24,890 research outputs found

    Estimation of vector fields in unconstrained and inequality constrained variational problems for segmentation and registration

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    Vector fields arise in many problems of computer vision, particularly in non-rigid registration. In this paper, we develop coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) to estimate vector fields that define the deformation between objects, and the contour or surface that defines the segmentation of the objects as well.We also explore the utility of inequality constraints applied to variational problems in vision such as estimation of deformation fields in non-rigid registration and tracking. To solve inequality constrained vector field estimation problems, we apply tools from the Kuhn-Tucker theorem in optimization theory. Our technique differs from recently popular joint segmentation and registration algorithms, particularly in its coupled set of PDEs derived from the same set of energy terms for registration and segmentation. We present both the theory and results that demonstrate our approach

    An Automatic Level Set Based Liver Segmentation from MRI Data Sets

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    A fast and accurate liver segmentation method is a challenging work in medical image analysis area. Liver segmentation is an important process for computer-assisted diagnosis, pre-evaluation of liver transplantation and therapy planning of liver tumors. There are several advantages of magnetic resonance imaging such as free form ionizing radiation and good contrast visualization of soft tissue. Also, innovations in recent technology and image acquisition techniques have made magnetic resonance imaging a major tool in modern medicine. However, the use of magnetic resonance images for liver segmentation has been slow when we compare applications with the central nervous systems and musculoskeletal. The reasons are irregular shape, size and position of the liver, contrast agent effects and similarities of the gray values of neighbor organs. Therefore, in this study, we present a fully automatic liver segmentation method by using an approximation of the level set based contour evolution from T2 weighted magnetic resonance data sets. The method avoids solving partial differential equations and applies only integer operations with a two-cycle segmentation algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed approach is achieved by applying the algorithm to all slices with a constant number of iteration and performing the contour evolution without any user defined initial contour. The obtained results are evaluated with four different similarity measures and they show that the automatic segmentation approach gives successful results

    Image Segmentation Using Weak Shape Priors

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    The problem of image segmentation is known to become particularly challenging in the case of partial occlusion of the object(s) of interest, background clutter, and the presence of strong noise. To overcome this problem, the present paper introduces a novel approach segmentation through the use of "weak" shape priors. Specifically, in the proposed method, an segmenting active contour is constrained to converge to a configuration at which its geometric parameters attain their empirical probability densities closely matching the corresponding model densities that are learned based on training samples. It is shown through numerical experiments that the proposed shape modeling can be regarded as "weak" in the sense that it minimally influences the segmentation, which is allowed to be dominated by data-related forces. On the other hand, the priors provide sufficient constraints to regularize the convergence of segmentation, while requiring substantially smaller training sets to yield less biased results as compared to the case of PCA-based regularization methods. The main advantages of the proposed technique over some existing alternatives is demonstrated in a series of experiments.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Segmentation of the left ventricle of the heart in 3-D+t MRI data using an optimized nonrigid temporal model

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    Modern medical imaging modalities provide large amounts of information in both the spatial and temporal domains and the incorporation of this information in a coherent algorithmic framework is a significant challenge. In this paper, we present a novel and intuitive approach to combine 3-D spatial and temporal (3-D + time) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data in an integrated segmentation algorithm to extract the myocardium of the left ventricle. A novel level-set segmentation process is developed that simultaneously delineates and tracks the boundaries of the left ventricle muscle. By encoding prior knowledge about cardiac temporal evolution in a parametric framework, an expectation-maximization algorithm optimally tracks the myocardial deformation over the cardiac cycle. The expectation step deforms the level-set function while the maximization step updates the prior temporal model parameters to perform the segmentation in a nonrigid sense

    GridNet with automatic shape prior registration for automatic MRI cardiac segmentation

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    In this paper, we propose a fully automatic MRI cardiac segmentation method based on a novel deep convolutional neural network (CNN) designed for the 2017 ACDC MICCAI challenge. The novelty of our network comes with its embedded shape prior and its loss function tailored to the cardiac anatomy. Our model includes a cardiac centerof-mass regression module which allows for an automatic shape prior registration. Also, since our method processes raw MR images without any manual preprocessing and/or image cropping, our CNN learns both high-level features (useful to distinguish the heart from other organs with a similar shape) and low-level features (useful to get accurate segmentation results). Those features are learned with a multi-resolution conv-deconv "grid" architecture which can be seen as an extension of the U-Net. Experimental results reveal that our method can segment the left and right ventricles as well as the myocardium from a 3D MRI cardiac volume in 0.4 second with an average Dice coefficient of 0.90 and an average Hausdorff distance of 10.4 mm.Comment: 8 pages, 1 tables, 2 figure

    Statistical Model of Shape Moments with Active Contour Evolution for Shape Detection and Segmentation

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    This paper describes a novel method for shape representation and robust image segmentation. The proposed method combines two well known methodologies, namely, statistical shape models and active contours implemented in level set framework. The shape detection is achieved by maximizing a posterior function that consists of a prior shape probability model and image likelihood function conditioned on shapes. The statistical shape model is built as a result of a learning process based on nonparametric probability estimation in a PCA reduced feature space formed by the Legendre moments of training silhouette images. A greedy strategy is applied to optimize the proposed cost function by iteratively evolving an implicit active contour in the image space and subsequent constrained optimization of the evolved shape in the reduced shape feature space. Experimental results presented in the paper demonstrate that the proposed method, contrary to many other active contour segmentation methods, is highly resilient to severe random and structural noise that could be present in the data
