574 research outputs found

    Approximability of Combinatorial Optimization Problems on Power Law Networks

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    One of the central parts in the study of combinatorial optimization is to classify the NP-hard optimization problems in terms of their approximability. In this thesis we study the Minimum Vertex Cover (Min-VC) problem and the Minimum Dominating Set (Min-DS) problem in the context of so called power law graphs. This family of graphs is motivated by recent findings on the degree distribution of existing real-world networks such as the Internet, the World-Wide Web, biological networks and social networks. In a power law graph the number of nodes yi of a given degree i is proportional to i-ß, that is, the distribution of node degrees follows a power law. The parameter ß > 0 is the so called power law exponent. With the aim of classifying the above combinatorial optimization problems, we are pursuing two basic approaches in this thesis. One is concerned with complexity theory and the other with the theory of algorithms. As a result, our main contributions to the classification of the problems Min-VC and Min-DS in the context of power law graphs are twofold: - Firstly, we give substantial improvements on the previously known approximation lower bounds for Min-VC and Min-DS in combinatorial power law graphs. More precisely, we are going to show the APX-hardness of Min-VC and Min-DS in connected power law graphs and give constant factor lower bounds for Min-VC and the first logarithmic lower bounds for Min-DS in this setting. The results are based on new approximation-preserving embedding reductions that embed certain instances of Min-VC and Min-DS into connected power law graphs. - Secondly, we design a new approximation algorithm for the Min-VC problem in random power law graphs with an expected approximation ratio strictly less than 2. The main tool is a deterministic rounding procedure that acts on a half-integral solution for Min-VC and produces a good approximation on the subset of low degree vertices. Moreover, for the case of Min-DS, we improve on the previously best upper bounds that rely on a greedy algorithm. The improvements are based on our new techniques for determining upper and lower bounds on the size and the volume of node intervals in power law graphs

    Multi-level Systems Modeling and Optimization

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    This research combines the disciplines of system-of-systems (SoS) modeling, platform-based design, optimization and evolving design spaces to achieve a novel capability for designing solutions to key aeronautical mission challenges. A central innovation in this approach is the confluence of multi-level modeling (from sub-systems to the aircraft system to aeronautical system-of-systems) in a way that coordinates the appropriate problem formulations at each level and enables parametric search in design libraries for solutions that satisfy level-specific objectives. The work here addresses the topic of SoS optimization and discusses problem formulation, solution strategy, the need for new algorithms that address special features of this problem type, and also demonstrates these concepts using two example application problems - a surveillance UAV swarm problem, and the design of noise optimal aircraft and approach procedures

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering

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    This open access book is a collection of accepted papers from the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE2021). Researchers and engineers have discussed and presented around three major topics, i.e., construction and structural mechanics, building materials, and transportation and traffic. The content provide new ideas and practical experiences for both scientists and professionals

    GEANT4--a simulation toolkikt

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    Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250 eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics

    Airframe assembly, systems integration and flight testing of a long endurance electric UAV

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    The need to adopt new techniques and practices in the Aerospace Industry branch is a consequence of technological development. The present work aims to study the use of solar power as a main energy source in the aviation, in this case for a flight of long endurance of an unmanned air vehicle. This master thesis follows on previous works of the LEEUAV, where it was done the design and construction of a long endurance unmanned aerial system. Thus, the main objective of this work is the systems integration, flight testing and concepts validation. LEEUAV, a prototype of 4.5 meters’ wingspan and ultralight structure partially covered by solar cells was designed to fulfil a continuous flight mission of at least 8 hours on the equinox. The 5.42Kg remotely piloted aircraft was successfully tested showing the agreement with theoretical calculations already made. The longest flight achieved lasted more than 8.5 hours’ resulting in a total distance travelled of more than 75 km. In order to validate the airworthiness concept of the LEEUAV several flight tests were performed and their respective data (static and total pressure, air temperature, ground speed and pitch angle) was collected for further analysis, using a flight controller with multiple sensors on board. The results obtained allowed to study the general performance of the aircraft, the main defects, agreement with the theoretical results as well as determine the real values of aerodynamic coefficients (????, ????), through a reading and processing flight data algorithm in Software MATLAB. Finally, some future expectations for upcoming work are suggested in order to make the LEEUAV an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle of reference.A necessidade de adoção de novas técnicas e práticas no ramo da Indústria Aeronáutica é uma consequência do desenvolvimento tecnológico. O presente trabalho aborda o uso de energia solar como principal fonte de energia na aviação, com enfoque num voo de grande autonomia de uma aeronave não tripulada. Esta tese de mestrado surge na sequência de trabalhos anteriores relativos ao LEEUAV, nos quais se efetuou o projeto e construção de uma aeronave não tripulada de grande autonomia. Assim, o principal objetivo deste trabalho é a integração de sistemas, testes de voo e validação de conceitos. O UAV Solar LEEUAV é um protótipo de 4.5 metros de envergadura e de estrutura ultraleve parcialmente coberto de células fotovoltaicas sendo projetado para cumprir uma missão de voo contínuo de pelo menos 8h no equinócio. O avião de 5.42kg foi testado com sucesso mostrando a concordância com os cálculos teóricos já elaborados. O voo mais longo conseguido foi de 3.13 horas correspondendo a uma distância total percorrida de 96.265 km. De modo a validar o conceito de aeronavegabilidade do LEEUAV foram efetuados vários voos de teste e recolhidos dados de voo (pressão estática e dinâmica, temperatura do ar, velocidade no solo e ângulo de arfagem) para posterior análise, utilizando um controlador de voo com múltiplos sensores a bordo. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu precisar o desempenho geral da aeronave, os principais defeitos, concordância com os resultados teóricos assim como determinar os valores reais dos coeficientes aerodinâmicos (???? , ????) através de um algoritmo de leitura e processamento de dados de voo, em Software MATLAB. Por fim, são referidas algumas sugestões para o desenvolvimento de novos trabalhos com o objetivo de tornar O LEEUAV num veículo aéreo não tripulado de referência

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering

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    This open access book is a collection of accepted papers from the 8th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE2021). Researchers and engineers have discussed and presented around three major topics, i.e., construction and structural mechanics, building materials, and transportation and traffic. The content provide new ideas and practical experiences for both scientists and professionals