191 research outputs found

    Offshore marine visualization

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    In 85 B.C. a Greek philosopher called Posidonius set sail to answer an age-old question: how deep is the ocean? By lowering a large rock tied to a very long length of rope he determined that the ocean was 2km deep. These line and sinker methods were used until the 1920s when oceanographers developed the first echo sounders that could measure the water's depth by reflecting sound waves off the seafloor. The subsequent increase in sonar depth soundings resulted in oceanologists finally being able to view the alien underwater landscape. Paper printouts and records dominated the industry for decades until the mid 1980s when new digital sonar systems enabled computers to process and render the captured data streams.In the last five years, the offshore industry has been particularly slow to take advantage of the significant advancements made in computer and graphics technologies. Contemporary marine visualization systems still use outdated 2D representations of vessels positioned on digital charts and the potential for using 3D computer graphics for interacting with multidimensional marine data has not been fully investigated.This thesis is concerned with the issues surrounding the visualization of offshore activities and data using interactive 3D computer graphics. It describes the development of a novel 3D marine visualization system and subsequent study of marine visualization techniques through a number of offshore case studies that typify the marine industry. The results of this research demonstrate that presenting the offshore engineer or office based manager with a more intuitive and natural 3D computer generated viewing environment enables complex offshore tasks, activities and procedures to be more readily monitored and understood. The marine visualizations presented in this thesis take advantage of recent advancements in computer graphics technology and our extraordinary ability to interpret 3D data. These visual enhancements have improved offshore staffs' spatial and temporal understanding of marine data resulting in improved planning, decision making and real-time situation awareness of complex offshore data and activities

    Virtual Reality and Oceanography: Overview, Applications, and Perspective

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    With the ongoing, exponential increase in ocean data from autonomous platforms, satellites, models, and in particular, the growing field of quantitative imaging, there arises a need for scalable and cost-efficient visualization tools to interpret these large volumes of data. With the recent proliferation of consumer grade head-mounted displays, the emerging field of virtual reality (VR) has demonstrated its benefit in numerous disciplines, ranging from medicine to archeology. However, these benefits have not received as much attention in the ocean sciences. Here, we summarize some of the ways that virtual reality has been applied to this field. We highlight a few examples in which we (the authors) demonstrate the utility of VR as a tool for ocean scientists. For oceanic datasets that are well-suited for three-dimensional visualization, virtual reality has the potential to enhance the practice of ocean science

    Advances in Sonar Technology

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    The demand to explore the largest and also one of the richest parts of our planet, the advances in signal processing promoted by an exponential growth in computation power and a thorough study of sound propagation in the underwater realm, have lead to remarkable advances in sonar technology in the last years.The work on hand is a sum of knowledge of several authors who contributed in various aspects of sonar technology. This book intends to give a broad overview of the advances in sonar technology of the last years that resulted from the research effort of the authors in both sonar systems and their applications. It is intended for scientist and engineers from a variety of backgrounds and even those that never had contact with sonar technology before will find an easy introduction with the topics and principles exposed here

    Sonar image interpretation for sub-sea operations

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    Mine Counter-Measure (MCM) missions are conducted to neutralise underwater explosives. Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) assists operators by increasing the speed and accuracy of data review. ATR embedded on vehicles enables adaptive missions which increase the speed of data acquisition. This thesis addresses three challenges; the speed of data processing, robustness of ATR to environmental conditions and the large quantities of data required to train an algorithm. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel ATR algorithm. The algorithm uses features derived from the projection of 3D boxes to produce a set of 2D templates. The template responses are independent of grazing angle, range and target orientation. Integer skewed integral images, are derived to accelerate the calculation of the template responses. The algorithm is compared to the Haar cascade algorithm. For a single model of sonar and cylindrical targets the algorithm reduces the Probability of False Alarm (PFA) by 80% at a Probability of Detection (PD) of 85%. The algorithm is trained on target data from another model of sonar. The PD is only 6% lower even though no representative target data was used for training. The second major contribution is an adaptive ATR algorithm that uses local sea-floor characteristics to address the problem of ATR robustness with respect to the local environment. A dual-tree wavelet decomposition of the sea-floor and an Markov Random Field (MRF) based graph-cut algorithm is used to segment the terrain. A Neural Network (NN) is then trained to filter ATR results based on the local sea-floor context. It is shown, for the Haar Cascade algorithm, that the PFA can be reduced by 70% at a PD of 85%. Speed of data processing is addressed using novel pre-processing techniques. The standard three class MRF, for sonar image segmentation, is formulated using graph-cuts. Consequently, a 1.2 million pixel image is segmented in 1.2 seconds. Additionally, local estimation of class models is introduced to remove range dependent segmentation quality. Finally, an A* graph search is developed to remove the surface return, a line of saturated pixels often detected as false alarms by ATR. The A* search identifies the surface return in 199 of 220 images tested with a runtime of 2.1 seconds. The algorithm is robust to the presence of ripples and rocks

