1,782 research outputs found

    A Predictive Model for User Motivation and Utility Implications of Privacy-Protection Mechanisms in Location Check-Ins

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    Location check-ins contain both geographical and semantic information about the visited venues. Semantic information is usually represented by means of tags (e.g., “restaurant”). Such data can reveal some personal information about users beyond what they actually expect to disclose, hence their privacy is threatened. To mitigate such threats, several privacy protection techniques based on location generalization have been proposed. Although the privacy implications of such techniques have been extensively studied, the utility implications are mostly unknown. In this paper, we propose a predictive model for quantifying the effect of a privacy-preserving technique (i.e., generalization) on the perceived utility of check-ins. We first study the users’ motivations behind their location check-ins, based on a study targeted at Foursquare users (N = 77). We propose a machine-learning method for determining the motivation behind each check-in, and we design a motivation-based predictive model for the utility implications of generalization. Based on the survey data, our results show that the model accurately predicts the fine-grained motivation behind a check-in in 43% of the cases and in 63% of the cases for the coarse-grained motivation. It also predicts, with a mean error of 0.52 (on a scale from 1 to 5), the loss of utility caused by semantic and geographical generalization. This model makes it possible to design of utility-aware, privacy-enhancing mechanisms in location-based online social networks. It also enables service providers to implement location-sharing mechanisms that preserve both the utility and privacy for their users

    A personality aware recommendation system

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    Les systĂšmes de recommandation conversationnels (CRSs) sont des systĂšmes qui fournissent des recommandations personnalisĂ©es par le biais d’une session de dialogue en langage naturel avec les utilisateurs. Contrairement aux systĂšmes de recommandation traditionnels qui ne prennent comme vĂ©ritĂ© de base que les prĂ©fĂ©rences anciennes des utilisateurs, les CRS impliquent aussi les prĂ©fĂ©rences actuelles des utilisateurs durant la conversation. Des recherches rĂ©centes montrent que la comprĂ©hension de la signification contextuelle des prĂ©fĂ©rences des utilisateurs et des dialogues peut amĂ©liorer de maniĂšre significative les performances du systĂšme de recommandation. Des chercheurs ont Ă©galement montrĂ© un lien fort entre les traits de personnalitĂ© des utilisateurs et les systĂšmes de recommandation. La personnalitĂ© et les prĂ©fĂ©rences sont des variables essentielles en sciences sociales. Elles dĂ©crivent les diffĂ©rences entre les personnes, que ce soit au niveau individuel ou collectif. Les approches rĂ©centes de recommandation basĂ©es sur la personnalitĂ© sont des systĂšmes non conversationnels. Par consĂ©quent, il est extrĂȘmement important de dĂ©tecter et d’utiliser les traits de personnalitĂ© des individus dans les systĂšmes conversationnels afin d’assurer une performance de recommandation et de dialogue plus personnalisĂ©e. Pour ce faire, ce travail propose un systĂšme de recommandation conversationnel sensible Ă  la personnalitĂ© qui est basĂ© sur des modules qui assurent une session de dialogue et recommandation personnalisĂ©e en utilisant les traits de personnalitĂ© des utilisateurs. Nous proposons Ă©galement une nouvelle approche de dĂ©tection de la personnalitĂ©, qui est un modĂšle de langage spĂ©cifique au contexte pour dĂ©tecter les traits des individus en utilisant leurs donnĂ©es publiĂ©es sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que notre systĂšme proposĂ© a surpassĂ© les approches existantes dans diffĂ©rentes mesures.A Conversational Recommendation System (CRS) is a system that provides personalized recommendations through a session of natural language dialogue turns with users. Unlike traditional one-shot recommendation systems, which only assume the user’s previous preferences as the ground truth, CRS uses both previous and current user preferences. Recent research shows that understanding the contextual meaning of user preferences and dialogue turns can significantly improve recommendation performance. It also shows a strong link between users’ personality traits and recommendation systems. Personality and preferences are essential variables in computational sociology and social science. They describe the differences between people, both at the individual and collective level. Recent personality-based recommendation approaches are traditional one-shot systems, or “non conversational systems”. Therefore, there is a significant need to detect and employ individuals’ personality traits within the CRS paradigm to ensure a better and more personalized dialogue recommendation performance. Driven by the aforementioned facts, this study proposes a modularized, personality- aware CRS that ensures a personalized dialogue recommendation session using the users’ personality traits. We also propose a novel personality detection approach, which is a context-specific language model for detecting individuals’ personality traits using their social media data. The goal is to create a personality-aware and topic-guided CRS model that performs better than the standard CRS models. Experimental results show that our personality-aware conversation recommendation system has outperformed state-of-the-art approaches in different considered metrics on the topic-guided conversation recommendation dataset

    A Survey on Differential Privacy with Machine Learning and Future Outlook

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    Nowadays, machine learning models and applications have become increasingly pervasive. With this rapid increase in the development and employment of machine learning models, a concern regarding privacy has risen. Thus, there is a legitimate need to protect the data from leaking and from any attacks. One of the strongest and most prevalent privacy models that can be used to protect machine learning models from any attacks and vulnerabilities is differential privacy (DP). DP is strict and rigid definition of privacy, where it can guarantee that an adversary is not capable to reliably predict if a specific participant is included in the dataset or not. It works by injecting a noise to the data whether to the inputs, the outputs, the ground truth labels, the objective functions, or even to the gradients to alleviate the privacy issue and protect the data. To this end, this survey paper presents different differentially private machine learning algorithms categorized into two main categories (traditional machine learning models vs. deep learning models). Moreover, future research directions for differential privacy with machine learning algorithms are outlined.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    A review and comparison of ontology-based approaches to robot autonomy

