9 research outputs found

    Breaking Good: Fracture Modes for Realtime Destruction

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    Drawing a direct analogy with the well-studied vibration or elastic modes, we introduce an object's fracture modes, which constitute its preferred or most natural ways of breaking. We formulate a sparsified eigenvalue problem, which we solve iteratively to obtain the n lowest-energy modes. These can be precomputed for a given shape to obtain a prefracture pattern that can substitute the state of the art for realtime applications at no runtime cost but significantly greater realism. Furthermore, any realtime impact can be projected onto our modes to obtain impact-dependent fracture patterns without the need for any online crack propagation simulation. We not only introduce this theoretically novel concept, but also show its fundamental and practical superiority in a diverse set of examples and contexts

    Variational Bonded Discrete Element Method with Manifold Optimization

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    This paper proposes a novel approach that combines variational integration with the bonded discrete element method (BDEM) to achieve faster and more accurate fracture simulations. The approach leverages the efficiency of implicit integration and the accuracy of BDEM in modeling fracture phenomena. We introduce a variational integrator and a manifold optimization approach utilizing a nullspace operator to speed up the solving of quaternion-constrained systems. Additionally, the paper presents an element packing and surface reconstruction method specifically designed for bonded discrete element methods. Results from the experiments prove that the proposed method offers 2.8 to 12 times faster state-of-the-art methods

    ACM Transactions on Graphics

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    We present a boundary element based method for fast simulation of brittle fracture. By introducing simplifying assumptions that allow us to quickly estimate stress intensities and opening displacements during crack propagation, we build a fracture algorithm where the cost of each time step scales linearly with the length of the crackfront. The transition from a full boundary element method to our faster variant is possible at the beginning of any time step. This allows us to build a hybrid method, which uses the expensive but more accurate BEM while the number of degrees of freedom is low, and uses the fast method once that number exceeds a given threshold as the crack geometry becomes more complicated. Furthermore, we integrate this fracture simulation with a standard rigid-body solver. Our rigid-body coupling solves a Neumann boundary value problem by carefully separating translational, rotational and deformational components of the collision forces and then applying a Tikhonov regularizer to the resulting linear system. We show that our method produces physically reasonable results in standard test cases and is capable of dealing with complex scenes faster than previous finite- or boundary element approaches

    High-resolution brittle fracture simulation with boundary elements

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    We present a method for simulating brittle fracture under the assumptions of quasi-static linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). Using the boundary element method (BEM) and Lagrangian crack-fronts, we produce highly detailed fracture surfaces. The computational cost of the BEM is alleviated by using a low-resolution mesh and interpolating the resulting stress intensity factors when propagating the high-resolution crack-front. Our system produces physics-based fracture surfaces with high spatial and temporal resolution, taking spatial variation of material toughness and/or strength into account. It also allows for crack initiation to be handled separately from crack propagation, which is not only more reasonable from a physics perspective, but can also be used to control the simulation. Separating the resolution of the crack-front from the resolution of the computational mesh increases the efficiency and therefore the amount of visual detail on the resulting fracture surfaces. The BEM also allows us to re-use previously computed blocks of the system matrix

    Fracturing artefacts into 3D printable puzzles to enhance audience engagement with heritage collections

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    Three-dimensional (3D) puzzles of heritage artefacts are typically used to engage audiences in the interpretation of archaeological objects in a museum gallery. The reason for this is that a puzzle can be seen as an enjoyable educational activity in the form of a game but also as a complex activity that archaeologists undertake when re-assembling fragments, for instance, of broken pottery. Until now the creation of this type of experiences is mostly a manual process and the artefacts used rarely reflect those in the collection due to the complex nature of the process. The contribution of this article is a novel digital worfklow for the design and fabrication of 3D puzzles that overcomes these limitations. The input to the workflow is an authentic artefact from a heritage collection, which is then digitised using technologies such as 3D scanning and 3D modelling. Thereafter, a puzzle generator system produces the puzzle pieces using a cell fracture algorithm and generates a set of puzzle pieces (female) and a single core piece (male) for fabrication. Finally, the pieces are fabricated using 3D printing technology and post-processed to facilitate the puzzle assembly. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed novel workflow, we deployed it to create a puzzle activity of the Saltdean urn, which is exhibited at the Archaeology Gallery of the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery. The workflow is also used with further artefacts to demonstrate its applicability to other shapes. The significance of this research is that it eases the task of creating puzzle-like activities and maintaining them in the long term within a busy public space such as a museum gallery

    A Materials Science Driven Pattern Generation Solution to Fracturing Computer Generated Glass for Films and Games

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    Believably and realistically fracturing computer generated glass for visual effects has been previously solved through various methods such as algorithmic approaches, utilizing texture maps, or finite element analysis. These solutions can achieve some believable results but often at the cost of one or more of the following: simulation time, preparation time, art directability, consistency with materials science research, or the requirement of creating or utilizing fixed assets or maps. In this thesis I present a novel method that draws from the appropriate literature and focuses on quickly generating accurate fracture patterns. The method takes inputs such as the artistā€™s animation of an impact and desired object properties, and outputs fracture patterns used for breaking objects apart based on input values, materials science literature, and fracture mechanics. After determining all of the fracture pattern variables such as the number of radial and concentric cracks, the artist is able to override the computed parameters to retain control and art directability. Implementation of this method was performed using MAXScript, the built-in scripting language for Autodesk 3ds Max. The result is a computationally fast and mechanically accurate tool while retaining art directability to fulfill film storyboards or game design

    IST Austria Thesis

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    This thesis describes a brittle fracture simulation method for visual effects applications. Building upon a symmetric Galerkin boundary element method, we first compute stress intensity factors following the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics. We then use these stress intensities to simulate the motion of a propagating crack front at a significantly higher resolution than the overall deformation of the breaking object. Allowing for spatial variations of the material's toughness during crack propagation produces visually realistic, highly-detailed fracture surfaces. Furthermore, we introduce approximations for stress intensities and crack opening displacements, resulting in both practical speed-up and theoretically superior runtime complexity compared to previous methods. While we choose a quasi-static approach to fracture mechanics, ignoring dynamic deformations, we also couple our fracture simulation framework to a standard rigid-body dynamics solver, enabling visual effects artists to simulate both large scale motion, as well as fracturing due to collision forces in a combined system. As fractures inside of an object grow, their geometry must be represented both in the coarse boundary element mesh, as well as at the desired fine output resolution. Using a boundary element method, we avoid complicated volumetric meshing operations. Instead we describe a simple set of surface meshing operations that allow us to progressively add cracks to the mesh of an object and still re-use all previously computed entries of the linear boundary element system matrix. On the high resolution level, we opt for an implicit surface representation. We then describe how to capture fracture surfaces during crack propagation, as well as separate the individual fragments resulting from the fracture process, based on this implicit representation. We show results obtained with our method, either solving the full boundary element system in every time step, or alternatively using our fast approximations. These results demonstrate that both of these methods perform well in basic test cases and produce realistic fracture surfaces. Furthermore we show that our fast approximations substantially out-perform the standard approach in more demanding scenarios. Finally, these two methods naturally combine, using the full solution while the problem size is manageably small and switching to the fast approximations later on. The resulting hybrid method gives the user a direct way to choose between speed and accuracy of the simulation

    Fracture animation based on high-dimensional Voronoi diagrams

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