119 research outputs found

    Models in the Cloud: Exploring Next Generation Environmental Software Systems

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    There is growing interest in the application of the latest trends in computing and data science methods to improve environmental science. However we found the penetration of best practice from computing domains such as software engineering and cloud computing into supporting every day environmental science to be poor. We take from this work a real need to re-evaluate the complexity of software tools and bring these to the right level of abstraction for environmental scientists to be able to leverage the latest developments in computing. In the Models in the Cloud project, we look at the role of model driven engineering, software frameworks and cloud computing in achieving this abstraction. As a case study we deployed a complex weather model to the cloud and developed a collaborative notebook interface for orchestrating the deployment and analysis of results. We navigate relatively poor support for complex high performance computing in the cloud to develop abstractions from complexity in cloud deployment and model configuration. We found great potential in cloud computing to transform science by enabling models to leverage elastic, flexible computing infrastructure and support new ways to deliver collaborative and open science

    Frameworks for Protocol Implementation

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    This paper reports on the development of a catalogue of frameworks for protocol implementation. Frameworks are software structures developed for a specific application domain, which can be re-used in the implementation of various different concrete systems in this domain. By using frameworks we aim at increasing the effectiveness of the protocol implementation process. We assume that whenever protocols are directly implemented from their specifications one may be able to increase the correctness and the speed of the implementation process, and the maintainability of the resulting system. We argue that frameworks should match the concepts underlying the techniques used for specifying protocols. Consequently, we couple the development of frameworks for protocol implementation to the investigation of the different alternative design models for protocol specification. This paper presents the approach we have been using to develop frameworks, and illustrates this approach with an example of framework

    Experiences modelling and using object-oriented telecommunication service frameworks in SDL

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    This paper describes experiences in using SDL and its associated tools to create telecommunication services by producing and specialising object-oriented frameworks. The chosen approach recognises the need for the rapid creation of validated telecommunication services. It introduces two stages to service creation. Firstly a software expert produces a service framework, and secondly a telecommunications ‘business consultant' specialises the framework by means of graphical tools to rapidly produce services. Here the focus is given to the underlying technology required. In particular, the advantages and disadvantages of SDL and tools for this purpose are highlighted

    Rebag-Ware: Reputation-based Governance of Public Works

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    Reputation-based Governance (Rebag) is a framework to address governance problems that hinges on the reputation of the relevant actors. It functions thanks to an appropriate Web-based information system that encompasses the concept of Internet-based Reputation System, of which eBay represents an example. Rebag-Ware is a demonstrator of such an information system, showing an application of the proposed governance model to the management of public works. Rebag provides strong incentives to the actors of governance to behave efficiently and honestly. It allows for the computation of routine statistics that are used to fight corruption. Also, it allows for very advanced forms of public involvement that include participative planning and budgeting. In the paper, Rebag-Ware 1.0 is used to show some of the characteristics of the proposed model of governance. The site of the project is http://www.rebag.it. Rebag-Ware can be accessed at: http://fire.ei.unibo.it:8080/rebagware/

    An object-oriented framework for predictive models in intensive care units

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    When used in conjunction with patterns, class libraries, and components, objectoriented application frameworks can significantly increase software quality and reduce development effort. Frameworks are a kind of domain-specific model whose structure can reuse existing patterns. In the field of medical applications, one of the important trends is the move towards frameworks describing different situations. Frameworks in medicine entails capturing, storing, retrieving, transmitting and manipulating patient-specific health care related data, including clinical, administrative, and biographical data. Using predictive methods in Intensive Care Units is a standard procedure to determine a measure of disease severity, based on current physiologic measurements, age and previous health condition. These situations can be described by reusing existing models and patterns, and building new structures based on flexible issues. In this paper, we present a Java object-oriented framework developed for modelling predictive methods in Intensive Care Units. We also briefly discuss future work, which will include a formal specification as part of the framework’s documentation.Eje: Ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A ”Framework” for Object Oriented Frameworks Design

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    Object-oriented frameworks are established tools for domain-specific reuse. Many framework design patterns have been documented, e.g. reverse engineering framework architectures from conventionally built applications for a given domain. The framework development cycle generally evolves from open framework to closed application. We describe a more flexible component-based approach to framework design that stresses a common interface for ’plugging-in’ new components at different lifecycle stages. An analysis of framework-related user roles shows that the classical developer/end-user boundary is too rigid. We see the framework’s development as a continuum within which its ’actors’ can customise its behaviour. This both increases the system’s flexibility and reduces its maintenance requirement. A case study of three frameworks for different application domains illustrates the presented principles

    Modélisation ontologique de processus dans le domaine de la veille épidémiologique

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    Session "Posters"National audienceDans ce papier, nous proposons une modélisation ontologique des processus de la veille sur les maladies infectieuses. Nous montrons l'intérêt de formaliser les aspects dynamiques des connaissances du domaine de la veille. Cette modélisation est menée sur trois niveaux : i) conceptuel modélisant des processus de la veille, de la veille sur les maladies infectieuses et de la propagation d'une maladie infectieuse ; ii) semi-formel correspondant à l'élaboration de patrons de processus pour faciliter la réutilisation des modèles conceptuels de?finis, et iii) formel correspondant à la formalisation des patrons élaborés. Ces patrons sont traduits dans le langage PSL pour rendre opérationnelle leur réutilisation et raisonner sur les modèles définis. La pertinence de la réutilisation des patrons est testée dans le domaine de l'épidémiologie de la bilharziose. Notre travail s'inscrit dans une approche de modélisation par spécification de la veille épidémiologique et constitue un apport à la mise en place des systèmes de veille. Une autre contribution est de participer aux travaux dans le domaine des ontologies des processus en prenant en compte les spécificités des phénomènes épidémiologiques

    Classification Algorithms Framework (CAF) to enable Intelligent Systems using JetBrains MPS domain-specific languages environment

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    This paper describes the design and development of a Classification Algorithms Framework (CAF) using the JetBrains MPS domain-specific languages (DSLs) development environment. It is increasingly recognized that the systems of the future will contain some form of adaptivity therefore making them intelligent systems as opposed to the static systems of the past. These intelligent systems can be extremely complex and difficult to maintain. Descriptions at higher-level of abstraction (system-level) have long been identified by industry and academia to reduce complexity. This research presents a Framework of Classification Algorithms at system-level that enables quick experimentation with several different algorithms from Naive Bayes to Logistic Regression. It has been developed as a tool to address the requirements of British Telecom’s (BT’s) data-science team. The tool has been presented at BT and JetBrains MPS and feedback has been collected and evaluated. Beyond the reduction in complexity through the system-level description, the most prominent advantage of this research is its potential applicability to many application contexts. It has been designed to be applicable for intelligent applications in several domains from business analytics, eLearning to eHealth, etc. Its wide applicability will contribute to enabling the larger vision of Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption in context