1,546 research outputs found

    A Calculus for Timed Automata (Extended Abstract)

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    A language for representing timed automata is introduced. Its semantics i defined in terms of timed automata. This language is complete in the sense that any timed automaton can be represented by a term in the language. We also define a direct operational semantics for the language in terms of (timed) transition systems. This is proven to be equivalent (or, more precisely, timed bisimilar) to the interpretation in terms of timed automata. In addition, a set of axioms is given that is shown to be sound for timed bisimulation. Finally, we introduce several features including the parallel composition and derived time operations like wait, time-out and urgency. We conclude with an example and show that we can eliminate non-reachable states using algebraic techniques

    Automatic Synthesis of Real Time Systems

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    This paper presents a method for automatically constructing real time systems directly from their specifications. The model-construction problem is considered for implicit specifications of the form: (A_1 | . . . | A_n | X) sat S where S is a real time (logical) specification, A_1, ... , A_n are given (regular) timed agents and the problem is to decide whether there exists (and if possible exhibit) a real time agent X which when put in parallel with A_1, ..., A_n will yield a network satisfying S. The method presented proceeds in two steps: first, the implicit specification of X is transformed into an equivalent direct specification of X; second, a model for this direct specification is constructed (if possible) using a direct model construction algorithm. A prototype implementation of our method has been added to the real time verification tool EPSILON

    A framework for modelling Molecular Interaction Maps

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    Metabolic networks, formed by a series of metabolic pathways, are made of intracellular and extracellular reactions that determine the biochemical properties of a cell, and by a set of interactions that guide and regulate the activity of these reactions. Most of these pathways are formed by an intricate and complex network of chain reactions, and can be represented in a human readable form using graphs which describe the cell cycle checkpoint pathways. This paper proposes a method to represent Molecular Interaction Maps (graphical representations of complex metabolic networks) in Linear Temporal Logic. The logical representation of such networks allows one to reason about them, in order to check, for instance, whether a graph satisfies a given property ϕ\phi, as well as to find out which initial conditons would guarantee ϕ\phi, or else how can the the graph be updated in order to satisfy ϕ\phi. Both the translation and resolution methods have been implemented in a tool capable of addressing such questions thanks to a reduction to propositional logic which allows exploiting classical SAT solvers.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure

    Forward and backward simulations II. Timing-based systems

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    AbstractA general automaton model for timing-based systems is presented and is used as the context for developing a variety of simulation proof techniques for such systems. These techniques include (1) refinements, (2) forward and backward simulations, (3) hybrid forward–backward and backward–forward simulations, and (4) history and prophecy relations. Relationships between the different types of simulations, as well as soundness and completeness results, are stated and proved. These results are (with one exception) analogous to the results for untimed systems in Part I of this paper. In fact, many of the results for the timed case are obtained as consequences of the analogous results for the untimed case

    A Calculus for Timed Automata

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    A Calculus for Timed Automata

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    A language for representing timed automata is introduced. Its semantics is defined in terms of timed automata. This language is complete in the sense that any timed automaton can be represented by a term in the language. We also define a direct operational semantics for the language in terms of (timed) transition systems. This is proven to be equivalent (or, more precisely, timed bisimilar) to the interpretation in terms of timed automata. In addition, a set of axioms is given that is shown to be sound for timed bisimulation. Finally, we introduce several features like hiding operator, the parallel composition and derived time operations like wait, time-out and urgency. We conclude with an example and show that we can eliminate non-reachable states using algebraic techniques. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 68Q45, 68Q55, 68Q60. 1991 CR Categories: D.3.1, F.3.1, F.3.2, F.4.3. Keywords: process algebra, real time, timed automata, timed transition system. Note: An extended abs..