3,943 research outputs found

    Sorting photons by radial quantum number

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    The Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) modes constitute a complete basis set for representing the transverse structure of a {paraxial} photon field in free space. Earlier workers have shown how to construct a device for sorting a photon according to its azimuthal LG mode index, which describes the orbital angular momentum (OAM) carried by the field. In this paper we propose and demonstrate a mode sorter based on the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) to efficiently decompose the optical field according to its radial profile. We experimentally characterize the performance of our implementation by separating individual radial modes as well as superposition states. The reported scheme can, in principle, achieve unit efficiency and thus can be suitable for applications that involve quantum states of light. This approach can be readily combined with existing OAM mode sorters to provide a complete characterization of the transverse profile of the optical field

    Improved Bounds for 3SUM, kk-SUM, and Linear Degeneracy

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    Given a set of nn real numbers, the 3SUM problem is to decide whether there are three of them that sum to zero. Until a recent breakthrough by Gr{\o}nlund and Pettie [FOCS'14], a simple Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2)-time deterministic algorithm for this problem was conjectured to be optimal. Over the years many algorithmic problems have been shown to be reducible from the 3SUM problem or its variants, including the more generalized forms of the problem, such as kk-SUM and kk-variate linear degeneracy testing (kk-LDT). The conjectured hardness of these problems have become extremely popular for basing conditional lower bounds for numerous algorithmic problems in P. In this paper, we show that the randomized 44-linear decision tree complexity of 3SUM is O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}), and that the randomized (2k−2)(2k-2)-linear decision tree complexity of kk-SUM and kk-LDT is O(nk/2)O(n^{k/2}), for any odd k≄3k\ge 3. These bounds improve (albeit randomized) the corresponding O(n3/2log⁥n)O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{\log n}) and O(nk/2log⁥n)O(n^{k/2}\sqrt{\log n}) decision tree bounds obtained by Gr{\o}nlund and Pettie. Our technique includes a specialized randomized variant of fractional cascading data structure. Additionally, we give another deterministic algorithm for 3SUM that runs in O(n2log⁥log⁥n/log⁥n)O(n^2 \log\log n / \log n ) time. The latter bound matches a recent independent bound by Freund [Algorithmica 2017], but our algorithm is somewhat simpler, due to a better use of word-RAM model

    Cascading Quivers from Decaying D-branes

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    We use an argument analogous to that of Kachru, Pearson and Verlinde to argue that cascades in L^{a,b,c} quiver gauge theories always preserve the form of the quiver, and that all gauge groups drop at each step by the number M of fractional branes. In particular, we demonstrate that an NS5-brane that sweeps out the S^3 of the base of L^{a,b,c} destroys M D3-branes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; v2: references adde

    Holographic dual of the Standard Model on the throat

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    We apply recent techniques to construct geometries, based on local Calabi-Yau manifolds, leading to warped throats with 3-form fluxes in string theory, with interesting structure at their bottom. We provide their holographic dual description in terms of RG flows for gauge theories with almost conformal duality cascades and infrared confinement. We describe a model of a throat with D-branes at its bottom, realizing a 3-family Standard Model like chiral sector. We provide the explicit holographic dual gauge theory RG flow, and describe the appearance of the SM degrees of freedom after confinement. As a second application, we describe throats within throats, namely warped throats with discontinuous warp factor in different regions of the radial coordinate, and discuss possible model building applications.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures, reference adde

    Network hierarchy evolution and system vulnerability in power grids

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.The seldom addressed network hierarchy property and its relationship with vulnerability analysis for power transmission grids from a complex-systems point of view are given in this paper. We analyze and compare the evolution of network hierarchy for the dynamic vulnerability evaluation of four different power transmission grids of real cases. Several meaningful results suggest that the vulnerability of power grids can be assessed by means of a network hierarchy evolution analysis. First, the network hierarchy evolution may be used as a novel measurement to quantify the robustness of power grids. Second, an antipyramidal structure appears in the most robust network when quantifying cascading failures by the proposed hierarchy metric. Furthermore, the analysis results are also validated and proved by empirical reliability data. We show that our proposed hierarchy evolution analysis methodology could be used to assess the vulnerability of power grids or even other networks from a complex-systems point of view.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Efficient Data Structure for Dynamic Two-Dimensional Reconfiguration

