, Claúdia Gomes (Universidade Aberta), Pilar Pineda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsuth, Lyubka Alexieva, Veronica Racheva, Blagovesna Yovkova (Sofia University).El projecte Erasmus + FLeD (Learning design for flexible education) té per objecte el disseny d'escenaris d'aprenentatge flexible efectius. A tal efecte, s'han confeccionat un conjunt de patrons de disseny d'aprenentatge (entesos com un recurs reutilitzable per a resoldre una situació problemàtica habitual tot oferint solucions pràctiques). El patró base (FLeD meta pattern) busca oferir indicacions per a dissenyar escenaris d'aprenentatge basats en l'aula invertida efectius. D'aquest se'n deriven tres: 1) "Self-regulation and prior preparation in online flipped classrooms" en el que s'ofereixen indicacions per a un ensenyament en línia altament flexible, 2) "Team regulation and management in blended flipped classrooms" en el que es donen solucions per a una flexibilitat mitja en l'ensenyament semi presencial, i 3) "Exchange of constructive feedback in face-to-face flipped classroom" en el que s'orienta sobre l'aplicació de l'aula invertida amb certa flexibilitat en l'ensenyament presencial. Finalment, es proporciona un glosari de termes emprats en els patrons

    The Students Thinking Process in Constructing Evidence with Mathematics Induction Reviewed from Information Processing Theory

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    This study describes the student's thought process in constructing evidence that begins with a stimulus. The stimulus is then entered into the sensory register through the senses of sight and hearing. The attention that occurs is focused on the complete problem as indicated by the emergence of perceptions about stimuli following the information given, namely solving the problem by mathematical induction. In short-term memory, the construction of proofs by mathematical induction begins in retrieving the concepts of mathematical induction principles. The research subjects were six students of Tadris Mathematics; namely, two people with high abilities or the upper group, two people with low skills or the lower group, and two people with medium abilities or the middle group. The retrieval process in students belonging to the upper group runs smoothly. In the long-term memory of the issues of this group, the knowledge needed by working memory is stored. Proof of truth by mathematical induction is interpreted correctly, proving the truth for n=1 to n=k+1. The assumption of truth for n=k is the basis for establishing the truth for n=k+1 by upper group subjects. This is different from what happened to the topics of the middle and lower groups. The assumption of truth for the written value of n=k is not involved in proving the truth for n=k+1. The encoding process that occurs in students is in the form of strengthening some concepts that have been retrieved from long-term memory


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    Pembelajaran merupakan interaksi antara pendidik, peserta didik, dan sumber belajar. Belajar merupakan proses pembentukan pengetahuan dalam sistem kognitif manusia. Pemrosesan informasi merupakan bagian dari proses pembentukan pengetahuan baru dalam belajar. Beban kognitif memberikan beban bagi peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajar dalam pembelajaran.Perkuliahan analisis real pada pembahasan eksistensi bilangan irrasional memiliki kerumitan yang teramat bagi mahasiswa.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk mendiskripsikan munculnya beban kognitif dalam pembelajaran pembuktian tidak ada bilangan rasional r sehingga. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 9 mahasiswa dengan intrumen utama penelitian adalah peneliti dan instrument pendukung adalah pedoman wawancara, catatan peneliti, dan rekaman video.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dalam pembelajaran muncul beban kognitif intrinsic, beban kognitif extraneous, dan beban kognitif germane. Beban kognitif intrinsic muncul dari situasi jumlah elemen interaktivitas dan interaksi antar elemen interaktivitas. Beban kognitif extraneous muncul dari situasi Split- Attention Situation, Transiency Situation, Advanced Learners Situation, dan Inadequate prior knowledge situation. Dan beban kognitif germane muncul dari situasi Variable exemples dan Imaginatio

