245 research outputs found

    Targeted Adversarial Attacks against Neural Network Trajectory Predictors

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    Trajectory prediction is an integral component of modern autonomous systems as it allows for envisioning future intentions of nearby moving agents. Due to the lack of other agents\u27 dynamics and control policies, deep neural network (DNN) models are often employed for trajectory forecasting tasks. Although there exists an extensive literature on improving the accuracy of these models, there is a very limited number of works studying their robustness against adversarially crafted input trajectories. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we propose a targeted adversarial attack against DNN models for trajectory forecasting tasks. We call the proposed attack TA4TP for Targeted adversarial Attack for Trajectory Prediction. Our approach generates adversarial input trajectories that are capable of fooling DNN models into predicting user-specified target/desired trajectories. Our attack relies on solving a nonlinear constrained optimization problem where the objective function captures the deviation of the predicted trajectory from a target one while the constraints model physical requirements that the adversarial input should satisfy. The latter ensures that the inputs look natural and they are safe to execute (e.g., they are close to nominal inputs and away from obstacles). We demonstrate the effectiveness of TA4TP on two state-of-the-art DNN models and two datasets. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first targeted adversarial attack against DNN models used for trajectory forecasting

    SoK: Anti-Facial Recognition Technology

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    The rapid adoption of facial recognition (FR) technology by both government and commercial entities in recent years has raised concerns about civil liberties and privacy. In response, a broad suite of so-called "anti-facial recognition" (AFR) tools has been developed to help users avoid unwanted facial recognition. The set of AFR tools proposed in the last few years is wide-ranging and rapidly evolving, necessitating a step back to consider the broader design space of AFR systems and long-term challenges. This paper aims to fill that gap and provides the first comprehensive analysis of the AFR research landscape. Using the operational stages of FR systems as a starting point, we create a systematic framework for analyzing the benefits and tradeoffs of different AFR approaches. We then consider both technical and social challenges facing AFR tools and propose directions for future research in this field.Comment: Camera-ready version for Oakland S&P 202

    Robustness analysis of graph-based machine learning

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    Graph-based machine learning is an emerging approach to analysing data that is or can be well-modelled by pairwise relationships between entities. This includes examples such as social networks, road networks, protein-protein interaction net- works and molecules. Despite the plethora of research dedicated to designing novel machine learning models, less attention has been paid to the theoretical proper- ties of our existing tools. In this thesis, we focus on the robustness properties of graph-based machine learning models, in particular spectral graph filters and graph neural networks. Robustness is an essential property for dealing with noisy data, protecting a system against security vulnerabilities and, in some cases, necessary for transferability, amongst other things. We focus specifically on the challenging and combinatorial problem of robustness with respect to the topology of the underlying graph. The first part of this thesis proposes stability bounds to help understand to which topological changes graph-based models are robust. Beyond theoretical results, we conduct experiments to verify the intuition this theory provides. In the second part, we propose a flexible and query-efficient method to perform black-box adversarial attacks on graph classifiers. Adversarial attacks can be considered a search for model instability and provide an upper bound between an input and the decision boundary. In the third and final part of the thesis, we propose a novel robustness certificate for graph classifiers. Using a technique that can certify in- dividual parts of the graph at varying levels of perturbation, we provide a refined understanding of the perturbations to which a given model is robust. We believe the findings in this thesis provide novel insight and motivate further research into both understanding stability and instability of graph-based machine learning models

    Game-Theoretic Robust Reinforcement Learning Handles Temporally-Coupled Perturbations

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    Robust reinforcement learning (RL) seeks to train policies that can perform well under environment perturbations or adversarial attacks. Existing approaches typically assume that the space of possible perturbations remains the same across timesteps. However, in many settings, the space of possible perturbations at a given timestep depends on past perturbations. We formally introduce temporally-coupled perturbations, presenting a novel challenge for existing robust RL methods. To tackle this challenge, we propose GRAD, a novel game-theoretic approach that treats the temporally-coupled robust RL problem as a partially-observable two-player zero-sum game. By finding an approximate equilibrium in this game, GRAD ensures the agent's robustness against temporally-coupled perturbations. Empirical experiments on a variety of continuous control tasks demonstrate that our proposed approach exhibits significant robustness advantages compared to baselines against both standard and temporally-coupled attacks, in both state and action spaces

    Android malware detection using machine learning to mitigate adversarial evasion attacks

