698 research outputs found

    Fostering Engagement with Cultural Heritage Through Immersive VR and Gamification

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    Research on the I-Ulysses project was undertaken as part of the Digital Arts Humanities program between 2011 and 2015. An industrial/academic placement also took place in the third year, with the Computer Graphics Department (GV-2) at Trinity College Dublin, with Professor John Dingliana. During this placement, the author was given access to assets in Ogre from the Inside Joycean Dublin Project, a sister-project, and was tasked with gamifying them. The project was involved in a commercialisation spinout fast track (CFTD-1), with Enterprise Ireland’s Kevin Burke, in the third year, and the involvement of the Inagh Valley Trust.Digital games provide a recognised means of engagement and education when addressing challenges in educating and immersing individuals in their own heritages, and those of other cultures. Similarly, gamification techniques, commonly expressed as the addition of game elements to an existing process, have been successfully applied to augment existing resources and programmes. The many examples of gamification or serious games focusing on cultural heritage also highlight the potential benefits of using these principles for the purposes of supporting preservation and learning. In this chapter, we present I-Ulysses, a virtual-reality game designed to engage based around the notable work Ulysses by Irish author James Joyce. The rationale for the selection of Ulysses as a basis for the game’s content and design was two-fold; firstly because of its cultural impact within Ireland, and secondly as its content appeared well-suited to exploration as a virtual reality experience. Facets of gamification are explored in I-Ulysses through key mechanics, including a focus towards virtual worlds and crowd intelligence based on real-world data, to highlight how these principles can be employed for cultural heritage preservation and knowledge transfer. Through feedback obtained from focus groups interacting with I-Ulysses, it can be seen that the gamified mechanics presented through the lens of virtual reality provide an informative and educational guide to Ulysses that would engage and appeal to a wide audience

    How Metaverse Creates Value for Luxury Brands

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    Frame of the research. Metaverse is quickly attracting the attention of luxury brands. Different levels of understanding and adoption are currently being utilized by luxury companies, whose attitudes toward this technology range from skepticism to enthusiasm. While Metaverse has the potential to reshape the way luxury brands create value for their customers and other stakeholders, the ingredients to create successful business models are still under scrutiny. Many variables seem to co-exist, and the synergistic impact of the different Metaverse environments, along with their enabling features and supporting technologies on luxury remains a relatively unexplored domain. Purpose of the paper. Introduce a new conceptualization of the Metaverse for luxury brands, offering a framework to assist in building value for customers and stakeholders. Metholodology. Exploratory, qualitative research methodology, based on 15 in-depth structured interviews with top managers of luxury brands. Results. The paper introduce a theoretical framework that links investments in Metaverse Technologies with customers’ perception of luxury attributes, the influence across a wide spectrum of stakeholders, and the link with strategic objectives. Research limitations. The sample of respondents, which represents the perspective of 15 top managers of the sector, might be enlarged in the future. Additionally, future research could develop quantitative analyses to structurally connects the different variables in the model. Managerial implications. The research shows how luxury brands can unlock the full potential of the Metaverse to reinforce, re-generate, access, and engage relevant stakeholders, affecting a relevant set of luxury attributes, strengthening relationships with existing customers, and embracing new target audiences. Originality of the paper. Introducing a new framework that connects Metaverse Technologies, with their impact on luxury attributes, stakeholders’s audience and business objectives

    Gamification of Education and Learning: Heuristic Elements, Player Types, and Learning Outcomes for Art History Games

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    The technology of virtual reality (VR) and the gamification of education and learning has had proven educational benefits, especially in secondary education. However, there remains little to no research on the heuristic elements and mechanics that contribute to learning at the postsecondary level of education. Most research conducted has been refined to science programs, but even in these instances, a study of the effects and interests of different demographics has yet to be considered. Given the visual nature of how the discipline of art history has traditionally been taught, there are a number of virtual reality (VR) applications to assist instructors in the field better engage students in immersive environments to provide a more accurate understanding of subjects covered. In order to capitalize on the strengths of the new digital medium, including immersion, engagement, and presence, the end user needs to be considered. This heuristic study investigates the different experiences, preferences, learning styles, and expectations relating to educational gaming of art history students at a private, Midwestern college. Results demonstrate that effective game design and development need consider the target audience to optimize user experience and learning outcomes

