13,237 research outputs found

    Froebel on education

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    Froebel lived at a time when children were considered as something apart from adults, something which needed moulding and forming, something to be used, at best something to be tolerated. This attitude towards children led to violence, arson, revolt, mutiny. The following occurrences in renowned British schools are evidence enough: 1818 Winchester - two companies of troops had to be called in to suppress an uprising of pupils. 1818 Rugby - pupils set fire to desks and books, withdrew to an island which had to be taken by assault by the army. 1783 Eton - Revolt against the headmaster with rooms pillaged and windows broken.peer-reviewe

    Mothers, Teachers, Maternalism and Early Childhood Education and Care: Some Historical Connections

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    Many current debates in Australia regarding the policy, politics and practicalities of child care provision are embedded in dominant discourses of maternalism. This paper places these debates within some historical contexts, emphasising the long history of these debates and the enduring centrality of maternalism – where the most revered of roles and relationships a woman can have is that of mother and one-on-one carer for her young child. In this paper I discuss some of the historical points at which maternalism came to dominate early childhood education and care. I consider Froebel, and the women who spread his word, nation building and the rise of psychology, making links between these and current debates in Australia

    A Pedagogia alemã e a imprensa pedagógica portuguesa como vasos comunicantes : o caso da revista Froebel

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar la presencia social de la educación en la prensa pedagógica. Hemos tomado esta decisión debido a que los medios de comunicación tuvieron un papel importante en la circulación y difusión de ideas y prácticas educativas. Con este fin, seleccionamos la revista Froebel (1882-1885) para su análisis. Los objetivos que persigue este estudio son: a) La interpretación de las innovaciones curriculares difundidas por la revista Froebel, bajo el contexto educativo a finales del siglo xix en Portugal; b) Analizar el impacto educativo que la revista Froebel tuvo a finales del siglo xix; c) Discutir el valor histórico-educativo que los conceptos educativos introducidos por la revista Froebel tuvieron en la realidad portuguesa. Se utilizó como método de análisis de la revista sus condiciones de realización y producción. Estas dos condiciones significan un conjunto de relaciones que se establecen en un contexto dado, entre los miembros de un grupo de personas. Es importante tenerlo en cuenta debido a que los cambios implican la combinación de estos dos tipos de factores. Como conclusión de este estudio podemos decir que la revista tuvo un gran impacto en la comunidad educativa portuguesa, ya que las concepciones que la revista defendía se oponían a la pedagogía tradicional que existía en ése momento en Portugal. La educación se forja en una comunidad de ideas y es posible identificar las que en la revista se materializan –la influencia de los principios pedagógicos del educador alemán es evidente en las opciones pedagógicas de los educadores portugueses de finales del siglo xix. Creemos que legítimamente podemos decir que la revista Froebel condujo a una nueva concepción educativa. Con ella, se promovieron prácticas de enseñanzas innovadoras –viajes escolares, lecciones de cosas, museo educativo, guardería, educación física y artes.The aim of this article is to analyze the social presence of education in pedagogic press. It is known that the media had an important role in the circulation and dissemination of educational ideas and practices. To this end, we selected the Froebel magazine (1882-1885) to analyze it. The objectives of this study are: a) The objectives of this study are: a) the interpretation of curriculum innovations spread by the Froebel magazine, under the educational context of the late 19th century in Portugal; b) to analyze the impact that Froebel had on education at the end of the 19th century; c) to discuss the historical and educational impact that the pedagogic concepts introduced by Froebel journal had on the Portuguese reality. The development and production conditions of the magazine have been used as a method of analysis. These two conditions are determined by a set of relationships in a given context, among the members of a group of people. It is important to bear in mind the fact that changes imply the combination of these two kinds of factors. In conclusion we can say that the analyzed magazine had a great impact on the Portuguese educational community, since the conceptions magazine defended opposed the traditional pedagogy that existed at that time in Portugal. Education is built within a community of ideas and it is possible to identify those that materialised in the magazine, such as the influence of pedagogical principles of German educators, which is reflected in the choice of educators teaching Portuguese in the late 19th century. It may be said that the Froebel magazine led to a new conception of education, promoting innovative teaching practices –school trips, lessons, educational museum, kindergarten, physical education and arts.Aquest article pretén analitzar la presència social de l'educació a la premsa pedagògica. Hom sap que els mitjans de comunicació van tenir un paper important en la circulació i difusió d'idees i pràctiques educatives. Amb aquesta finalitat, s'ha seleccionat la revista Froebel (1882-1885) per fer-ne una anàlisi. Els objectius que persegueix aquest estudi són: a) la interpretació de les innovacions curriculars difoses per la revista Froebel, en el context educatiu de la fi del segle xix a Portugal; b) analitzar l'impacte educatiu que la revista Froebel va tenir a final del segle xix; c) discutir el valor historicoeducatiu que els conceptes educatius introduïts per la revista Froebel van tenir en la realitat portuguesa. S'ha utilitzat com a mètode d'anàlisi de la revista les seves condicions de realització i producció. Aquestes dues condicions estan determinades per un conjunt de relacions que s'estableixen en un context donat, entre els membres d'un grup de persones. És important tenir-ho en compte pel fet que els canvis impliquen la combinació d'aquests dos tipus de factors. Com a conclusió d'aquest estudi podem dir que la revista analitzada va tenir un gran impacte en la comunitat educativa portuguesa, ja que les concepcions que la revista defensava s'oposaven a la pedagogia tradicional que existia en aquell moment a Portugal. L'educació es forja en una comunitat d'idees, i és possible identificar les que a la revista es materialitzaren –la influència dels principis pedagògics de l'educador alemany és evident en les opcions pedagògiques dels educadors portuguesos de final del segle xix. Creiem que legítimament podem dir que la revista Froebel conduí a una nova concepció educativa. Amb ella, es van promoure pràctiques d'ensenyaments innovadors –viatges escolars, lliçons de coses, museu educatiu, guarderia, educació física i arts

    Revitalizing a Humanizing Vision: Contesting GERM Policies with Froebel

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    For early childhood educators, few individuals have more historical significance than Friedrich Froebel. Froebelian approaches traveled across the Atlantic and inspired early childhood educators in the United States during the progressive era. Although early childhood professionals in the United States still celebrate the inventor of kindergarten, his vision for early education is inevitably altered when it is interpreted within alternative linguistic, cultural and historical contexts. Authored within this American context, this article aims to recognize Froebel’s unique and contributions to early childhood education. The article has three parts. First, we resituate Froebel within his original context considering the other influential educational theorists and philosophers in 19th century Europe. We contrast continental, human science pedagogy with the many-sided progressive educational movement in the United States. Secondly, we imagine Froebel in dialogue with a contemporary director of an American early childhood center. This dialogue puts Froebel’s philosophy of education in reciprocity with contemporary discourses of policy and practice. We advance an American interpretation of Froebel that considers him much more than a precursor to progressive education. We suggest Froebel provides a uniquely humanizing perspective that is desperately needed within conditions currently dominated by GERM policies. &nbsp

    1941 Summer Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalog

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    1941 Summer Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalo

    1938-1939 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalog

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    1938-1939 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalo

    1930-1931 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalog

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    1930-1931 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalo

    1945-1946 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalog

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    1945-1946 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalo

    1929-1930 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalog

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    1929-1930 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalo

    1948-1949 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalog

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    1948-1949 Pestalozzi Froebel Course Catalo
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