33 research outputs found

    The Daily Gamecock, Friday August, 18, 2017

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    The Daily Gamecock, Friday, August 18, 2017

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    Harding Magazine Spring 2015 (vol. 23, no. 2)

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    Publication distributed to alumni and friends of the university

    Systems Engineering

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    The book "Systems Engineering: Practice and Theory" is a collection of articles written by developers and researches from all around the globe. Mostly they present methodologies for separate Systems Engineering processes; others consider issues of adjacent knowledge areas and sub-areas that significantly contribute to systems development, operation, and maintenance. Case studies include aircraft, spacecrafts, and space systems development, post-analysis of data collected during operation of large systems etc. Important issues related to "bottlenecks" of Systems Engineering, such as complexity, reliability, and safety of different kinds of systems, creation, operation and maintenance of services, system-human communication, and management tasks done during system projects are addressed in the collection. This book is for people who are interested in the modern state of the Systems Engineering knowledge area and for systems engineers involved in different activities of the area. Some articles may be a valuable source for university lecturers and students; most of case studies can be directly used in Systems Engineering courses as illustrative materials

    Suulise tÔlke areng Eesti riikluse kujunemisel

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    VĂ€itekiri on esimene terviklik uurimus suulise tĂ”lke arengu ajaloost Eestis, hĂ”lmates kahte perioodi: iseseisvat Eesti Vabariiki (1918–1940), ja NĂ”ukogude Eestit (1944–1991). Autori tĂ”estab, et tĂ”lkimist on kasutatud riigi toimimise esimestest pĂ€evadest alates, hoolimata murrangulistest poliitilistest, majanduslikest ja ĂŒhiskondlikest sĂŒndmustest. VĂ€itekiri annab pĂ”hjaliku ĂŒlevaate suulise tĂ”lke erisustest eri perioodidel, esitab varaseid fakte jĂ€rel- ja sĂŒnkroontĂ”lke ning varaseimate dateeritud tĂ”lgi kasutamiste kohta Eesti Vabariigis. Suulise tĂ”lke uurimist raskendab aga terminoloogiline segadus: sageli ei tehta vahet mĂ”istetel tĂ”lk ja tĂ”lkija. Audiovisuaalsed ja dokumentaalsed allikad, mĂ€lestused, arhiividokumendid, ajalehed ja ĂŒlemnĂ”ukogu istungite stenogrammid vĂ”imaldasid koguda usaldusvÀÀrse andmestiku. Autor leidis tĂ”lkimise kohta sĂ”jaeelsest perioodist 364 ajaleheartiklit: 278 artiklis oli mainitud tĂ”lkimist Eestis ja 86 artiklis vĂ€lismaal. Aastate 1944–1991 kohta kogus autor 145 filmikroonikalĂ”iku ja 524 fotot, mis tĂ”endasid suulist tĂ”lkimist nĂ”ukogude perioodil ning intervjueeris 69 tĂ”lki ja tĂ”lke vĂ€rvanud ning tĂ”lget kasutanud inimest. Juba riikluse kujunemise algul, Venemaaga peetud lĂ€birÀÀkimistel kasutati Eesti Vabariigi riigikeelt koos tĂ”lkega vene keelde. Laiendades Pierre Bourdieu sĂŒmboolse kapitali mĂ”istet ĂŒksikisikult riigile, nĂ€itab autor, et eesti keele kasutamine oli otseselt seotud riigi prestiiĆŸiga ning osutas riigi sĂŒmboolse kapitali kasvule. Diplomaatilist tĂ”lget kĂ€sitletakse kui mĂ”jufaktoreid riigi sĂŒmboolse kapitali akumuleerimisel. Peale teist maailmasĂ”da muutus Eestis mitte ainult riigikord, vaid ka keelekeskkond. Muutused ĂŒhiskonnas avaldasid mĂ”ju ka suulisele tĂ”lkele: suuline tĂ”lge eesti keelest vene keelde vĂ”imaldas jĂ€tkata eesti keele kasutamist ka avalikel ametlikel ĂŒritustel, ajal, mil vene keelt suruti peale rahvastevahelise suhtluse keelena. Autor kĂ€sitleb suulist tĂ”lget kui eesti keele kasutamist domineeriva vÔÔrkeele keskkonnas.The present dissertation is the first to explore the evolution of interpreting in the Republic of Estonia over two different periods: the Republic of Estonia (1918–1940) and Soviet Estonia (1944–1991). The author provides factual evidence that interpreting has been used in Estonia, despite different political orders and throughout periods of profound political, economic and social transformation. The research provides a comprehensive overview on interpretation in Estonia, maps the factual evidence, identifies interpreters and finds the potentially earliest cases (since independence in 1918) of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation in the country. The authentic material gathered comprises archival, audiovisual and documentary sources, memoirs, 69 interviews, newspapers and verbatim reports. To cover the first period the author’s search yielded 364 newspaper articles: 278 referred to interpretation being used in Estonia and 86 informed readers about international events. For the second period, 145 film clips and 524 photos retrieved are informative. This dissertation is, to the author's knowledge, the first to associate interpreting in Estonia with the creation of symbolic capital for the state. Expanding upon Pierre Bourdieu’s approach to symbolic capital, the author applied it not just to individuals but to states. The use of the state language (and interpretation) was directly linked with the prestige of the state and enhanced the state’s symbolic capital. After World War II not only the political order but also the linguistic environment changed in Estonia, and with an influx of Russian-speaking population there was obviously the need to ensure communication between the two population groups. In post-war Estonia the use of interpreting became highly contextualized: the dominant Soviet ideology aimed at expanding the use of Russian, whereas interpreting into Russian allowed Estonian to be used in the conference room, as well

    The Bison: 1963

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    This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.https://dh.howard.edu/bison_yearbooks/1131/thumbnail.jp

    Major v. Security Equipment Corp. Clerk\u27s Record v. 1 Dckt. 39414

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    University of San Diego News Print Media Coverage 2009.04

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    Printed clippings housed in folders with a table of contents arranged by topic.https://digital.sandiego.edu/print-media/1075/thumbnail.jp

    Ogden Valley Development Analysis and Plan

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    A team of four Huntsman Scholars undertook an intensive, semester-long project, analyzing how the Ogden Valley Planning Commission could best ensure sustainable, wise development in its pristine Valley, preventing unwise overdevelopment down the road. The final presentation, with analysis and recommendations, was made on May 6, 2014, in Ogden before the Ogden Valley Planning Commission and members of the public. The results were praised highly by Planning Commissioner Pen Hollist