60,983 research outputs found

    Fast and slow change in neighbourhoods: characterization and consequences in Southern California

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    Due to data limitations, most studies of neighbourhood change within regions assume that change over the years of a decade is relatively constant from year-to-year. We use data on home loan information to construct annual measures of key socio-demographic measures in neighbourhoods (census tracts) in the Southern California region from 2000 to 2010 to test this assumption. We use latent trajectory modelling to describe the extent to which neighbourhood change exhibits temporal nonlinearity, rather than a constant rate of change from year to year. There were four key findings: (1) we detected nonlinear temporal change across all socio-demographic dimensions, as a quadratic function better fit the data than a linear one in the latent trajectories; (2) neighbourhoods experiencing more nonlinear temporality also experienced larger overall changes in percent Asian, percent black, and residential stability during the decade; neighbourhoods experiencing an increase in Latinos or a decrease in whites experienced more temporal nonlinearity in this change; (3) the strongest predictor of racial/ethnic temporal nonlinearity was a larger presence of the group at the beginning of the decade; however, the racial and SES composition of the surrounding area, as well as how this was changing in the prior decade, also affected the degree of temporal nonlinearity for these measures in the current decade; (4) this temporal nonlinearity has consequences for neighbourhoods: greater temporal nonlinear change in percent black or Latino was associated with larger increases in violent and property crime during the decade, and the temporal pattern of residential turnover or changing average income impacted changes in crime. The usual assumption of constant year-to-year change when interpolating neighbourhood measures over intervening years may not be appropriate

    On the Complexity of Computing Two Nonlinearity Measures

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    We study the computational complexity of two Boolean nonlinearity measures: the nonlinearity and the multiplicative complexity. We show that if one-way functions exist, no algorithm can compute the multiplicative complexity in time 2O(n)2^{O(n)} given the truth table of length 2n2^n, in fact under the same assumption it is impossible to approximate the multiplicative complexity within a factor of (2−ϵ)n/2(2-\epsilon)^{n/2}. When given a circuit, the problem of determining the multiplicative complexity is in the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. For nonlinearity, we show that it is #P hard to compute given a function represented by a circuit

    Fractal Measures and Nonlinear Dynamics of Overcontact Binaries

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    Overcontact binary stars are systems of two stars where the component stars are in contact with each other. This implies that they share a common envelope of gas. In this work we seek signatures of nonlinearity and chaos in these stars by using time series analysis techniques. We use three main techniques, namely the correlation dimension,f (\alpha) spectrum and the bicoherence. The former two are calculated from the reconstructed dynamics, while the latter is calculated from the Fourier transforms of the time series of intensity variations(light curves) of these stars. Our dataset consists of data from 463 overcontact binary stars in the Kepler field of view [1]. Our analysis indicates nonlinearity and signatures of chaos in almost all the light curves. We also explore whether the underlying nonlinear properties of the stars are related to their physical properties like fill-out-factor, a measure of the extend of contact between the components of an overcontact binary system . We observe that significant correlations exist between the fill out factor and the nonlinear quantifiers. This correlation is more pronounced in specific subcategories constructed based on the mass ratios and effective temperatures of the binaries. The correlations observed can be indicative of variations in the nonlinear properties of the star as it ages. We believe that this study relating nonlinear and astrophysical properties of binary stars is the first of its kind and is an important starting point for such studies in other astrophysical objects displaying nonlinear dynamical behaviour.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulatio

    Nonlinear aspects of the EEG during sleep in children

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    Electroencephalograph (EEG) analysis enables the neuronal behavior of a section of the brain to be examined. If the behavior is nonlinear then nonlinear tools can be used to glean information on brain behavior, and aid in the diagnosis of sleep abnormalities such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). In this paper the sleep EEGs of a set of normal and mild OSAS children are evaluated for nonlinear behaviour. We consider how the behaviour of the brain changes with sleep stage and between normal and OSAS children.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Measures of Analysis of Time Series (MATS): A MATLAB Toolkit for Computation of Multiple Measures on Time Series Data Bases

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    In many applications, such as physiology and finance, large time series data bases are to be analyzed requiring the computation of linear, nonlinear and other measures. Such measures have been developed and implemented in commercial and freeware softwares rather selectively and independently. The Measures of Analysis of Time Series ({\tt MATS}) {\tt MATLAB} toolkit is designed to handle an arbitrary large set of scalar time series and compute a large variety of measures on them, allowing for the specification of varying measure parameters as well. The variety of options with added facilities for visualization of the results support different settings of time series analysis, such as the detection of dynamics changes in long data records, resampling (surrogate or bootstrap) tests for independence and linearity with various test statistics, and discrimination power of different measures and for different combinations of their parameters. The basic features of {\tt MATS} are presented and the implemented measures are briefly described. The usefulness of {\tt MATS} is illustrated on some empirical examples along with screenshots.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, two tables, the software can be downloaded at http://eeganalysis.web.auth.gr/indexen.ht

    Approximate entropy as an indicator of non-linearity in self paced voluntary finger movement EEG

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    This study investigates the indications of non-linear dynamic structures in electroencephalogram signals. The iterative amplitude adjusted surrogate data method along with seven non-linear test statistics namely the third order autocorrelation, asymmetry due to time reversal, delay vector variance method, correlation dimension, largest Lyapunov exponent, non-linear prediction error and approximate entropy has been used for analysing the EEG data obtained during self paced voluntary finger-movement. The results have demonstrated that there are clear indications of non-linearity in the EEG signals. However the rejection of the null hypothesis of non-linearity rate varied based on different parameter settings demonstrating significance of embedding dimension and time lag parameters for capturing underlying non-linear dynamics in the signals. Across non-linear test statistics, the highest degree of non-linearity was indicated by approximate entropy (APEN) feature regardless of the parameter settings
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