14 research outputs found

    Representing and Modeling Inconsistent, Impossible, and Incoherent Shapes and Scenes with 2D Non-Conservative Vector Fields mapped on 2-Complexes

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    In this paper, we present a framework to represent mock 3D objects and scenes, which are not 3D but appear 3D. In our framework, each mock-3D object is represented using 2D non-conservative vector fields and thickness information that are mapped on 2-complexes. Mock-3D scenes are simply scenes consisting of more than one mock-3D object. We demonstrated that using this representation, we can dynamically compute a 3D shape using rays emanating from any given point in 3D. These mock-3D objects are view-dependent since their computed shapes depend on the positions of ray centers. Using these dynamically computed shapes, we can compute shadows, reflections, and refractions in real time. This representation is mainly useful for 2D artistic applications to model incoherent, inconsistent, and impossible objects. Using this representation, it is possible to obtain expressive depictions with shadows and global illumination effects. The representation can also be used to convert existing 2D artworks into a Mock-3D form that can be interactively re-rendered.Comment: 21 page

    Web-Based Dynamic Paintings: Real-Time Interactive Artworks in Web Using a 2.5D Pipeline

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    In this work, we present a 2.5D pipeline approach to creating dynamic paintings that can be re-rendered interactively in real-time on the Web. Using this 2.5D approach, any existing simple painting such as portraits can be turned into an interactive dynamic web-based artwork. Our interactive system provides most global illumination effects such as reflection, refraction, shadow, and subsurface scattering by processing images. In our system, the scene is defined only by a set of images. These include (1) a shape image, (2) two diffuse images, (3) a background image, (4) one foreground image, and (5) one transparency image. A shape image is either a normal map or a height. Two diffuse images are usually hand-painted. They are interpolated using illumination information. The transparency image is used to define the transparent and reflective regions that can reflect the foreground image and refract the background image, both of which are also hand-drawn. This framework, which mainly uses hand-drawn images, provides qualitatively convincing painterly global illumination effects such as reflection and refraction. We also include parameters to provide additional artistic controls. For instance, using our piecewise linear Fresnel function, it is possible to control the ratio of reflection and refraction. This system is the result of a long line of research contributions. On the other hand, the art-directed Fresnel function that provides physically plausible compositing of reflection and refraction with artistic control is completely new. Art-directed warping equations that provide qualitatively convincing refraction and reflection effects with linearized artistic control are also new. You can try our web-based system for interactive dynamic real-time paintings at http://mock3d.tamu.edu/.Comment: 22 page

    Depicting Stylized Materials with Vector Shade Trees

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    International audienceVector graphics represent images with compact, editable and scalable primitives. Skillful vector artists employ these primitives to produce vivid depictions of material appearance and lighting. However, such stylized imagery often requires building complex multi-layered combinations of colored fills and gradient meshes. We facilitate this task by introducing vector shade trees that bring to vector graphics the flexibility of modular shading representations as known in the 3D rendering community. In contrast to traditional shade trees that combine pixel and vertex shaders, our shade nodes encapsulate the creation and blending of vector primitives that vector artists routinely use. We propose a set of basic shade nodes that we design to respect the traditional guidelines on material depiction described in drawing books and tutorials. We integrate our representation as an Adobe Illustrator plug-in that allows even inexperienced users to take a line drawing, apply a few clicks and obtain a fully colored illustration. More experienced artists can easily refine the illustration, adding more details and visual features, while using all the vector drawing tools they are already familiar with. We demonstrate the power of our representation by quickly generating illustrations of complex objects and materials

    Locally refinable gradient meshes supporting branching and sharp colour transitions:Towards a more versatile vector graphics primitive

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    We present a local refinement approach for gradient meshes, a primitive commonly used in the design of vector illustrations with complex colour propagation. Local refinement allows the artist to add more detail only in the regions where it is needed, as opposed to global refinement which often clutters the workspace with undesired detail and potentially slows down the workflow. Moreover, in contrast to existing implementations of gradient mesh refinement, our approach ensures mathematically exact refinement. Additionally, we introduce a branching feature that allows for a wider range of mesh topologies, as well as a feature that enables sharp colour transitions similar to diffusion curves, which turn the gradient mesh into a more versatile and expressive vector graphics primitive

    Local and Hierarchical Refinement for Subdivision Gradient Meshes

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    Gradient mesh design tools allow users to create detailed scalable images, traditionally through the creation and manipulation of a (dense) mesh with regular rectangular topology. Through recent advances it is now possible to allow gradient meshes to have arbitrary manifold topology, using a modified Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme to define the resultant geometry and colour [LKSD17]. We present two novel methods to allow local and hierarchical refinement of both colour and geometry for such subdivision gradient meshes. Our methods leverage the mesh properties that the particular subdivision scheme ensures. In both methods, the artists enjoy all the standard capabilities of manipulating the mesh and the associated colour gradients at the coarsest level as well as locally at refined levels. Further novel features include interpolation of both position and colour of the vertices of the input meshes, local detail follows coarser-level edits, and support for sharp colour transitions, all at any level in the hierarchy offered by subdivision

    Mock-3D Web Application: Interactive Lighting, Rendering and Shading for 2D Artwork

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    In this thesis, we developed a web-based tool to allow artists to create 3D-looking stylized depictions based on 2D artwork with complete visual control. The controls include multiple lights with diffuse reflections and specular highlights, and refraction and mirror reflection with Fresnel control. Our controls do not necessarily correspond to underlying physical phenomena; however, they still provided results that are visually similar to 3D realistic rendering. The core of this approach is using paintable shape maps, which are similar to normal maps. The shape maps do not have to correspond to 3D shapes and, therefore, they can allow the artist to obtain incoherent and impossible 2D shapes with 3D appearance. Another contribution is that we linearized Fresnel Curve so that it can be controlled by two sliders. This allows it to achieve an intuitive blending of the results of refraction and reflection