21 research outputs found

    Modeling and Analysis of Advanced Cryptographic Primitives and Security Protocols in Maude-NPA

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La herramienta criptográfica Maude-NPA es un verificador de modelos especializado para protocolos de seguridad criptográficos que tienen en cuenta las propiedades algebraicas de un sistema criptográfico. En la literatura, las propiedades criptográficas adicionales han descubierto debilidades de los protocolos de seguridad y, en otros casos, son parte de los supuestos de seguridad del protocolo para funcionar correctamente. Maude-NPA tiene una base teórica en la rewriting logic, la unificación ecuacional y el narrowing para realizar una búsqueda hacia atrás desde un patrón de estado inseguro para determinar si es alcanzable o no. Maude-NPA se puede utilizar para razonar sobre una amplia gama de propiedades criptográficas, incluida la cancelación del cifrado y descifrado, la exponenciación de Diffie-Hellman, el exclusive-or y algunas aproximaciones del cifrado homomórfico. En esta tesis consideramos nuevas propiedades criptográficas, ya sea como parte de protocolos de seguridad o para descubrir nuevos ataques. También hemos modelado diferentes familias de protocolos de seguridad, incluidos los Distance Bounding Protocols or Multi-party key agreement protocolos. Y hemos desarrollado nuevas técnicas de modelado para reducir el coste del análisis en protocolos con tiempo y espacio. Esta tesis contribuye de varias maneras al área de análisis de protocolos criptográficos y muchas de las contribuciones de esta tesis pueden ser útiles para otras herramientas de análisis criptográfico.[CAT] L'eina criptografica Maude-NPA es un verificador de models especialitzats per a protocols de seguretat criptogràfics que tenen en compte les propietats algebraiques d'un sistema criptogràfic. A la literatura, les propietats criptogràfiques addicionals han descobert debilitats dels protocols de seguretat i, en altres casos, formen part dels supòsits de seguretat del protocol per funcionar correctament. Maude-NPA te' una base teòrica a la rewriting lògic, la unificació' equacional i narrowing per realitzar una cerca cap enrere des d'un patró' d'estat insegur per determinar si es accessible o no. Maude-NPA es pot utilitzar per raonar sobre una amplia gamma de propietats criptogràfiques, inclosa la cancel·lació' del xifratge i desxifrat, l'exponenciacio' de Diffie-Hellman, el exclusive-or i algunes aproximacions del xifratge homomòrfic. En aquesta tesi, considerem noves propietats criptogràfiques, ja sigui com a part de protocols de seguretat o per descobrir nous atacs. Tambe' hem modelat diferents famílies de protocols de seguretat, inclosos els Distance Bounding Protocols o Multi-party key agreement protocols. I hem desenvolupat noves tècniques de modelització' de protocols per reduir el cost de l'analisi en protocols amb temps i espai. Aquesta tesi contribueix de diverses maneres a l’àrea de l’anàlisi de protocols criptogràfics i moltes de les contribucions d’aquesta tesi poden ser útils per a altres eines d’anàlisi criptogràfic.[EN] The Maude-NPA crypto tool is a specialized model checker for cryptographic security protocols that take into account the algebraic properties of the cryptosystem. In the literature, additional crypto properties have uncovered weaknesses of security protocols and, in other cases, they are part of the protocol security assumptions in order to function properly. Maude-NPA has a theoretical basis on rewriting logic, equational unification, and narrowing to perform a backwards search from an insecure state pattern to determine whether or not it is reachable. Maude-NPA can be used to reason about a wide range of cryptographic properties, including cancellation of encryption and decryption, Diffie-Hellman exponentiation, exclusive-or, and some approximations of homomorphic encryption. In this thesis, we consider new cryptographic properties, either as part of security protocols or to discover new attacks. We have also modeled different families of security protocols, including Distance Bounding Protocols or Multi-party key agreement protocols. And we have developed new protocol modeling techniques to reduce the time and space analysis effort. This thesis contributes in several ways to the area of cryptographic protocol analysis and many of the contributions of this thesis can be useful for other crypto analysis tools.This thesis would not have been possible without the funding of a set of research projects. The main contributions and derivative works of this thesis have been made in the context of the following projects: - Ministry of Economy and Business of Spain : Project LoBaSS Effective Solutions Based on Logic, Scientific Research under award number TIN2015-69175-C4-1-R, this project was focused on using powerful logic-based technologies to analyze safety-critical systems. - Air Force Office of Scientific Research of United States of America : Project Advanced symbolic methods for the cryptographic protocol analyzer Maude-NPA Scientific Research under award number FA9550-17-1-0286 - State Investigation Agency of Spain : Project FREETech: Formal Reasoning for Enabling and Emerging Technologies Scientific I+D-i Research under award number RTI2018-094403-B-C32Aparicio Sánchez, D. (2022). Modeling and Analysis of Advanced Cryptographic Primitives and Security Protocols in Maude-NPA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190915Compendi

