292 research outputs found

    Identification and recovery of video fragments for forensics file carving

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    In digital forensics, file carving of video files is an important process in the recovery of video evidence needed for many criminal cases. Traditional carving techniques recover video files based on their file structure. However, these techniques fail in cases where the file is split into several fragments, especially if some of the fragments were overwritten. In this paper, we present a method for identification and recovery process of video fragments if the video Codec specifications were overwritten. It consists of two parts which are detector and validators. The detector looks for sequences of bytes that could be video fragments in forensics image. The validator decides to accept or reject that a given fragment is a part of a video file. Based on the proposed method we implement a prototype which is called VidCarve. We have conducted several experiments to evaluate the proposed method with current video carving tools. Experimental results show that the discussed method can identify video fragments with high rates of precision and recall. The overall performance rate can produce forensically sound evidence and play a vital role in the process of recovery of digital evidence in many criminal cases

    DAVID D2.2: Analysis of loss modes in preservation systems

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    This is a report on the way in which loss and damage to digital AV content occurs for different content types, AV data carriers and preservation systems.Three different loss modes have been identified, and each has been analysed in terms of existing solutions and longterm effects. This report also includes an in-depth treatment of format compatibility (interoperability issues), format resilience to carrier degradation and format resilience to corruption

    Delivering video services over IP networks

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    The main goal pursued in this Thesis is to contribute towards the design and development of an end-to-end solution/system that would assist in reliable, consistence, less packet-loss delivery of high-quality video signals of pre-recorded presentations, training lectures, live events such as seminars over standard IP networks. This Thesis will focus on the existing Internet Service Provider, Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) and its best delivery of high-bandwidth data such as video to its Local and regional offices and departments over IP networks. This video-over-IP system aims to accumulate the technical scientific knowledge required to be able to offer high-quality video, which is fully scalable over IP networks. It aims to convert this knowledge into experimental prototypes, which, after the Thesis, can be developed into an integrated generic environment for Video-over-IP service development and content production. The objective is to initially define the functionality of content Services that can be incorporated into the operations of Oman telecommunications company networks. Then define the functional characteristics and system requirements necessary for the deployment of content streaming services over Omantel IP based networks. The design of this system would be combined with streaming high-quality video, while maintaining scalability and bandwidth efficiencies required for large-scale enterprise deployment. The design would encompass various components that are needed to capture, store and deliver streaming video to desktops. It will investigate on what is required to deliver quality video over Omantel IP networks and will recommend the actual products and solutions for achieving the end result

    Improving the robustness of CELP-like speech decoders using late-arrival packets information : application to G.729 standard in VoIP

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    L'utilisation de la voix sur Internet est une nouvelle tendance dans Ie secteur des télécommunications et de la réseautique. La paquetisation des données et de la voix est réalisée en utilisant Ie protocole Internet (IP). Plusieurs codecs existent pour convertir la voix codée en paquets. La voix codée est paquetisée et transmise sur Internet. À la réception, certains paquets sont soit perdus, endommages ou arrivent en retard. Ceci est cause par des contraintes telles que Ie délai («jitter»), la congestion et les erreurs de réseau. Ces contraintes dégradent la qualité de la voix. Puisque la transmission de la voix est en temps réel, Ie récepteur ne peut pas demander la retransmission de paquets perdus ou endommages car ceci va causer plus de délai. Au lieu de cela, des méthodes de récupération des paquets perdus (« concealment ») s'appliquent soit à l'émetteur soit au récepteur pour remplacer les paquets perdus ou endommages. Ce projet vise à implémenter une méthode innovatrice pour améliorer Ie temps de convergence suite a la perte de paquets au récepteur d'une application de Voix sur IP. La méthode a déjà été intégrée dans un codeur large-bande (AMR-WB) et a significativement amélioré la qualité de la voix en présence de <<jitter » dans Ie temps d'arrivée des trames au décodeur. Dans ce projet, la même méthode sera intégrée dans un codeur a bande étroite (ITU-T G.729) qui est largement utilise dans les applications de voix sur IP. Le codeur ITU-T G.729 défini des standards pour coder et décoder la voix a 8 kb/s en utilisant 1'algorithme CS-CELP (Conjugate Stmcture Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction).Abstract: Voice over Internet applications is the new trend in telecommunications and networking industry today. Packetizing data/voice is done using the Internet protocol (IP). Various codecs exist to convert the raw voice data into packets. The coded and packetized speech is transmitted over the Internet. At the receiving end some packets are either lost, damaged or arrive late. This is due to constraints such as network delay (fitter), network congestion and network errors. These constraints degrade the quality of speech. Since voice transmission is in real-time, the receiver can not request the retransmission of lost or damaged packets as this will cause more delay. Instead, concealment methods are applied either at the transmitter side (coder-based) or at the receiver side (decoder-based) to replace these lost or late-arrival packets. This work attempts to implement a novel method for improving the recovery time of concealed speech The method has already been integrated in a wideband speech coder (AMR-WB) and significantly improved the quality of speech in the presence of jitter in the arrival time of speech frames at the decoder. In this work, the same method will be integrated in a narrowband speech coder (ITU-T G.729) that is widely used in VoIP applications. The ITUT G.729 coder defines the standards for coding and decoding speech at 8 kb/s using Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction (CS-CELP) Algorithm

    Cross-layer analysis for video transmission over COFDM-based wireless local area networks

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Large-Scale Measurement of Real-Time Communication on the Web

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    Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is getting wide adoptions across the browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.) and platforms (PC, Android, iOS). It enables application developers to add real-time communications features (text chat, audio/video calls) to web applications using W3C standard JavaScript APIs, and the end users can enjoy real-time multimedia communication experience from the browser without the complication of installing special applications or browser plug-ins. As WebRTC based applications are getting deployed on the Internet by thousands of companies across the globe, it is very important to understand the quality of the real-time communication services provided by these applications. Important performance metrics to be considered include: whether the communication session was properly setup, what are the network delays, packet loss rate, throughput, etc. At Callstats.io, we provide a solution to address the above concerns. By integrating an JavaScript API into WebRTC applications, Callstats.io helps application providers to measure the Quality of Experience (QoE) related metrics on the end user side. This thesis illustrates how this WebRTC performance measurement system is designed and built and we show some statistics derived from the collected data to give some insight into the performance of today’s WebRTC based real-time communication services. According to our measurement, real-time communication over the Internet are generally performing well in terms of latency and loss. The throughput are good for about 30% of the communication sessions