    Underwater Vehicles

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    For the latest twenty to thirty years, a significant number of AUVs has been created for the solving of wide spectrum of scientific and applied tasks of ocean development and research. For the short time period the AUVs have shown the efficiency at performance of complex search and inspection works and opened a number of new important applications. Initially the information about AUVs had mainly review-advertising character but now more attention is paid to practical achievements, problems and systems technologies. AUVs are losing their prototype status and have become a fully operational, reliable and effective tool and modern multi-purpose AUVs represent the new class of underwater robotic objects with inherent tasks and practical applications, particular features of technology, systems structure and functional properties

    Fachzeitschrift für Hydrographie und Geoinformation

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    Second International Issu

    Of His Bones are Coral Made: Submerged Cultural Resources, Site Formation Processes, and Multiple Scales of Interpretation in Coastal Ghana

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    Integrating theoretical and methodological approaches to formation processes across a range of scales from micro-artifact to region and from historical to environmental processes, this work explores the archaeology of the event related to submerged archaeological sites within the Elmina seascape of coastal Ghana. Building on and intersecting with the work of other scholars, this research is a unique approach to the investigation of submerged cultural remains related to historical maritime trade. Remote sensing surveys in 2009 led to the identification of three sites related to maritime trade, adding significantly to the two previously known sites, which include a circa 1650 shipwreck, referred to as the Elmina Wreck, and the remains of an early 18th century vessel in the Benya Lagoon. Drawing on remote sensing survey data, diver investigations, and the micro-sampling sediment coring technique developed over the course of field research, the historical and physical environment of coastal Elmina is studied as a means of interpreting the unique events surrounding a specific shipwreck, and to relate formation processes across the region to this and other sites. While archaeological evidence is limited, the complex study of formation processes, including the historical contexts of trade and the physical environmental has provided insights into events and practices of trade, destruction and preservation of submerged sites, and has provided a foundation for continued holistic investigation and maritime archaeological studies in the region. The methodological and theoretical approaches to formation processes form a model applicable to maritime research across the globe

    3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology

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    This open access peer-reviewed volume was inspired by the UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology International Workshop held at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia in November 2016. Content is based on, but not limited to, the work presented at the workshop which was dedicated to 3D recording and interpretation for maritime archaeology. The volume consists of contributions from leading international experts as well as up-and-coming early career researchers from around the globe. The content of the book includes recording and analysis of maritime archaeology through emerging technologies, including both practical and theoretical contributions. Topics include photogrammetric recording, laser scanning, marine geophysical 3D survey techniques, virtual reality, 3D modelling and reconstruction, data integration and Geographic Information Systems. The principal incentive for this publication is the ongoing rapid shift in the methodologies of maritime archaeology within recent years and a marked increase in the use of 3D and digital approaches. This convergence of digital technologies such as underwater photography and photogrammetry, 3D sonar, 3D virtual reality, and 3D printing has highlighted a pressing need for these new methodologies to be considered together, both in terms of defining the state-of-the-art and for consideration of future directions. As a scholarly publication, the audience for the book includes students and researchers, as well as professionals working in various aspects of archaeology, heritage management, education, museums, and public policy. It will be of special interest to those working in the field of coastal cultural resource management and underwater archaeology but will also be of broader interest to anyone interested in archaeology and to those in other disciplines who are now engaging with 3D recording and visualization

    The Maritime Archaeology of West Africa in the Atlantic World: Investigations at Elmina, Ghana

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    This dissertation focuses on the first maritime archaeology research project conducted in Ghana, specifically off the town of Elmina in the Central Region. Survey and diver investigations resulted in the discovery of a mid-seventeenth century shipwreck, which archaeological and archival research suggests may be the Dutch West India Company vessel Groeningen that sank after arriving to Elmina on a trading voyage in 1647. The site lies approximately 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) southeast of Elmina and is characterized by a mass of trade goods, including brass and pewter basins, brass manillas, lead rolls, trade beads, pins, cowrie shells, as well as large iron cannons. I utilize a multi-scalar approach in this research, which allows me to take the shipwreck as the basic unit of analysis (an event or événement as Braudel would place it in his three scales of history), and situate it within the broader sphere of the Atlantic World. This geographical and chronological construction, encompassing Africa, Europe and the Americas and spanning the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries, can be considered an example of the longue dureé as defined by the Annales school, a level of analysis involved with long term structures and world views. In utilizing these multi-scalar constructs, the Elmina Wreck serves as an example of the maritime element within the interconnections of the Atlantic World. Artifacts from the wreck site provide insights into the commodities involved in exchange between Africans and Europeans on the coast, and speak to the culture contact and flow of commodities across different cultural contexts