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    In the presence of dynamic insertions and deletions into a partially reconfigurable FPGA, fragmentation is unavoidable. This poses the challenge of developing efficient approaches to dynamic defragmentation and reallocation. One key aspect is to develop efficient algorithms and data structures that exploit the two-dimensional geometry of a chip, instead of just one. We propose a new method for this task, based on the fractal structure of a quadtree, which allows dynamic segmentation of the chip area, along with dynamically adjusting the necessary communication infrastructure. We describe a number of algorithmic aspects, and present different solutions. We also provide a number of basic simulations that indicate that the theoretical worst-case bound may be pessimistic.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures; full version of extended abstract that appeared in ARCS 201

    Spatial and performance optimality in power distribution networks

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Complex network theory has been widely used in vulnerability analysis of power networks, especially for power transmission ones. With the development of the smart grid concept, power distribution networks are becoming increasingly relevant. In this paper, we model power distribution systems as spatial networks. Topological and spatial properties of 14 European power distribution networks are analyzed, together with the relationship between geographical constraints and performance optimization, taking into account economic and vulnerability issues. Supported by empirical reliability data, our results suggest that power distribution networks are influenced by spatial constraints which clearly affect their overall performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The pp-Center Problem in Tree Networks Revisited

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    We present two improved algorithms for weighted discrete pp-center problem for tree networks with nn vertices. One of our proposed algorithms runs in O(nlog⁥n+plog⁥2nlog⁥(n/p))O(n \log n + p \log^2 n \log(n/p)) time. For all values of pp, our algorithm thus runs as fast as or faster than the most efficient O(nlog⁥2n)O(n\log^2 n) time algorithm obtained by applying Cole's speed-up technique [cole1987] to the algorithm due to Megiddo and Tamir [megiddo1983], which has remained unchallenged for nearly 30 years. Our other algorithm, which is more practical, runs in O(nlog⁥n+p2log⁥2(n/p))O(n \log n + p^2 \log^2(n/p)) time, and when p=O(n)p=O(\sqrt{n}) it is faster than Megiddo and Tamir's O(nlog⁥2nlog⁥log⁥n)O(n \log^2n \log\log n) time algorithm [megiddo1983]

    Branes and fluxes in special holonomy manifolds and cascading field theories

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    We conduct a study of holographic RG flows whose UV is a theory in 2+1 dimensions decoupled from gravity, and the IR is the N=6,8 superconformal fixed point of ABJM. The solutions we consider are constructed by warping the M-theory background whose eight spatial dimensions are manifolds of special holonomies sp(1) times sp(1) and spin(7). Our main example for the spin(7) holonomy manifold is the A8 geometry originally constructed by Cvetic, Gibbons, Lu, and Pope. On the gravity side, our constructions generalize the earlier construction of RG flow where the UV was N=3 Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons matter system and are simpler in a number of ways. Through careful consideration of Page, Maxwell, and brane charges, we identify the discrete and continuous parameters characterizing each system. We then determine the range of the discrete data, corresponding to the flux/rank for which the supersymmetry is unbroken, and estimate the dynamical supersymmetry breaking scale as a function of these data. We then point out the similarity between the physics of supersymmetry breaking between our system and the system considered by Maldacena and Nastase. We also describe the condition for unbroken supersymmetry on class of construction based on a different class of spin(7) manifolds known as B8 spaces whose IR is different from that of ABJM and exhibit some interesting features.Comment: 51 pages, 12 figures. Update in quantization of G4 on B8 in equations (5.12) and (5.13