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    In the current digital era, smartphones have become indispensable. Over the past few years, the exponential growth of Android users has made this operating system (OS) a prime target for smartphone malware. Consequently, the arms race between Android security personnel and malware developers seems enduring. Considering Machine Learning (ML) as the core component, various techniques are proposed in the literature to counter Android malware, however, the problem of adversarial evasion attacks on ML-based malware classifiers is understated. MLbased techniques are vulnerable to adversarial evasion attacks. The malware authors constantly try to craft adversarial examples to elude existing malware detection systems. This research presents the fragility of ML-based Android malware classifiers in adversarial environments and proposes novel techniques to counter adversarial evasion attacks on ML based Android malware classifiers. First, we start our analysis by introducing the problem of Android malware detection in adversarial environments and provide a comprehensive overview of the domain. Second, we highlight the problem of malware clones in popular Android malware repositories. The malware clones in the datasets can potentially lead to biased results and computational overhead. Although many strategies are proposed in the literature to detect repackaged Android malware, these techniques require burdensome code inspection. Consequently, we employ a lightweight and novel strategy based on package names reusing to identify repackaged Android malware and build a clones-free Android malware dataset. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of repacked Android malware on various ML-based classifiers by training them on a clones free training set and testing on a set of benign, non repacked malware and all the malware clones in the dataset. Although trained on a reduced train set, we achieved up to 98.7% F1 score. Third, we propose Cure-Droid, an Android malware classification model trained on hybrid features and optimized using a tree-based pipeline optimization technique (TPoT). Fourth, to present the fragility of Cure- Droid model in adversarial environments, we formulate multiple adversarial evasion attacks to elude the model. Fifth, to counter adversarial evasion attacks on ML-based Android malware detectors, we propose CureDroid*, a novel and adversarially aware Android malware classification model. CureDroid* is based on an ensemble of ML-based models trained on distinct set of features where each model has the individual capability to detect Android malware. The CureDroid* model employs an ensemble of five ML-based models where each model is selected and optimized using TPoT. Our experimental results demonstrate that CureDroid* achieves up to 99.2% accuracy in non-adversarial settings and can detect up to 30 fabricated input features in the best case. Finally, we propose TrickDroid, a novel cumulative adversarial training framework based on Oracle and GAN-based adversarial data. Our experimental results present the efficacy of TrickDroid with up to 99.46% evasion detection

    Contribuciones a la Seguridad del Aprendizaje Automático

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, leída el 05-11-2020Machine learning (ML) applications have experienced an unprecedented growth over the last two decades. However, the ever increasing adoption of ML methodologies has revealed important security issues. Among these, vulnerabilities to adversarial examples, data instances targeted at fooling ML algorithms, are especially important. Examples abound. For instance, it is relatively easy to fool a spam detector simply misspelling spam words. Obfuscation of malware code can make it seem legitimate. Simply adding stickers to a stop sign could make an autonomous vehicle classify it as a merge sign. Consequences could be catastrophic. Indeed, ML is designed to work in stationary and benign environments. However, in certain scenarios, the presence of adversaries that actively manipulate input datato fool ML systems to attain benefits break such stationarity requirements. Training and operation conditions are not identical anymore. This creates a whole new class of security vulnerabilities that ML systems may face and a new desirable property: adversarial robustness. If we are to trust operations based on ML outputs, it becomes essential that learning systems are robust to such adversarial manipulations...Las aplicaciones del aprendizaje automático o machine learning (ML) han experimentado un crecimiento sin precedentes en las últimas dos décadas. Sin embargo, la adopción cada vez mayor de metodologías de ML ha revelado importantes problemas de seguridad. Entre estos, destacan las vulnerabilidades a ejemplos adversarios, es decir; instancias de datos destinadas a engañar a los algoritmos de ML. Los ejemplos abundan: es relativamente fácil engañar a un detector de spam simplemente escribiendo mal algunas palabras características de los correos basura. La ofuscación de código malicioso (malware) puede hacer que parezca legítimo. Agregando unos parches a una señal de stop, se podría provocar que un vehículo autónomo la reconociese como una señal de dirección obligatoria. Cómo puede imaginar el lector, las consecuencias de estas vulnerabilidades pueden llegar a ser catastróficas. Y es que el machine learning está diseñado para trabajar en entornos estacionarios y benignos. Sin embargo, en ciertos escenarios, la presencia de adversarios que manipulan activamente los datos de entrada para engañar a los sistemas de ML(logrando así beneficios), rompen tales requisitos de estacionariedad. Las condiciones de entrenamiento y operación de los algoritmos ya no son idénticas, quebrándose una de las hipótesis fundamentales del ML. Esto crea una clase completamente nueva de vulnerabilidades que los sistemas basados en el aprendizaje automático deben enfrentar y una nueva propiedad deseable: la robustez adversaria. Si debemos confiaren las operaciones basadas en resultados del ML, es esencial que los sistemas de aprendizaje sean robustos a tales manipulaciones adversarias...Fac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu