10 research outputs found

    Implementasi Skema Tanda Tangan Practical Forward Secure Sequential Aggregate

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    Skema forward secure sequential aggregate (FssAgg) signature memungkinkan forward security, efisieni penyimpanan/komunikasi, serta proses pengecekan integritas dari pesan-pesan yang ditandatangani. Skema ini cocok diterapkan pada sistem aplikasi yang membutuhkan data yang banyak tetapi tidak panjang yang tidak dijaga, seperti sistem login atau sistem monitoring jarak jauh. Skema ini menggunakan sebuah kunci publik tunggal untuk memverifikasi n sekuensial tanda tangan agregat. Skema practical forward secure sequential aggregate signature harus bebas modifikasi pesan maupun tanda tangan. Operasi-operasi dalam skema ini dipecah menjadi beberapa interval, dimana setiap interval menggunakan sebuah kunci privat berbeda (namun berhubungan) untuk proses tanda tangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah perangkat lunak untuk mengimplementasikanpractical forward secure sequential aggregate dengan fokus untuk mencegah adanya kecurangan (modifikasi terhadap pesan atau tandatangan) dan mendeteksi jika ada signer yang tidak memberikan tanda tangan. dalam proses verifikasi. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan sistem dalammendeteksi dan mencegah berbagai kemungkinan kecurangan atau jumlah tanda tangan yang tidak sesuai

    Efficient pebbling for list traversal synopses

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    We show how to support efficient back traversal in a unidirectional list, using small memory and with essentially no slowdown in forward steps. Using O(logn)O(\log n) memory for a list of size nn, the ii'th back-step from the farthest point reached so far takes O(logi)O(\log i) time in the worst case, while the overhead per forward step is at most ϵ\epsilon for arbitrary small constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0. An arbitrary sequence of forward and back steps is allowed. A full trade-off between memory usage and time per back-step is presented: kk vs. kn1/kkn^{1/k} and vice versa. Our algorithms are based on a novel pebbling technique which moves pebbles on a virtual binary, or tt-ary, tree that can only be traversed in a pre-order fashion. The compact data structures used by the pebbling algorithms, called list traversal synopses, extend to general directed graphs, and have other interesting applications, including memory efficient hash-chain implementation. Perhaps the most surprising application is in showing that for any program, arbitrary rollback steps can be efficiently supported with small overhead in memory, and marginal overhead in its ordinary execution. More concretely: Let PP be a program that runs for at most TT steps, using memory of size MM. Then, at the cost of recording the input used by the program, and increasing the memory by a factor of O(logT)O(\log T) to O(MlogT)O(M \log T), the program PP can be extended to support an arbitrary sequence of forward execution and rollback steps: the ii'th rollback step takes O(logi)O(\log i) time in the worst case, while forward steps take O(1) time in the worst case, and 1+ϵ1+\epsilon amortized time per step.Comment: 27 page

    Forward-secure Multi-user Aggregate Signatures based on zk-SNARKs

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    As a solution to mitigate the key exposure problems in the digital signature, forward security has been proposed. The forward security guarantees the integrity of the messages generated in the past despite leaks of a current time period secret key by evolving a secret key on each time period. However, there is no forward secure signature scheme whose all metrics have constant complexities. Furthermore, existing works do not support multi-user aggregation of signatures. In this paper, we propose a forward secure aggregate signature scheme utilizing recursive zk-SNARKs (zero knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARguments of Knowledge), whose all metrics including size and time have O(1)O(1). The proposed forward secure signature scheme can aggregate signatures generated by not only a single user but also multiple users. The security of the proposed scheme is formally proven under zero-knowledge assumption and random oracle model

    PLayPUF: Programmable Logically Erasable PUFs for Forward and Backward Secure Key Management

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    A silicon Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is a hardware security primitive which implements a unique and unclonable function on a chip which, given a challenge as input, computes a response by measuring and leveraging (semiconductor process) manufacturing variations which differ from PUF to PUF. In this paper, we observe that by equipping a PUF with a small, constant-sized, tamper-resistant state, whose content cannot be modified, but can be read by adversaries, new and powerful cryptographic applications of PUFs become feasible. In particular, we show a new hardware concept which we call a Programmable Logically erasable PUF (PLayPUF). Its distinctive feature is that it allows the selective erasure of single challenge-response pairs (CRPs) without altering any other PUF-CRPs. The selective erasure of a CRP can be programmed a-priori by using a counter to indicate how many times the CRP can be read out before erasure. We show PLayPUFs can realize forward and {\it backward} secure key management schemes for public key encryption. The new notion of backward security informally means that even if an attacker uncovers a session key through the key management interface, the legitimate user will detect this leakage before he will ever use the session key. Backward security and its implementation via PLayPUFs allow the construction of novel, self-recovering certificate authorities (CAs) without relying on a digital master key. Our new CAs immediately detect key exposure through their interfaces, and recover from it without stopping their service, and without ever issuing certificates based on such exposed keys. This is a crucial step forward in implementing secure key management. We deliver a full proof-of-concept implementation of our new scheme on FPGA together with detailed performance data, as well as formal definitions of our new concepts, including the first definition of stateful PUFs

    Updatable Public Key Encryption in the Standard Model

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    Forward security (FS) ensures that corrupting the current secret key in the system preserves the privacy or integrity of the prior usages of the system. Achieving forward security is especially hard in the setting of public-key encryption (PKE), where time is divided into periods, and in each period the receiver derives the next-period secret key from their current secret key, while the public key stays constant. Indeed, all current constructions of FS-PKE are built from hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) and are rather complicated. Motivated by applications to secure messaging, recent works of Jost et al. (Eurocrypt’19) and Alwen et al. (CRYPTO’20) consider a natural relaxation of FS-PKE, which they term updatable PKE (UPKE). In this setting, the transition to the next period can be initiated by any sender, who can compute a special update ciphertext. This ciphertext directly produces the next-period public key and can be processed by the receiver to compute the next-period secret key. If done honestly, future (regular) ciphertexts produced with the new public key can be decrypted with the new secret key, but past such ciphertexts cannot be decrypted with the new secret key. Moreover, this is true even if all other previous-period updates were initiated by untrusted senders. Both papers also constructed a very simple UPKE scheme based on the CDH assumption in the random oracle model. However, they left open the question of building such schemes in the standard model, or based on other (e.g., post-quantum) assumptions, without using the heavy HIBE techniques. In this work, we construct two efficient UPKE schemes in the standard model, based on the DDH and LWE assumptions, respectively. Somewhat interestingly, our constructions gain their efficiency (compared to prior FS-PKE schemes) by using tools from the area of circular-secure and leakage resilient public-key encryption schemes (rather than HIBE)

    Forward-Secure Encryption with Fast Forwarding

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    Forward-secure encryption (FSE) allows communicating parties to refresh their keys across epochs, in a way that compromising the current secret key leaves all prior encrypted communication secure. We investigate a novel dimension in the design of FSE schemes: fast-forwarding (FF). This refers to the ability of a stale communication party, that is stuck in an old epoch, to efficiently catch up to the newest state, and frequently arises in practice. While this dimension was not explicitly considered in prior work, we observe that one can augment prior FSEs -- both in symmetric- and public-key settings -- to support fast-forwarding which is sublinear in the number of epochs. However, the resulting schemes have disadvantages: the symmetric-key scheme is a security parameter slower than any conventional stream cipher, while the public-key scheme inherits the inefficiencies of the HIBE-based forward-secure PKE. To address these inefficiencies, we look at the common real-life situation which we call the bulletin board model, where communicating parties rely on some infrastructure -- such as an application provider -- to help them store and deliver ciphertexts to each other. We then define and construct FF-FSE in the bulletin board model, which addresses the above-mentioned disadvantages. In particular, * Our FF-stream-cipher in the bulletin-board model has: (a) constant state size; (b) constant normal (no fast-forward) operation; and (c) logarithmic fast-forward property. This essentially matches the efficiency of non-fast-forwardable stream ciphers, at the cost of constant communication complexity with the bulletin board per update. * Our public-key FF-FSE avoids HIBE-based techniques by instead using so-called updatable public-key encryption (UPKE), introduced in several recent works (and more efficient than public-key FSEs). Our UPKE-based scheme uses a novel type of update graph that we construct in this work. Our graph has constant in-degree, logarithmic diameter, and logarithmic cut property which is essential for the efficiency of our schemes. Combined with recent UPKE schemes, we get two FF-FSEs in the bulletin board model, under the DDH and the LWE assumptions

