119 research outputs found

    Cognitive integration as the dynamic aspect of modern educational practices

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    Understanding of nature of cognitive integration is one of the most important methodological problems of the modern educational theory and practice. Comprehension of the content of this term is connected with different areas of interdisciplinary research. In the most general sense, the definition “cognitive integration” is related to the processes of reproduction of knowledge. The use of the term allows highlighting the importance of harmonizing the hidden and explicit aspects of intellectual activity and their consistency in the production of new knowledge; achieve new levels of understanding and self-understanding. Study mechanisms of cognitive integration allows focusing on the conditions of openness of knowledge for the interpretation. Today different approaches are used to the description of the models of cognitive integration. For example, the hypothesis of the advanced knowledge has acquired a great significance nowadays. The description of cognitive integration of perceptions of reflexive coordination and multirationality represents an obvious interest. The selected conceptual approach is important for understanding of the formation nature of the modern models of educational practice and methodological aspects for the creation of electronic educational environments taking into account the reflexive aspects of the communication

    Knowledge sharing: a survey, assessment and directions for future research: individual behavior perspective

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    One of the most important areas of knowledge management studies is knowledge sharing. Measured in terms of number of scientific articles and organization-s applications, knowledge sharing stands as an example of success in the field. This paper reviews the related papers in the context of the underlying individual behavioral variables to providea direction framework for future research and writing.©2012 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    BYOD, which allows employees to bring their own mobile devices to work and connect into the corporation network, has been increasingly implemented by numerous organizations and corporations. Companies expect to save cost as well as increase productivity and employees’ morale through BYOD implementation. Hence, it is critical for companies to understand how BYOD affects organizational performance. Addressing on gift economy and cognitive evaluation theory, this study indicates the gift nature of BYOD and builds up a cross-level research framework which indicates two aspects of BYOD - informational aspect and controlling aspect. When informational aspect is perceived by employees, they will return positive outcomes, thereafter increase productivity and morale. In contrast to controlling aspect, negative outcomes will be returned and then decrease productivity and morale. A two-step mixed method approach will be conducted to test proposed research framework

    Keefektifan Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior (Studi Kasus: Blended Learning Itb)

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    Penerapan blended learning dapat mengintegrasikan manfaat yang diperoleh dari knowledge management dan e-learning. Pendekatan dengan mengombinasikan interaksi tatap muka dan interaksi online ini idealnya mampu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi. Salah satu tantangan dalam penerapan blended learning adalah pelaksanaan online knowledge sharing yang konsisten dan berkesinambungan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menemukan cara meningkatkan keefektifan Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior (OKSB). Model OKSB pada penelitian ini mengintegrasikan model Knowledge Sharing Behavior dari Chen dkk. (2009) yang berbasis pada Theory of Planned Behavior dengan model Ma dan Yuen (2010) yang berbasis pada teori pengembangan dan pemeliharaan hubungan sosial. Penelitian ini memandang OKSB dipengaruhi oleh faktor intention, self-efficacy, social interaction, serta faktor kepuasan teknologi. Uji empiris dilakukan dengan melibatkan 110 orang mahasiswa peserta kelas blended learning ITB. Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan metode PLS menunjukkan bahwa social interaction yang terdiri dari perceived online attachment motivation dan perceived online relationship commitment menjadi faktor yang paling mempengaruhi OKSB. Namun, penelitian ini tidak mampu membuktikan bahwa knowledge sharing intention memengaruhi OKSB

    Exploring How Environmental and Personal Factors Influence Knowledge Sharing Behaviour Leads to Innovative Work Behaviour in Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions

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    The Vietnamese Government has been struggling to build a higher education system that is innovative to the requests of national knowledge-based development. It is essential to explore knowledge sharing behaviour (KSB) from environmental and individual perspectives. It can help to contribute to innovative work behaviour (IWB) towards knowledge-based development initiatives, in particular regarding the phenomenon of knowledge sharing (KS) in Vietnamese higher education institutions (HEIs). The aim of this research-in-progress is to propose a research model based on social cognitive theory (SCT) that comprises environmental factors (subjective norms, trust), personal factors (knowledge self-efficacy, rewards, reciprocity), KSB and IWB. We advance to conduct a survey to examine our proposed conceptual model. It is expected that this research will contribute to the deeper understanding of the effects of personal and environmental factors and KSB on IBW within Vietnamese HEIs