    PlayMaps - Representation of 3D cartography data in Augmented Reality (AR) games

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    A presente dissertação tem como tema a representação de dados cartográficos 3D em ambientes de Realidade Aumentada (RA) aplicados a tecnologias móveis. No turismo, a escolha de um lugar para visitar pode ser um processo árduo e exaustivo que na maioria das vezes traz contratempos imprevistos. Dada a abundância de informações sobre um local, ou mesmo a falta dela em muitas circunstâncias, é simples para um possível turista ficar desorientado e fazer o julgamento incorreto de não visitá-lo. Em muitos casos, as pessoas até desconhecem o potencial das regiões. Muitos representantes têm lutado para encontrar maneiras de atrair mais turistas para suas cidades, muitas vezes se perguntando: "Como posso promover minha cidade para o mundo de uma maneira mais eficaz?". Obviamente, essa divulgação precisa ser feita de forma segura e acessível. Assim, esta dissertação pretende criar um jogo para adolescentes, entre os 10 e os 15 anos, baseado em Realidade Aumentada (RA), que seja capaz de digitalizar um mapa em papel e permitir ao utilizador interagir com o mesmo. A app terá de proporcionar a componente educativa do território e também um nível adequado de interação com o utilizador. Este aplicativo será fácil de usar e compatível com qualquer sistema operacional móvel. Como tal, foi pensado para que qualquer pessoa com um smartphone possa utilizar esta tecnologia. Além disso, este aplicativo será flexível, adaptável e genérico. Cartografias diferentes exigirão modelos geográficos diferentes ou mesmo metodologias de jogo diferentes. Portanto, este aplicativo terá a capacidade de importar diferentes informações geográficas e criar um jogo específico para essa cartografia. Dois estudos anteriores foram realizados nesta área, nomeadamente para potenciar a experiência de visitas à Galeria da Biodiversidade e ao Jardim Botânico como forma de jogo. O primeiro estudo utiliza o método "case study", utilizando uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa para entender como a experiência lúdica proporcionada pela tecnologia de realidade aumentada pode contribuir para a entrega de informações que esses espaços pretendem transmitir aos visitantes {soares2021flo}. O segundo estudo procurou explorar formas de conectar ambientes internos e externos por meio de Realidade Aumentada (RA) {teixeira2021serious}. Esses tipos de abordagens de como disseminar informações são fundamentais para que o usuário tenha uma compreensão adequada do que a região tem a oferecer. Esses recursos serão aplicados ao mapeamento de territórios conhecidos a fim de investigar formas de promover o turismo melhorando e inovando a forma como as pessoas aprendem e exploram novas cidades e outros espaços. Embora esta dissertação seja apenas um caso de estudo, com esta implementação, a solução proposta pode funcionar como base para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta universal para qualquer instituição e/ou cidade que se queira promover.The present dissertation has, as its theme, the representation of 3D cartography data in Augmented Reality (AR) environments applied to mobile technologies. In tourism, choosing a place to visit can be a hard and exhaustive process which most times brings unforeseen setbacks. Given the abundance of information about a location, or even the lack thereof in many circumstances, it's simple for a possible tourist to become disoriented and make the incorrect judgement of not visiting it. In many cases, people even are unaware of the regions' potential. Many city officials and space marketers have struggled to find ways to attract more tourists to their cities, often asking themselves, "How can I promote my city to the world in a more effective way?". Obviously, this advertisement needs to be done in a safe and affordable way. Therefore, this dissertation aims to create a game for teens, between 10 and 15 years old, based on Augmented Reality (AR), which is capable to digitise a paper map and allowing the user to interact with it. The app will have to provide the educational component of the territory and also an appropriate level of interaction with the user. This app will be easy to use, user-friendly and compatible with any mobile operating system. As such, it is designed that anyone with a smart phone can use this technology. Furthermore, this app will be flexible, adaptable and generic. Different cartographies will require different geographical models or even different game methodologies. Therefore, this application will have the ability to import different geographic information, and create a specific game to that cartography. Two previous studies were carried out in this area, namely to enhance the experience of visits to Galeria da Biodiversidade and Jardim Botânico as a form of a game. The first study employs the case study method, using a quantitative and qualitative approach to comprehend how the entertaining experience given by augmented reality technology may contribute in the delivery of the information these spaces intend to transmit to visitors {soares2021flo}. The second study sought to explore ways to connect indoor and outdoor environments through Augmented Reality (AR) {teixeira2021serious}. These types of approaches on how to disseminate information are fundamental for the user to have an appropriate grasp of what the region has to offer. These functionalities will be applied to cartography of know territories in order to investigate ways to promote tourism by improving and innovating the way people learn and explore new cities and other spaces. Although this dissertation is only a case study, with this implementation, the proposed solution can become a stepping stone to the development of a universal tool for any institution and/or city that intends to promote itself

    Echoes of Union Depot: A virtual reality educational game for historic preservation and public awareness