    Team regulation and management in blended flipped classrooms

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    Els patrons i glossari FLeD pertanyen al consorci d'universitats que conformen el projecte FLeD (fledproject.eu). Volem agrair als membres del projecte la revisió dels patrons així com als i les validadores per la seva inestimable contribució, en concret: Alessia Scarinci (Università degli Studi di Bari), Anna Serbati i Daniele Agostini (Università di Trento), Davinia Hernández-Leo, Laia Albó, Marc Beardsley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Kenan Dikilitas i Abdelnour Alhourani (University of Stavanger), Lina Morgado, Ana Paula Afonso, Claúdia Gomes (Universidade Aberta), Pilar Pineda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsuth, Lyubka Alexieva, Veronica Racheva, Blagovesna Yovkova (Sofia University).El projecte Erasmus + FLeD (Learning design for flexible education) té per objecte el disseny d'escenaris d'aprenentatge flexible efectius. A tal efecte, s'han confeccionat un conjunt de patrons de disseny d'aprenentatge (entesos com un recurs reutilitzable per a resoldre una situació problemàtica habitual tot oferint solucions pràctiques). El patró base (FLeD meta pattern) busca oferir indicacions per a dissenyar escenaris d'aprenentatge basats en l'aula invertida efectius. D'aquest se'n deriven tres: 1) "Self-regulation and prior preparation in online flipped classrooms" en el que s'ofereixen indicacions per a un ensenyament en línia altament flexible, 2) "Team regulation and management in blended flipped classrooms" en el que es donen solucions per a una flexibilitat mitja en l'ensenyament semi presencial, i 3) "Exchange of constructive feedback in face-to-face flipped classroom" en el que s'orienta sobre l'aplicació de l'aula invertida amb certa flexibilitat en l'ensenyament presencial. Finalment, es proporciona un glosari de termes emprats en els patrons

    The Effectiveness of E-Module in Improving Critical Thinking Skills of High School Students in Learning Physics

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    This paper was written to explain the influence or effectiveness of digital modules or physics e-modules in their contribution to improving the critical thinking skills of high school students or their equivalent. The descriptive qualitative study method is used to achieve the purpose of this paper. By using highly reputable international and national journals as references in the preparation of this paper. During this pandemic educator are required to design learning concepts and tools that can improve critical thinking skills, because critical thinking is a basic ability that must be possessed in the 21st century. From this paper it results that the use of e-modules in physics learning is very effective in improving students' critical thinking skills teach with various approaches

    Pupils’ reflections on the use of a digital self-assessment tool to identify and measure development of 21st century skills during maker activities in schools

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    The number of makerspaces is increasing in the world, and the maker movement has started to become integrated into formal education. Maker environments and maker activities are argued as promoting Key Components for Lifelong Learning, e.g. collaboration, problem solving, creativity, life/social skills and communication. These competences are also referred to as 21st century skills. In this paper, we discuss the use of a digital self-assessment tool (DSAT) for pupils’ identification of, and reflections on, their development of these skills. The DSAT was created with gamification as the model where the pupils could reach different levels, receive badges and upload photographs. There were 114 pupils, aged 13–15 years, from six classes who worked with different maker activities in technology subject classes during the autumn of 2021, while using the DSAT. Examples of maker activities used in this study included designing a liquid-bottle, programming with Micro:bit and programming with Roblox. Data were collected through group interviews after the activities with all participating pupils and thereafter analysed thematically. The pupils found the language in the DSAT difficult considering their age and thought that the tool was time consuming and troublesome to use. However, the pupils argued that it is possible to develop 21st century skills during maker activities in school contexts and that the skills are of importance for the future. This study contributes with important knowledge about the design of digital self-assessment tools and about design of technology education, to support pupils to identify and develop 21st century skills in makerspace activities in compulsory technology education

    Curriculum Design And Delivery In Higher Institutions In The Post-Covid-19

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    The post-COVID-19 era offers an opportunity to reevaluate educational goals, making the curriculum relevant, appropriate, and responsive to the development of preparation in times of emergencies. The rising question is: how should curriculum be designed and delivered in post-COVID in preparation for uncertainty? Using content analysis through the lens of curriculum studies, this research tried to reimagine higher education in the post-COVID-19 period. The study argues on the premise of cognitive load theory that to improve learning efficiency, teaching and learning curricula should be created using cognitive load theory to lessen the demands placed on students\u27 working memory. Also, the new standard curriculum must place a strong emphasis on the development of students\u27 readiness competencies. It is concluded that instructional methods that primarily use online modalities should be taken into account in the context of many circumstances

