6 research outputs found

    Communicación sobre lineas de suministro de energia

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    Informacion Tcnológica, vol. 11, nº6Proponemos un sistema para la comunicación sobre líneas de la energia eléctrica usando DS/BPSK con un régimen binario de 300 bits/s. La señal de ensanchado tiene una secuencia máxima de longitud 7 como código de “chip”, repetida 30 veces para cada dígito binario del código de la información BPSK. La sincronización entre la señal del receptor y la secuéncia PN localmente generada es obtenida por un nuevo acercamiento basado en un filtro adaptado

    An Architecture for FACTS Controllers to Deal With Bandwidth-Constrained Communication

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    Acopladores em sistemas de comunicação de dados pela rede elétrica

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    Este trabalho visa o estudo sobre a tecnologia de comunicação de dados pela rede elétrica, enfocando a etapa de acoplamento desta comunicação. O estudo consiste em um levantamento e análise de requisitos para que possa ser projetado um par de acopladores que atenda às necessidade da tecnologia. Dentre vários requisitos mencionados, enquadram-se as normas que regulamentam o sinal de comunicação de dados pela rede elétrica, análise das caracteristicas da rede elétrica, a busca de soluções de acoplamento e o levantamento das características ideais. Após o estudo aprofundado dos requisitos necessários, foi proposto o projeto de um par de acopladores capazes de inserir e remover o sinal da rede elétrica da melhor forma possível, buscando atender ao máximo as características ideais. Como forma de validação do projeto sugerido, foram realizadas diversas simulações e, ao final, foi realizada uma comparação com a solução padrão utilizada atualmente

    Detection and classification of frequency-hopped spread spectrum signals

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    This dissertation proposes a means of defeating Frequency-Hopped (FH) spread spectrum modulation using an intercept receiver capable of fast emission detection and classification. By continuously analyzing the spectrum and classifying detected emissions, the receiver is capable of following a FH signal as it changes frequency. No a priori knowledge of the FH signals is needed by the receiver;The basic structure used for emission detection is the radiometer. The tradeoffs between integration time and detection bandwidth examined. A suitable design for the intercept receiver is selected, and a digital architecture using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT\u27s) to implement the radiometer function is proposed. The detection performance of the digital receiver is predicted and compared with conventional analog radiometric receivers. Constraints on the time-bandwidth product imposed by the use of FFT\u27s are also examined;Correct emission classification is the second problem that must be addressed before signal interception is possible. Two classification algorithms developed using Baysian decision theory are discussed. The algorithms use data with arbitrary distributions calculated from samples of detected emissions to classify emissions. The first classification algorithm considered is the well-known maximum likelihood rule. The form of the decision rule, and the classification accuracy that can be expected from it are discussed. The epoch classification algorithm is then developed to eliminate errors which occur using the maximum likelihood classification algorithm. The probability of classification error for the epoch classification algorithm is found to be considerably less than that obtained using maximum likelihood classification;To illustrate the application of the classification algorithms, emission frequency is used with hop frequency order statistics to classify emissions. The use of emission frequency is shown to eliminate or significantly reduce the probability of classification error when hopping spans from different FH signals are distinct or only partially overlap

    Інтелектуальні системи забезпечення енергозбереження житлових будинків

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    У навчальному посібнику викладено теоретичні засади енергоефективного керування системою електроживлення локального об’єкту. Розглянуто принципи централізованої, децентралізованої та комбінованої стратегій, ієрархічного розподілу електротехнічних пристроїв. Викладено основні положення нового математичного апарату спектрального та вейвлет-перетворення дискретних функцій m-ічного аргументу в орієнтованому базисі. Розглянуті електро-вартісні моделі, що враховують електротехнічні параметри пристроїв локального об’єкту та вартісні фактори і створюють базу для керування з мінімізацією вартісних витрат користувача. Наведені приклади.Theoretical basis of energy effective control of electrical supply system at local objects is considered in the textbook. The principles of centralized, decentralized and combined control strategies as well as hierarchial distribution of electrical devices are given. The main issues of new mathematical approach of spectral and wavelet transform of discrete functions with m-ary argument at oriented basis are described. Electro-cost models that take into consideration electrical parameters of the devices and cost factors thus creating the base for the control with minimum cost expenses for the user are explained. The numerous examples are given.В учебном пособии изложены теоретические основы энергоэффективного управления системой электропитания локального объекта. Рассмотрены принципы централизованной, децентрализованной и комбинированной стратегий, иерархического распределения электротехнических устройств. Изложены основные положения нового математического аппарата спектрального и вейвлет-преобразования дискретных функций m-ичного аргумента в ориентированном базисе. Рассмотрены электро-стоимостные модели, учитывающие электротехнические параметры устройств локального объекта и стоимостные факторы и создающие базу для управления с минимизацией стоимостных затрат пользователя. Приведены примеры

    Sensor Characteristics Reference Guide

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    The Buildings Technologies Office (BTO), within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), is initiating a new program in Sensor and Controls. The vision of this program is: • Buildings operating automatically and continuously at peak energy efficiency over their lifetimes and interoperating effectively with the electric power grid. • Buildings that are self-configuring, self-commissioning, self-learning, self-diagnosing, self-healing, and self-transacting to enable continuous peak performance. • Lower overall building operating costs and higher asset valuation. The overarching goal is to capture 30% energy savings by enhanced management of energy consuming assets and systems through development of cost-effective sensors and controls. One step in achieving this vision is the publication of this Sensor Characteristics Reference Guide. The purpose of the guide is to inform building owners and operators of the current status, capabilities, and limitations of sensor technologies. It is hoped that this guide will aid in the design and procurement process and result in successful implementation of building sensor and control systems. DOE will also use this guide to identify research priorities, develop future specifications for potential market adoption, and provide market clarity through unbiased informatio