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    This paper presents the design, development, and potential impact of Echoes of Union Depot, a virtual reality (VR) game aimed at promoting historic preservation and raising public awareness about El Paso's Union Depot, a building listed on the National Register of Historic Places Inventory. The game leverages the immersive capabilities of VR technology and 360° images to engage players in exploring the site's rich history and architectural evolution. Players assume the role of a time-traveling detective, guiding lost spirits to resolve their past and move on. The paper outlines the development process, highlighting the use of 360° panoramic images and 3D Vista Virtual Tour Pro software to create an accessible and user-friendly experience that fosters historic preservation awareness and cultural appreciation. The study also discusses limitations and areas for future research, including expanding the scope to include other heritage sites, working with historians and cultural consultants for accurate representations, and evaluating the game's effectiveness in promoting awareness and fostering a sense of community pride

    A bibliometric analysis of immersive technology in museum exhibitions: exploring user experience

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    Introduction: This study aims to comprehensively understand the existing literature on immersive technology in museum exhibitions, focusing on virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the visitor experience. The research utilizes a bibliometric approach by examining a dataset of 722 articles with two main research objectives. Firstly, it seeks to analyze current trends in immersive technology literature, specifically emphasizing VR and the user experience in museum exhibitions through co-citation analysis. Secondly, it aims to identify emerging research trends using co-word analysis. Methods: The study employs a bibliometric approach, specifically co-citation and co-word analysis, to investigate trends and forecast emerging areas in the field, particularly the role of VR in the museum context. Results: The analysis reveals the presence of five interconnected thematic clusters in the literature. These clusters include (1) VR and AR-enhanced heritage tourism, (2) VR and AR-enabled virtual museums, (3) interactive digital art education in immersive environments, (4) immersive storytelling in virtual heritage spaces, and (5) mobile AR heritage revival. Discussion: The article highlights influential works within these areas, showcasing the historical evolution of the field and the current emphasis on utilizing VR to create immersive, educational, and engaging experiences for museum visitors. The findings indicate that research on VR applications for museum exhibitions has predominantly focused on profound game-driven experiences and interactive 3D heritage, resulting in improved visitor engagement and access to cultural content. The adoption of VR technology holds the potential to revolutionize user experiences within the cultural heritage sector and reshape the overall landscape of museums and exhibitions. By presenting these research trends, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the vital role of VR in enhancing visitor experiences in museum settings. Furthermore, it paves the way for further exploration and innovation in immersive technology

    A systematic literature review of Gamification in Cultural Heritage: Where are we? Where do we go?

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    Gamification has become an important tool in many organizations and fields of study. Despite the growing body of work, there are still many open paths for new research. This paper aims look at the uses of Gamification in the field of Cultural Heritage, to take account of where the research is and to point the open paths for the future in a post pandemic word. To do this, this paper presents a systematic literature review on Gamification in Cultural Heritage. While other endeavors have been conducted by other authors to map out the field, the scope of this study aimed to be much broader. The goal was to understand who the main actors with publications in the field are, as well as for what purposes and to what forms of Heritage is gamification being applied to. The findings indicate that European institutions are the main publishers of research on Gamification in Heritage, with the field still being dotted with incidental, one-time, studies. Whist intangible forms of Heritage are gaining ground in the use of Gamification, the field is largely dominated by GLAM institutions and groupings of mutually diverse Cultural Heritage assets, such as in tourist destinations. This paper also argues for more substantial networks and collaborative work between researchers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital Game-Based Heritage Education: Analyzing the Potential of Heritage-Based Video Games

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    Video games have emerged as a promising tool for enhancing engagement with cultural heritage. However, there is limited knowledge about how existing games can effectively fulfill this role. This study compiled and analyzed 100 video games based on cultural heritage by adapting an existing framework that includes 10 game attributes for a comparative statistical analysis of the games’ engagement features. These features include narrative-driven gameplay, information capsules, task-driven learning, ease of play, identity-driven content, open-world exploration, people-centered perspectives, meaningfulness, simulation, and verisimilitude. The analysis revealed that while the majority of games adhered to most of the recommended attributes, features such as task-driven learning, open-world exploration, and simulation were either uncommon or rare. These findings highlight a significant opportunity to develop games that incorporate these underrepresented features, thereby providing more immersive and engaging experiences in heritage education. Furthermore, the study offers a systematic overview of existing games that represent cultural heritage, serving as a valuable resource for developers, designers, and educators in this field.Predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU20/00281)Project “Influence of Video Game Addiction on the Adolescent Population of Andalusia in Educational and Family Contexts (PRY127/22)”, funded by the Andalusian Studies Centre Foundation (CENTRA
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