    New Methods and Abstractions for RSA-Based Forward Secure Signatures

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    We put forward a new abstraction for achieving forward-secure signatures that are (1) short, (2) have fast update and signing and (3) have small private key size. Prior work that achieved these parameters was pioneered by the pebbling techniques of Itkis and Reyzin (CRYPTO 2001) which showed a process for generating a sequence of roots h1/e1,h1/e2,,h1/eTh^{1/e_1}, h^{1/e_2}, \dots, h^{1/e_T} for a group element hh in ZN\mathbb{Z}_N^*. However, the current state of the art has limitations. First, while many works claim that Itkis-Reyzin pebbling can be applied, it is seldom shown how this non-trivial step is concretely done. Second, setting up the pebbling data structure takes TT time which makes key generation using this approach expensive. Third, many past works require either random oracles and/or the Strong RSA assumption; we will work in the standard model under the RSA assumption. We introduce a new abstraction that we call an RSA sequencer. Informally, the job of an RSA sequencer is to store roots of a public key UU, so that at time period tt, it can provide U1/etU^{1/e_t}, where the value ete_t is an RSA exponent computed from a certain function. This separation allows us to focus on building a sequencer that efficiently stores such values, in a forward-secure manner and with better setup times than other comparable solutions. Our sequencer abstraction also has certain re-randomization properties that allow for constructing forward-secure signatures with a single trusted setup that takes TT time and individual key generation takes lg(T)\lg(T) time. We demonstrate the utility of our abstraction by using it to provide concrete forward-secure signature schemes. We first give a random-oracle construction that closely matches the performance and structure of the Itkis-Reyzin scheme with the important exception that key generation is much faster (after the one-time setup). We then move on to designing a standard model scheme. This abstraction and illustration of how to use it may be useful for other future works. We include a detailed performance evaluation of our constructions, with an emphasis on the time and space costs for large caps on the maximum number of time periods TT supported. Our philosophy is that frequently updating forward secure keys should be part of ``best practices\u27\u27 in key maintenance. To make this practical, even for bounds as high as T=232T=2^{32}, we show that after an initial global setup, it takes only seconds to generate a key pair, and only milliseconds to update keys, sign messages and verify signatures. The space requirements for the public parameters and private keys are also a modest number of kilobytes, with signatures being a single element in ZN\mathbb{Z}_N and one smaller value

    Practical Forward Secure Signatures using Minimal Security Assumptions

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    Digital signatures are one of the most important cryptographic primitives in practice. They are an enabling technology for eCommerce and eGovernment applications and they are used to distribute software updates over the Internet in a secure way. In this work we introduce two new digital signature schemes: XMSS and its extension XMSS^MT. We present security proofs for both schemes in the standard model, analyze their performance, and discuss parameter selection. Both our schemes have certain properties that make them favorable compared to today's signature schemes. Our schemes are forward secure, meaning even in case of a key compromise, previously generated signatures can be trusted. This is an important property whenever a signature has to be verifiable in the mid- or long-term. Moreover, our signature schemes are generic constructions that can be instantiated using any hash function. Thereby, if a used hash function becomes insecure for some reason, we can simply replace it by a secure one to obtain a new secure instantiation. The properties we require the hash function to provide are minimal. This implies that as long as there exists any complexity-based cryptography, there exists a secure instantiation for our schemes. In addition, our schemes are secure against quantum computer aided attacks, as long as the used hash functions are. We analyze the performance of our schemes from a theoretical and a practical point of view. On the one hand, we show that given an efficient hash function, we can obtain an efficient instantiation for our schemes. On the other hand, we provide experimental data that show that the performance of our schemes is comparable to that of today's signature schemes. Besides, we show how to select optimal parameters for a given use case that provably reach a given level of security. On the way of constructing XMSS and XMSS^MT, we introduce two new one-time signature schemes (OTS): WOTS+ and WOTS.Onetimesignatureschemesaresignatureschemeswhereakeypairmayonlybeusedonce.WOTS+iscurrentlythemostefficienthashbasedOTSandWOTS. One-time signature schemes are signature schemes where a key pair may only be used once. WOTS+ is currently the most efficient hash-based OTS and WOTS the most efficient hash-based OTS with minimal security assumptions. One-time signature schemes have many more applications besides constructing full fledged signature schemes, including authentication in sensor networks and the construction of chosen-ciphertext secure encryption schemes. Hence, WOTS+ and WOTS$ are contributions on their own. Altogether, this work shows the practicality and usability of forward secure signatures on the one hand and hash-based signatures on the other hand

    Forward-secure signatures with fast key update

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    In regular digital signatures, once the secret key is compromised, all signatures, even those that were issued by the honest signer before the compromise, will not be trustworthy any more. Forward-secure signatures have been proposed to address this major shortcoming. We present a new forward-secure signature scheme, called KREUS, with several advantages. It has the most efficient Key Update of all known schemes, requiring just a single modular squaring. Our scheme thus enables more frequent Key Update and hence allows shorter time periods, enhancing security: fewer signatures might become invalid as a result of key compromise. In addition, the on-line component of Signing is also very efficient, consisting of a single multiplication. We precisely analyze the total signer costs and show that they are lower when the number of signatures per time period is small; the advantage of our scheme increases considerably as the number of time periods grows. Our scheme’s security relies on the Strong-RSA assumption and the random-oracle-based Fiat-Shamir transform.

    Public Key Infrastructure

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