298 research outputs found

    A canonical UTD solution for electromagnetic scattering by an electrically large impedance circular cylinder illuminated by an obliquely incident plane wave

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    A uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) solution is developed for the canonical problem of the electromagnetic (EM) scattering by an electrically large circular cylinder with a uniform impedance boundary condition (IBC), when it is illuminated by an obliquely incident high frequency plane wave. A solution to this canonical problem is first constructed in terms of an exact formulation involving a radially propagating eigenfunction expansion. The latter is converted into a circumferentially propagating eigenfunction expansion suited for large cylinders, via the Watson transform, which is expressed as an integral that is subsequently evaluated asymptotically, for high frequencies, in a uniform manner. The resulting solution is then expressed in the desired UTD ray form. This solution is uniform in the sense that it has the important property that it remains continuous across the transition region on either side of the surface shadow boundary. Outside the shadow boundary transition region it recovers the purely ray optical incident and reflected ray fields on the deep lit side of the shadow boundary and to the modal surface diffracted ray fields on the deep shadow side. The scattered field is seen to have a cross-polarized component due to the coupling between the TEz and TMz waves (where z is the cylinder axis) resulting from the IBC. Such cross-polarization vanishes for normal incidence on the cylinder, and also in the deep lit region for oblique incidence where it properly reduces to the geometrical optics (GO) or ray optical solution. This UTD solution is shown to be very accurate by a numerical comparison with an exact reference solution

    Task reports on developing techniques for scattering by 3D composite structures and to generate new solutions in diffraction theory using higher order boundary conditions

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    There are two tasks described in this report. First, an extension of a two dimensional formulation is presented for a three dimensional body of revolution. A Fourier series expansion of the vector electric and magnetic fields is employed to reduce the dimensionality of the system, and an exact boundary condition is employed to terminate the mesh. The mesh termination boundary is chosen such that it leads to convolutional boundary operators for low O(n) memory demand. Second, rigorous uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) diffraction coefficients are presented for a coated convex cylinder simulated with generalized impedance boundary conditions. Ray solutions are obtained which remain valid in the transition region and reduce uniformly those in the deep lit and shadow regions. A uniform asymptotic solution is also presented for observations in the close vicinity of the cylinder

    A model for calculating EM field in layered medium with application to biological implants

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Modern wireless telecommunication devices (GSM Mobile system) (cellular telephones and wireless modems on laptop computers) have the potential to interfere with implantable medical devices/prostheses and cause possible malfunction. An implant of resonant dimensions within a homogeneous dielectric lossy sphere can enhance local values of SAR (the specific absorption rate). Also antenna radiation pattern and other characteristics are significantly altered by the presence of the composite dielectric entities such as the human body. Besides, the current safety limits do not take into account the possible effect of hot spots arising from metallic implants resonant at mobile phone frequencies. Although considerable attention has been given to study and measurement of scattering from a dielectric sphere, no rigorous treatment using electromagnetic theory has been given to the implanted dielectric spherical head/cylindrical body. This thesis aims to deal with the scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave from a perfectly conducting or dielectric spherical/cylindrical implant of electrically small radius (of resonant length), embedded eccentrically into a dielectric spherical head model. The method of dyadic Green's function (DGF) for spherical vector wave functions is used. Analytical expressions for the scattered fields of both cylindrical and spherical implants as well as layered spherical head and cylindrical torso models are obtained separately in different chapters. The whole structure is assumed to be uniform along the propagation direction. To further check the accuracy of the proposed solution, the numerical results from the analytical expressions computed for the problem of implanted head/body are compared with the numerical results from the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method using the EMU-FDTD Electromagnetic simulator. Good agreement is observed between the numerical results based on the proposed method and the FDTD numerical technique. This research presents a new approach, away from simulation work, to the study of exact computation of EM fields in biological systems. Its salient characteristics are its simplicity, the saving in memory and CPU computational time and speed.Cochlear UK Limited and EPSR

    Comparison of Computational Electromagnetic Codes for Prediction of Low-Frequency Radar Cross Section

