2,257 research outputs found

    Fractionally-addressed delay lines

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    While traditional implementations of variable-length digital delay lines are based on a circular buffer accessed by two pointers, we propose an implementation where a single fractional pointer is used both for read and write operations. On modern general-purpose architectures, the proposed method is nearly as efficient as the popularinterpolated circular buffer, and it behaves well for delay-length modulations commonly found in digital audio effects. The physical interpretation of the new implementation shows that it is suitable for simulating tension or density modulations in wave-propagating media.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figures, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing Corrected ACM-clas

    Integrated Transversal Equalizers in High-Speed Fiber-Optic Systems

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    Intersymbol interference (ISI) caused by intermodal dispersion in multimode fibers is the major limiting factor in the achievable data rate or transmission distance in high-speed multimode fiber-optic links for local area networks applications. Compared with optical-domain and other electrical-domain dispersion compensation methods, equalization with transversal filters based on distributed circuit techniques presents a cost-effective and low-power solution. The design of integrated distributed transversal equalizers is described in detail with focus on delay lines and gain stages. This seven-tap distributed transversal equalizer prototype has been implemented in a commercial 0.18-µm SiGe BiCMOS process for 10-Gb/s multimode fiber-optic links. A seven-tap distributed transversal equalizer reduces the ISI of a 10-Gb/s signal after 800 m of 50-µm multimode fiber from 5 to 1.38 dB, and improves the bit-error rate from about 10^-5 to less than 10^-12

    Fractional biorthogonal partners in channel equalization and signal interpolation

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    The concept of biorthogonal partners has been introduced recently by the authors. The work presented here is an extension of some of these results to the case where the upsampling and downsampling ratios are not integers but rational numbers, hence, the name fractional biorthogonal partners. The conditions for the existence of stable and of finite impulse response (FIR) fractional biorthogonal partners are derived. It is also shown that the FIR solutions (when they exist) are not unique. This property is further explored in one of the applications of fractional biorthogonal partners, namely, the fractionally spaced equalization in digital communications. The goal is to construct zero-forcing equalizers (ZFEs) that also combat the channel noise. The performance of these equalizers is assessed through computer simulations. Another application considered is the all-FIR interpolation technique with the minimum amount of oversampling required in the input signal. We also consider the extension of the least squares approximation problem to the setting of fractional biorthogonal partners

    Equalization with oversampling in multiuser CDMA systems

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    Some of the major challenges in the design of new-generation wireless mobile systems are the suppression of multiuser interference (MUI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI) within a single user created by the multipath propagation. Both of these problems were addressed successfully in a recent design of A Mutually Orthogonal Usercode-Receiver (AMOUR) for asynchronous or quasisynchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) systems. AMOUR converts a multiuser CDMA system into parallel single-user systems regardless of the multipath and guarantees ISI mitigation, irrespective of the channel locations. However, the noise amplification at the receiver can be significant in some multipath channels. In this paper, we propose to oversample the received signal as a way of improving the performance of AMOUR systems. We design Fractionally Spaced AMOUR (FSAMOUR) receivers with integral and rational amounts of oversampling and compare their performance with the conventional method. An important point that is often overlooked in the design of zero-forcing channel equalizers is that sometimes, they are not unique. This becomes especially significant in multiuser applications where, as we will show, the nonuniqueness is practically guaranteed. We exploit this flexibility in the design of AMOUR and FSAMOUR receivers and achieve noticeable improvements in performance

    Application of adaptive equalisation to microwave digital radio

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    Wave propagation in a fractional viscoelastic Andrade medium: diffusive approximation and numerical modeling

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    This study focuses on the numerical modeling of wave propagation in fractionally-dissipative media. These viscoelastic models are such that the attenuation is frequency dependent and follows a power law with non-integer exponent. As a prototypical example, the Andrade model is chosen for its simplicity and its satisfactory fits of experimental flow laws in rocks and metals. The corresponding constitutive equation features a fractional derivative in time, a non-local term that can be expressed as a convolution product which direct implementation bears substantial memory cost. To circumvent this limitation, a diffusive representation approach is deployed, replacing the convolution product by an integral of a function satisfying a local time-domain ordinary differential equation. An associated quadrature formula yields a local-in-time system of partial differential equations, which is then proven to be well-posed. The properties of the resulting model are also compared to those of the original Andrade model. The quadrature scheme associated with the diffusive approximation, and constructed either from a classical polynomial approach or from a constrained optimization method, is investigated to finally highlight the benefits of using the latter approach. Wave propagation simulations in homogeneous domains are performed within a split formulation framework that yields an optimal stability condition and which features a joint fourth-order time-marching scheme coupled with an exact integration step. A set of numerical experiments is presented to assess the efficiency of the diffusive approximation method for such wave propagation problems.Comment: submitted to Wave Motio