    Using a Question Answering System to Enhance Knowledge and Improve the Exchange of Information among Physicians

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    Due to limited time, physicians often find it challenging to find the exact answers to their questions among search engine results; however, question and answer (Q&A) systems can facilitate more rapidly identify accurate solutions. This study aims to develop and evaluate a Q&A system for physicians at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Four clinical and informatics experts and the two health information managers agreed on 19 features and themes throughout two focus group meetings. Subsequently, a system was developed on a MySQL database using the PHP web development language and then uploaded to the web. Finally, the system was opened up to 40 users and, over three months, evaluated using a community evaluation questionnaire and the six-dimension Users’ Experience Questionnaire. The focus group results in determining the features of the Q&A system consisted of 19 requirements. The average attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty were equal to 1.76, 1.625, 1.9, 1.425, 1.475, and 1.375, respectively. The Q&A system improved the tasks such as share of knowledge, transfer of information, social partnership, and cooperation among users. The physicians were able to obtain the information they required through contact with their co-practitioners over the system.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2021.19.2.14.

    Content clutter and enterprise social media: a case study

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    A single case study of the UK subsidiary of a multinational corporation (Colpal) that currently utilizes enterprise social media technology to share organisational knowledge has revealed an emergent theme. The relational and cognitive dimensions of social capital and organisational leadership were found to play important influencing roles for knowledge sharing within the organisation’s virtual communities. However, a new theme emerged from the case suggesting that the affordance of persistence offered by social media technology can actually hinder knowledge sharing once content reaches a certain level. Labelled as content clutter, it concerns the phenomenon whereby the amount of knowledge content becomes sufficient to discourage future knowledge sharing. As an organisation’s use of enterprise social media starts to mature, these findings serve as a starting point for future research concerned with how to effectively manage knowledge content in virtual communities in a way that encourages effective knowledge sharing

    A Scientometrics Review on Research of Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities

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    The number of literature on knowledge sharing in virtual communities has gained rapid growth during last decade; however, there have been few attempts to map the global research in this domain. In this study, the CiteSpace software package was used to conduct a series of content analyses to identify the state of the field and trends in knowledge sharing in virtual communities, including the distribution of core authors and institutions; high-frequency categories and keywords; highly cited papers and hot topics of research; and trends pertain to co-author analysis, co-word analysis, co-citation analysis, and particularly cluster analysis. We present all research focuses in a scientometric way and arrive at the following findings. First, the most significant developments and progress in knowledge sharing in virtual communities have occurred primarily in China, Taiwan, USA, Malaysia. Second, the existing studies in the field of knowledge sharing in virtual communities focus primarily on Business & Economics, Engineering and Computer Science. Third, five hot knowledge sharing in virtual communities topics were also disclosed, they are: knowledge sharing, virtual communities, trust, behavior, management and network

    The influence of knowledge sharing behavior and transactive memory systems on innovative work behavior: A conceptual model

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    © 2017 IEEE. Although knowledge sharing (KS), the key to creativity and innovation, are increasingly common in organisations, research on the relationship between knowledge sharing behaviour (KSB) and transactive memory system (TMS) and its effect on innovative work behaviour (IWB) is relatively rare. Prior studies have reported that KS influences IWB in organisations. However, the effect of KSB on IWB and the join influence between TMS on KS and IWB have not been adequately investigated in past research. Therefore, the goal of this research-in-progress is to propose a conceptual model comprising three construct domains including KSB, TMS quality and IWB to examine the impact of the KS practices of employees on their IWB in organisations. We advance to conduct a survey to examine our discussion of the proposed conceptual model. It is expected that this research will contribute to the deeper understanding of the effects of KSB and TMS on IBW within organisation. Implications and future research are also proposed