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    Radar cross section (RCS) prediction of full-scale aircraft is of interest to military planners for a variety of applications. Several computational electromagnetic codes for RCS prediction are available with differing features and capabilities. The goal of this research is to compare the capabilities of three computational electromagnetic codes for use in production of RCS signature assessments at low frequencies in terms of performance, accuracy, and features: Fast Illinois Solver Code (FISC), Code for Analysis of Radiators on Lossy Surfaces (CARLOS-3D), and Science Applications International Corporation Full-wave solver (SAF). The comparison is accomplished through analysis of predicted and measured RCS of several canonical and simple objects and a complex target comprised of these constituent objects. In addition to RCS accuracy, memory requirements and computation time are key considerations for this code comparison. Verification of code performance in memory and processing time based on varying levels of unknowns is performed. A 1/36 scale body-of-revolution missile model is the complex model constructed for measurement and prediction. The model corresponds to an 18-meter full-scale target and includes a cavity allowing mode propagation at frequencies of interest. The complex model is simulated at 400 and 500 MHZ corresponding to a 24 and 30 lambda target length, respectively. RCS of each constituent part of the model is also analyzed to establish a level of confidence in solution accuracy. Solution convergence is shown using increasing discretization levels. A comparison is also conducted between measured and predicted results for two PEC objects coated with magnetic radar absorbent material (MRAM). The RCS for a 12″×12″ MRAM-coated PEC flat plate and a 9″×9″ MRAM-coated PEC right circular cone are measured in the Air Force Research Laboratory’s compact RCS/antenna measurement range and then compared to results from FISC using its impedance boundary condition (IBC) feature. A physical optics method for predicting RCS of a material-coated PEC plate is also developed as a third data. The IBC formulation is generalized for polarization and angle-dependent impedances to investigate prediction improvement. Results of each part of the comparison are presented as well as the methodology used to evaluate the codes

    Diffraction and scattering of high frequency waves

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    This thesis examines certain aspects of diffraction and scattering of high frequency waves, utilising and extending upon the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD). The first problem considered is that of scattering of electromagnetic plane waves by a perfectly conducting thin body, of aspect ratio O(k^1/2), where k is the dimensionless wavenumber. The edges of such a body have a radius of curvature which is comparable to the wavelength of the incident field, which lies inbetween the sharp and blunt cases traditionally treated by the GTD. The local problem of scattering by such an edge is that of a parabolic cylinder with the appropriate radius of curvature at the edge. The far field of the integral solution to this problem is examined using the method of steepest descents, extending the recent work of Tew [44]; in particular the behaviour of the field in the vicinity of the shadow boundaries is determined. These are fatter than those in the sharp or blunt cases, with a novel transition function. The second problem considered is that of scattering by thin shells of dielectric material. Under the assumption that the refractive index of the dielectric is large, approximate transition conditions for a layer of half a wavelength in thickness are formulated which account for the effects of curvature of the layer. Using these transition conditions the directivity of the fields scattered by a tightly curved tip region is determined, provided certain conditions are met by the tip curvature. In addition, creeping ray and whispering gallery modes outside such a curved layer are examined in the context of the GTD, and their initiation at a point of tangential incidence upon the layer is studied. The final problem considered concerns the scattering matrix of a closed convex body. A straightforward and explicit discussion of scattering theory is presented. Then the approximations of the GTD are used to find the first two terms in the asymptotic behaviour of the scattering phase, and the connection between the external scattering problem and the internal eigenvalue problem is discussed

    “Unlocking” the Ground: Increasing the Detectability of Buried Objects by Depositing Passive Superstrates