    An Efficient Canonical Narrowing Implementation with Irreducibility and SMT Constraints for Generic Symbolic Protocol Analysis

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    Narrowing and unification are very useful tools for symbolic analysis of rewrite theories, and thus for any model that can be specified in that way. A very clear example of their application is the field of formal cryptographic protocol analysis, which is why narrowing and unification are used in tools such as Maude-NPA, Tamarin and Akiss. In this work we present the implementation of a canonical narrowing algorithm, which improves the standard narrowing algorithm, extended to be able to process rewrite theories with conditional rules. The conditions of the rules will contain SMT constraints, which will be carried throughout the execution of the algorithm to determine if the solutions have associated satisfiable or unsatisfiable constraints, and in the latter case, discard them.Comment: 41 pages, 7 tables, 1 algorithm, 9 example

    Availability by Design:A Complementary Approach to Denial-of-Service

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    One vote is enough for analysing privacy

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    International audienceElectronic voting promises the possibility of convenient and efficient systems for recording and tallying votes in an election. To be widely adopted, ensuring the security of the cryptographic protocols used in e-voting is of paramount importance. However, the security analysis of this type of protocols raises a number of challenges, and they are often out of reach of existing verification tools.In this paper, we study vote privacy, a central security property that should be satisfied by any e-voting system. More precisely, we propose the first formalisation of the state-of-the-art BPRIV notion in the symbolic setting. To ease the formal security analysis of this notion, we propose a reduction result allowing one to bound the number of voters and ballots needed to mount an attack. Our result applies on a number of case studies including several versions of Helios, Belenios, JCJ/Civitas, and Prêt-à-Voter. For some of these protocols, thanks to our result, we are able to conduct the analysis relying on the automatic tool Proverif

    REACTIVE: Rethinking Effective Approaches Concerning Trustees in Verifiable Elections

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    For more than forty years, two principal questions have been asked when designing verifiable election systems: how will the integrity of the results be demonstrated and how will the privacy of votes be preserved? Many approaches have been taken towards answering the first question such as use of MixNets and homomorphic tallying. But in the academic literature, the second question has always been answered in the same way: decryption capabilities are divided amongst multiple independent “trustees” so that a collusion is required to compromise privacy. In practice, however, this approach can be fairly challenging to deploy. Human trustees rarely have a clear understanding of their responsibilities, and they typically all use identical software for their tasks. Rather than exercising independent judgment to maintain privacy, trustees are often reduced to automata who just push the buttons they are told to when they are told to, doing little towards protecting voter privacy. This paper looks at several aspects of the trustee experience. It begins by discussing various cryptographic protocols that have been used for key generation in elections, explores their impact on the role of trustees, and notes that even the theory of proper use of trustees is more challenging than it might seem. This is illustrated by showing that one of the only references defining a full threshold distributed key generation (DKG) for elections defines an insecure protocol. Belenios claims to rely on that reference for its DKG and security proof. Fortunately, it does not inherit the same vulnerability. We offer a security proof for the Belenios DKG. The paper then discusses various practical contexts, in terms of humans, software, and hardware, and their impact on the practical deployment of a trustee-based privacy model

