36 research outputs found

    Applying dynamic Bayesian networks in transliteration detection and generation

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    Peter Nabende promoveert op methoden die programma’s voor automatisch vertalen kunnen verbeteren. Hij onderzocht twee systemen voor het genereren en vergelijken van transcripties: een DBN-model (Dynamische Bayesiaanse Netwerken) waarin Pair Hidden Markovmodellen zijn geïmplementeerd en een DBN-model dat op transductie is gebaseerd. Nabende onderzocht het effect van verschillende DBN-parameters op de kwaliteit van de geproduceerde transcripties. Voor de evaluatie van de DBN-modellen gebruikte hij standaard dataverzamelingen van elf taalparen: Engels-Arabisch, Engels-Bengaals, Engels-Chinees, Engels-Duits, Engels-Frans, Engels-Hindi, Engels-Kannada, Engels-Nederlands, Engels-Russisch, Engels-Tamil en Engels-Thai. Tijdens het onderzoek probeerde hij om verschillende modellen te combineren. Dat bleek een goed resultaat op te leveren

    Arabic named entity recognition

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    En esta tesis doctoral se describen las investigaciones realizadas con el objetivo de determinar las mejores tecnicas para construir un Reconocedor de Entidades Nombradas en Arabe. Tal sistema tendria la habilidad de identificar y clasificar las entidades nombradas que se encuentran en un texto arabe de dominio abierto. La tarea de Reconocimiento de Entidades Nombradas (REN) ayuda a otras tareas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (por ejemplo, la Recuperacion de Informacion, la Busqueda de Respuestas, la Traduccion Automatica, etc.) a lograr mejores resultados gracias al enriquecimiento que a~nade al texto. En la literatura existen diversos trabajos que investigan la tarea de REN para un idioma especifico o desde una perspectiva independiente del lenguaje. Sin embargo, hasta el momento, se han publicado muy pocos trabajos que estudien dicha tarea para el arabe. El arabe tiene una ortografia especial y una morfologia compleja, estos aspectos aportan nuevos desafios para la investigacion en la tarea de REN. Una investigacion completa del REN para elarabe no solo aportaria las tecnicas necesarias para conseguir un alto rendimiento, sino que tambien proporcionara un analisis de los errores y una discusion sobre los resultados que benefician a la comunidad de investigadores del REN. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es satisfacer esa necesidad. Para ello hemos: 1. Elaborado un estudio de los diferentes aspectos del arabe relacionados con dicha tarea; 2. Analizado el estado del arte del REN; 3. Llevado a cabo una comparativa de los resultados obtenidos por diferentes tecnicas de aprendizaje automatico; 4. Desarrollado un metodo basado en la combinacion de diferentes clasificadores, donde cada clasificador trata con una sola clase de entidades nombradas y emplea el conjunto de caracteristicas y la tecnica de aprendizaje automatico mas adecuados para la clase de entidades nombradas en cuestion. Nuestros experimentos han sido evaluados sobre nueve conjuntos de test.Benajiba, Y. (2009). Arabic named entity recognition [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8318Palanci

    On conditional random fields: applications, feature selection, parameter estimation and hierarchical modelling