    An Architecture For Creating Hosting Plug- Ins For Use In Digital Audio Workstations

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    Although modern software-based DA Ws (Digital Audio Workstations) offer the ability to interconnect with plug-in effects, they can be restrictive due to their architecture being largely based on hardware mixing desks. This is especially true when complex multi-effect sound design is required. This paper aims to demonstrate how a plug-in that can host other effects plug-ins can help improve the sound design possibilities in a DAW. This hosting plug-in allows other effects to be “inserted” at specific points in its internal signal flow. Details are given of a “proof of concept” plug-in that was created to demonstrate that it was possible to create plug-ins that can host other plug-ins, using Apple’s AU (Audio Unit) format. The proof of concept is a delay effect that allows other effects plug-ins to be inserted in either the “delay path”, “feedback path” or both. This Audio Unit has been extensively tested using different DAWs and has been found to work successfully in a variety of situations. Finally, details are given of how improvements can be made to the plug-in hosting delay

    A photoisomerizable muscarinic antagonist. Studies of binding and of conductance relaxations in frog heart

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    These experiments employ the photoisomerizable compound, 3,3'-bis- [alpha-(trimethylammonium)methyl]azobenzene (Bis-Q), to study the response to muscarinic agents in frog myocardium. In homogenates from the heart, trans-Bis-Q blocks the binding of [3H]-N-methylscopolamine to muscarinic receptors. In voltage-clamped atrial trabeculae, trans- Bis-Q blocks the agonist-induced potassium conductance. The equilibrium dose-response curve for carbachol is shifted to the right, suggesting competitive blockade. Both the biochemical and electrophysiological data yield a dissociation constant of 4-5 microM for trans-Bis-Q; the cis configuration is severalfold less potent as a muscarinic blocker. Voltage-clamped preparations were exposed simultaneously to carbachol and Bis-Q and were subjected to appropriately filtered flashes (less than 1 ms duration) from a xenon flashlamp. Trans leads to cis and cis leads to trans photoisomerizations cause small (less than 20%) increases and decreases, respectively, in the agonist-induced current. The relaxation follows an S-shaped time course, including an initial delay or period of zero slope. The entire waveform is described by [1 - exp(-kt)]n. At 23 degrees C, k is approximately 3 s-1 and n is 2. Neither k nor n is affected when: (a) [Bis-Q] is varied between 5 and 100 microM; (b) [carbachol] is varied between 1 and 50 microM; (c) carbachol is replaced by other agonists (muscarine, acetylcholine, or acetyl-beta-methylcholine); or (d) the voltage is varied between the normal resting potential and a depolarization of 80 mV. However, in the range of 13-30 degrees C, k increases with temperature; the Q10 is between 2 and 2.5. In the same range, n does not change significantly. Like other investigators, we conclude that the activation kinetics of the muscarinic K+ conductance are not determined by ligand-receptor binding, but rather by a subsequent sequence of two (or more) steps with a high activation energy

    Performance limitations of subband adaptive filters

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    In this paper, we evaluate the performance limitations of subband adaptive filters in terms of achievable final error terms. The limiting factors are the aliasing level in the subbands, which poses a distortion and thus presents a lower bound for the minimum mean squared error in each subband, and the distortion function of the overall filter bank, which in a system identification setup restricts the accuracy of the equivalent fullband model. Using a generalized DFT modulated filter bank for the subband decomposition, both errors can be stated in terms of the underlying prototype filter. If a source model for coloured input signals is available, it is also possible to calculate the power spectral densities in both subbands and reconstructed fullband. The predicted limits of error quantities compare favourably with simulations presented