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    Within the next decades, robots will need to be able to execute a large variety of tasks autonomously in a large variety of environments. To relax the resulting programming effort, a knowledge-enabled approach to robot programming can be adopted to organize information in re-usable knowledge pieces. However, for the ease of reuse, there needs to be an agreement on the meaning of terms. A common approach is to represent these terms using ontology languages that conceptualize the respective domain. In this work, we will review projects that use ontologies to support robot autonomy. We will systematically search for projects that fulfill a set of inclusion criteria and compare them with each other with respect to the scope of their ontology, what types of cognitive capabilities are supported by the use of ontologies, and which is their application domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Tensor Learning for Recovering Missing Information: Algorithms and Applications on Social Media

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    Real-time social systems like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat have been growing rapidly, producing exabytes of data in different views or aspects. Coupled with more and more GPS-enabled sharing of videos, images, blogs, and tweets that provide valuable information regarding “who”, “where”, “when” and “what”, these real-time human sensor data promise new research opportunities to uncover models of user behavior, mobility, and information sharing. These real-time dynamics in social systems usually come in multiple aspects, which are able to help better understand the social interactions of the underlying network. However, these multi-aspect datasets are often raw and incomplete owing to various unpredictable or unavoidable reasons; for instance, API limitations and data sampling policies can lead to an incomplete (and often biased) perspective on these multi-aspect datasets. This missing data could raise serious concerns such as biased estimations on structural properties of the network and properties of information cascades in social networks. In order to recover missing values or information in social systems, we identify “4S” challenges: extreme sparsity of the observed multi-aspect datasets, adoption of rich side information that is able to describe the similarities of entities, generation of robust models rather than limiting them on specific applications, and scalability of models to handle real large-scale datasets (billions of observed entries). With these challenges in mind, this dissertation aims to develop scalable and interpretable tensor-based frameworks, algorithms and methods for recovering missing information on social media. In particular, this dissertation research makes four unique contributions: _ The first research contribution of this dissertation research is to propose a scalable framework based on low-rank tensor learning in the presence of incomplete information. Concretely, we formally define the problem of recovering the spatio-temporal dynamics of online memes and tackle this problem by proposing a novel tensor-based factorization approach based on the alternative direction method of multipliers (ADMM) with the integration of the latent relationships derived from contextual information among locations, memes, and times. _ The second research contribution of this dissertation research is to evaluate the generalization of the proposed tensor learning framework and extend it to the recommendation problem. In particular, we develop a novel tensor-based approach to solve the personalized expert recommendation by integrating both the latent relationships between homogeneous entities (e.g., users and users, experts and experts) and the relationships between heterogeneous entities (e.g., users and experts, topics and experts) from the geo-spatial, topical, and social contexts. _ The third research contribution of this dissertation research is to extend the proposed tensor learning framework to the user topical profiling problem. Specifically, we propose a tensor-based contextual regularization model embedded into a matrix factorization framework, which leverages the social, textual, and behavioral contexts across users, in order to overcome identified challenges. _ The fourth research contribution of this dissertation research is to scale up the proposed tensor learning framework to be capable of handling real large-scale datasets that are too big to fit in the main memory of a single machine. Particularly, we propose a novel distributed tensor completion algorithm with the trace-based regularization of the auxiliary information based on ADMM under the proposed tensor learning framework, which is designed to scale up to real large-scale tensors (e.g., billions of entries) by efficiently computing auxiliary variables, minimizing intermediate data, and reducing the workload of updating new tensors

    Grounded Semantic Reasoning for Robotic Interaction with Real-World Objects

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    Robots are increasingly transitioning from specialized, single-task machines to general-purpose systems that operate in unstructured environments, such as homes, offices, and warehouses. In these real-world domains, robots need to manipulate novel objects while adapting to changes in environments and goals. Semantic knowledge, which concisely describes target domains with symbols, can potentially reveal the meaningful patterns shared between problems and environments. However, existing robots are yet to effectively reason about semantic data encoding complex relational knowledge or jointly reason about symbolic semantic data and multimodal data pertinent to robotic manipulation (e.g., object point clouds, 6-DoF poses, and attributes detected with multimodal sensing). This dissertation develops semantic reasoning frameworks capable of modeling complex semantic knowledge grounded in robot perception and action. We show that grounded semantic reasoning enables robots to more effectively perceive, model, and interact with objects in real-world environments. Specifically, this dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) a survey providing a unified view for the diversity of works in the field by formulating semantic reasoning as the integration of knowledge sources, computational frameworks, and world representations; (2) a method for predicting missing relations in large-scale knowledge graphs by leveraging type hierarchies of entities, effectively avoiding ambiguity while maintaining generalization of multi-hop reasoning patterns; (3) a method for predicting unknown properties of objects in various environmental contexts, outperforming prior knowledge graph and statistical relational learning methods due to the use of n-ary relations for modeling object properties; (4) a method for purposeful robotic grasping that accounts for a broad range of contexts (including object visual affordance, material, state, and task constraint), outperforming existing approaches in novel contexts and for unknown objects; (5) a systematic investigation into the generalization of task-oriented grasping that includes a benchmark dataset of 250k grasps, and a novel graph neural network that incorporates semantic relations into end-to-end learning of 6-DoF grasps; (6) a method for rearranging novel objects into semantically meaningful spatial structures based on high-level language instructions, more effectively capturing multi-object spatial constraints than existing pairwise spatial representations; (7) a novel planning-inspired approach that iteratively optimizes placements of partially observed objects subject to both physical constraints and semantic constraints inferred from language instructions.Ph.D