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    One of the main problems when trying to detect the position and other characteristics of a small inclusion into lossy earth via external measurements is the inclusion’s poor scattering response due to attenuation. Hence, increasing the scattered power generated by the inclusion by using not an active but a passive material is of great interest. To this direction, we examine, in this work, a procedure of “unlocking” the ground by depositing a thin passive layer of conventional material atop of it. The first step is to significantly enhance the transmission into a lossy half space, in the absence of the inclusion, by covering it with a passive slab. The redistribution of the fields into the slab and the infinite half space, due to the interplay of waves between the interfaces, makes possible to determine the thickness and permittivity of an optimal layer. The full boundary value problem (including the inclusion and the deposited superstrate) is solved semi-analytically via integral equations techniques. Then, the scattered power of the buried inclusion is compared to the corresponding quantity when no additional layer is present. We report substantial improvement in the detectability of the inclusion for several types of ground and burying depths by using conventional realizable passive materials. Implementation aspects in potential applications as well as possible future generalizations are also discussed. The developed technique may constitute an effective “configuration (structural) preprocessing” which may be used as a first step in the analysis of related problems before the application of an inverse scattering algorithm concerning the efficient processing of the scattering dat

    “Unlocking” the Ground: Increasing the Detectability of Buried Objects by Depositing Passive Superstrates

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    One of the main problems when trying to detect the position and other characteristics of a small inclusion into lossy earth via external measurements is the inclusion’s poor scattering response due to attenuation. Hence, increasing the scattered power generated by the inclusion by using not an active but a passive material is of great interest. To this direction, we examine, in this work, a procedure of “unlocking” the ground by depositing a thin passive layer of conventional material atop of it. The first step is to significantly enhance the transmission into a lossy half space, in the absence of the inclusion, by covering it with a passive slab. The redistribution of the fields into the slab and the infinite half space, due to the interplay of waves between the interfaces, makes possible to determine the thickness and permittivity of an optimal layer. The full boundary value problem (including the inclusion and the deposited superstrate) is solved semi-analytically via integral equations techniques. Then, the scattered power of the buried inclusion is compared to the corresponding quantity when no additional layer is present. We report substantial improvement in the detectability of the inclusion for several types of ground and burying depths by using conventional realizable passive materials. Implementation aspects in potential applications as well as possible future generalizations are also discussed. The developed technique may constitute an effective “configuration (structural) preprocessing” which may be used as a first step in the analysis of related problems before the application of an inverse scattering algorithm concerning the efficient processing of the scattering dat

    Gain and Loss Factor for Conical Horns, and Impact of Ground Plane Edge Diffractions on Radiation Patterns of Uncoated and Coated Circular Aperture Antennas

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    abstract: Horn antennas have been used for over a hundred years. They have a wide variety of uses where they are a basic and popular microwave antenna for many practical applications, such as feed elements for communication reflector dishes on satellite or point-to-point relay antennas. They are also widely utilized as gain standards for calibration and gain measurement of other antennas. The gain and loss factor of conical horns are revisited in this dissertation based on spherical and quadratic aperture phase distributions. The gain is compared with published classical data in an attempt to confirm their validity and accuracy and to determine whether they were derived based on spherical or quadratic aperture phase distributions. In this work, it is demonstrated that the gain of a conical horn antenna obtained by using a spherical phase distribution is in close agreement with published classical data. Moreover, more accurate expressions for the loss factor, to account for amplitude and phase tapers over the horn aperture, are derived. New formulas for the design of optimum gain conical horns, based on the more accurate spherical aperture phase distribution, are derived. To better understand the impact of edge diffractions on aperture antenna performance, an extensive investigation of the edge diffractions impact is undertaken in this dissertation for commercial aperture antennas. The impact of finite uncoated and coated PEC ground plane edge diffractions on the amplitude patterns in the principal planes of circular apertures is intensively examined. Similarly, aperture edge diffractions of aperture antennas without ground planes are examined. Computational results obtained by the analytical model are compared with experimental and HFSS-simulated results for all cases studied. In addition, the impact of the ground plane size, coating thickness, and relative permittivity of the dielectric layer on the radiation amplitude in the back region has been examined. This investigation indicates that the edge diffractions do impact the main forward lobe pattern, especially in the E plane. Their most significant contribution appears in far side and back lobes. This work demonstrates that the finite edge contributors must be considered to obtain more accurate amplitude patterns of aperture antennas.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201