    Scalable Coercion-Resistant E-Voting under Weaker Trust Assumptions

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    Electronic voting (e-voting) is regularly used in many countries and organizations for legally binding elections. In order to conduct such elections securely, numerous e-voting systems have been proposed over the last few decades. Notably, some of these systems were designed to provide coercion-resistance. This property protects against potential adversaries trying to swing an election by coercing voters. Despite the multitude of existing coercion-resistant e-voting systems, to date, only few of them can handle large-scale Internet elections efficiently. One of these systems, VoteAgain (USENIX Security 2020), was originally claimed secure under similar trust assumptions to state-of-the-art e-voting systems without coercion-resistance. In this work, we review VoteAgain's security properties. We discover that, unlike originally claimed, VoteAgain is no more secure than a trivial voting system with a completely trusted election authority. In order to mitigate this issue, we propose a variant of VoteAgain which effectively mitigates trust on the election authorities and, at the same time, preserves VoteAgain's usability and efficiency. Altogether, our findings bring the state of science one step closer to the goal of scalable coercion-resistant e-voting being secure under reasonable trust assumptions

    Pseudo-contractions as Gentle Repairs

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    Updating a knowledge base to remove an unwanted consequence is a challenging task. Some of the original sentences must be either deleted or weakened in such a way that the sentence to be removed is no longer entailed by the resulting set. On the other hand, it is desirable that the existing knowledge be preserved as much as possible, minimising the loss of information. Several approaches to this problem can be found in the literature. In particular, when the knowledge is represented by an ontology, two different families of frameworks have been developed in the literature in the past decades with numerous ideas in common but with little interaction between the communities: applications of AGM-like Belief Change and justification-based Ontology Repair. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between pseudo-contraction operations and gentle repairs. Both aim to avoid the complete deletion of sentences when replacing them with weaker versions is enough to prevent the entailment of the unwanted formula. We show the correspondence between concepts on both sides and investigate under which conditions they are equivalent. Furthermore, we propose a unified notation for the two approaches, which might contribute to the integration of the two areas

    Formal Verification of Verifiability in E-Voting Protocols

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    Election verifiability is one of the main security properties of e-voting protocols, referring to the ability of independent entities, such as voters or election observers, to validate the outcome of the voting process. It can be ensured by means of formal verification that applies mathematical logic to verify the considered protocols under well-defined assumptions, specifications, and corruption scenarios. Automated tools allow an efficient and accurate way to perform formal verification, enabling comprehensive analysis of all execution scenarios and eliminating the human errors in the manual verification. The existing formal verification frameworks that are suitable for automation are not general enough to cover a broad class of e-voting protocols. They do not cover revoting and cannot be tuned to weaker or stronger levels of security that may be achievable in practice. We therefore propose a general formal framework that allows automated verification of verifiability in e-voting protocols. Our framework is easily applicable to many protocols and corruption scenarios. It also allows refined specifications of election procedures, for example accounting for revote policies. We apply our framework to the analysis of several real-world case studies, where we capture both known and new attacks, and provide new security guarantees. First, we consider Helios, a prominent web-based e-voting protocol, which aims to provide end-to-end verifiability. It is however vulnerable to ballot stuffing when the voting server is corrupt. Second, we consider Belenios, which builds upon Helios and aims to achieve stronger verifiability, preventing ballot stuffing by splitting the trust between a registrar and the server. Both of these systems have been used in many real-world elections. Our third case study is Selene, which aims to simplify the individual verification procedure for voters, providing them with trackers for verifying their votes in the clear at the end of election. Finally, we consider the Estonian e-voting protocol, that has been deployed for national elections since 2005. The protocol has continuously evolved to offer better verifiability guarantees but has no formal analysis. We apply our framework to realistic models of all these protocols, deriving the first automated formal analysis in each case. As a result, we find several new attacks, improve the corresponding protocols to address their weakness, and prove that verifiability holds for the new versions