    Virtual Reality, help or hindrance? A case study of two undergraduate student-generated chemistry lessons

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has become a much more common household commodity thanks to the proliferation of more affordable VR devices. While its use in the gaming industry is becoming widespread, its application in pedagogical environments has only just started, particularly in chemistry. As such, whether VR will aid or hinder the teaching and learning of chemistry is currently a topic of research and debate. This project sought to generate VR materials designed to support students learning undergraduate chemistry, with the specific topics decided by undergraduate student researchers. This work was undertaken in the X-reality (i.e. VR and other forms of augmented realities) laboratories at the The University of Sydney. Preliminary materials were generated, and pilot tested with student volunteers who undertook pre- and post-questionnaires followed by an exit interview. The results of these trials showed that the VR experience did enhance student engagement and understanding, but only for more complex examples. The trial volunteers felt that ball-and-stick models were adequate for simple molecular representations. Nausea was noted as a significant issue alongside concerns around the inadequate response of the hand-held controls. This same issue made movement throughout the virtual environment difficult for several students. Lastly, the student researchers found generating the VR lessons to be challenging, noting a steep learning curve with regards to creating the environments

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Faded Example secara Kolaboratif terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Cognitive Load

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    Kemampuan pemecahan masalah sebagai salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika yang menjadi perhatian para guru karena memfasilitasi siswa untuk lancar dalam memecahkan masalah memerlukan strategi tertentu. Sementara itu, pembelajaran matematika juga bertujuan memfasilitasi siswa untuk berinteraksi dengan siswa lain dalam pembelajaran kolaboratif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah strategi pembelajaran faded example dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kolaboratif, khususnya untuk materi dengan tingkat intrinsic cognitive load relatif rendah. Di dalam desain faded example, siswa belajar dengan melengkapi langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah secara bertahap. Di dalam desain problem solving only, siswa hanya diberi masalah matematika untuk dipecahkan tanpa ada stimulasi langkah-langkah pemecahan tertentu. Melalui randomisasi individu beserta eksperimen desain faktorial 2 x 2, terbentuk empat kelompok yaitu: siswa dengan strategi pembelajaran (1) faded example secara kolaboratif, (2) faded example secara individu, (3) problem solving secara kolaboratif, dan (4) problem solving secara individu. Dengan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran dalam desain faded example atau problem solving sama efektifnya dalam hal memfasilitasi penguasaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah, dan juga menghasilkan tingkat cognitive yang sama; baik ketika dipelajari secara kolaboratif maupun individu. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa apabila materi pemecahan masalah memuat kompleksitas yang rendah, guru dapat memilih menggunakan desain faded example sebagai alternatif desain problem solving. Guru juga dapat memilih strategi kolaboratif karena hasil kemampuan yang dicapai pun tidak lebih rendah jika menggunakan strategi individu

    Intrinsic Cognitive Load in Online Learning Model of School Mathematics 1 in Covid-19 Pandemic Period

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    The study aims at determining the emergence of intrinsic cognitive load in online learning models of School Mathematics 1 in Covid-19 pandemic period. This research is a descriptive qualitative one the data of which are obtained from observation sheets, questionnaires and interview results. Validity checking uses the triangulation method. The results of the study show that the intrinsic cognitive load is caused by the interactivity and isolated/interacting elements contained in the learning process. Elements of interactivity are in the form of terms or concepts in Mathematics learning. These terms or concepts, for examples, are the meaning of Knowledge, Standard Measurement, Mathematical Approach, Intertwined Principles, Content, Context, Competence, PISA Learning Concepts, De-conceptualization, Systems Approach, Conceptual Approach, etc. Isolated/interacting elements are seen from looking for examples of implementation in the real world and actualization of events in Indonesia. An example of implementation in the real world is an element that interacts in real situations in the learning practice of Mathematics
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