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    There has been a growing interest in stochastic modelling and learning with complex data, whose elements are structured and interdependent. One of the most successful methods to model data dependencies is graphical models, which is a combination of graph theory and probability theory. This thesis focuses on a special type of graphical models known as Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) (Lafferty et al., 2001), in which the output state spaces, when conditioned on some observational input data, are represented by undirected graphical models. The contributions of thesis involve both (a) broadening the current applicability of CRFs in the real world and (b) deepening the understanding of theoretical aspects of CRFs. On the application side, we empirically investigate the applications of CRFs in two real world settings. The first application is on a novel domain of Vietnamese accent restoration, in which we need to restore accents of an accent-less Vietnamese sentence. Experiments on half a million sentences of news articles show that the CRF-based approach is highly accurate. In the second application, we develop a new CRF-based movie recommendation system called Preference Network (PN). The PN jointly integrates various sources of domain knowledge into a large and densely connected Markov network. We obtained competitive results against well-established methods in the recommendation field.On the theory side, the thesis addresses three important theoretical issues of CRFs: feature selection, parameter estimation and modelling recursive sequential data. These issues are all addressed under a general setting of partial supervision in that training labels are not fully available. For feature selection, we introduce a novel learning algorithm called AdaBoost.CRF that incrementally selects features out of a large feature pool as learning proceeds. AdaBoost.CRF is an extension of the standard boosting methodology to structured and partially observed data. We demonstrate that the AdaBoost.CRF is able to eliminate irrelevant features and as a result, returns a very compact feature set without significant loss of accuracy. Parameter estimation of CRFs is generally intractable in arbitrary network structures. This thesis contributes to this area by proposing a learning method called AdaBoost.MRF (which stands for AdaBoosted Markov Random Forests). As learning proceeds AdaBoost.MRF incrementally builds a tree ensemble (a forest) that cover the original network by selecting the best spanning tree at a time. As a result, we can approximately learn many rich classes of CRFs in linear time. The third theoretical work is on modelling recursive, sequential data in that each level of resolution is a Markov sequence, where each state in the sequence is also a Markov sequence at the finer grain. One of the key contributions of this thesis is Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields (HCRF), which is an extension to the currently popular sequential CRF and the recent semi-Markov CRF (Sarawagi and Cohen, 2004). Unlike previous CRF work, the HCRF does not assume any fixed graphical structures.Rather, it treats structure as an uncertain aspect and it can estimate the structure automatically from the data. The HCRF is motivated by Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) (Fine et al., 1998). Importantly, the thesis shows that the HHMM is a special case of HCRF with slight modification, and the semi-Markov CRF is essentially a flat version of the HCRF. Central to our contribution in HCRF is a polynomial-time algorithm based on the Asymmetric Inside Outside (AIO) family developed in (Bui et al., 2004) for learning and inference. Another important contribution is to extend the AIO family to address learning with missing data and inference under partially observed labels. We also derive methods to deal with practical concerns associated with the AIO family, including numerical overflow and cubic-time complexity. Finally, we demonstrate good performance of HCRF against rivals on two applications: indoor video surveillance and noun-phrase chunking

    Unsupervised Structure Induction for Natural Language Processing

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    A unified framework to identify and extract uncertainty cues, holders, and scopes in one fell-swoop

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    Uncertainty refers to the language aspects that express hypotheses and speculations where propositions are held as (un)certain, (im)probable, or (im)possible. Automatic uncertainty analysis is crucial for several Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications that need to distinguish between factual (i.e. certain) and nonfactual (i.e. negated or uncertain) information. Typically, a comprehensive automatic uncertainty analyzer has three machine learning models for uncertainty detection, attribution, and scope extraction. To-date, and to the best of my knowledge, current research on uncertainty automatic analysis has only focused on uncertainty attribution and scope extraction, and has typically tackled each task with a different machine learning approach. Furthermore, current research on uncertainty automatic analysis has been restricted to specific languages, particularly English, and to specific linguistic genres, including biomedical and newswire texts, Wikipedia articles, and product reviews. In this research project, I attempt to address the aforementioned limitations of current research on automatic uncertainty analysis. First, I develop a machine learning model for uncertainty attribution, the task typically neglected in automatic uncertainty analysis. Second, I propose a unified framework to identify and extract uncertainty cues, holders, and scopes in one-fell swoop by casting each task as a supervised token sequence labeling problem. Third, I choose to work on the Arabic language, in contrast to English, the most commonly studied language in the literature of automatic uncertainty analysis. Finally, I work on the understudied linguistic genre of tweets. This research project results in a novel NLP tool, i.e., a comprehensive automatic uncertainty analyzer for Arabic tweets, with a practical impact on NLP applications that rely on uncertainty automatic analysis. The tool yields an F1 score of 0.759, averaged across its three machine learning models. Furthermore, through this research, the research community and I gain insights into (1) the challenges presented by Arabic as an agglutinative morphologically-rich language with a flexible word order, in contrast to English; (2) the challenges of the linguistic genre of tweets for uncertainty automatic analysis; and (3) the type of challenges that my proposed unified framework successfully addresses and boosts performance for