333 research outputs found

    A Statistical approach to formant tracking

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    This thesis investigates a statistical approach to tracking formant trajectories in continuous speech. In this approach a probability measure is applied to a set of features extracted from each analysis frame of the speech signal, and a conditional mean estimate is used to determine formant frequency values. The features used can be vector quantization symbols, spectrum levels, or other sets of features related to formant frequencies. Continuity constraints can be applied via either simple smoothing algorithms or hidden Markov models. An example of this technique using a multivariate probability measure on LPC spectral values is examined in detail. A second example using vector quantization is also examined for comparison. The performance of these trackers under a variety of conditions is discussed

    Proposing a hybrid approach for emotion classification using audio and video data

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    Emotion recognition has been a research topic in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) during recent years. Computers have become an inseparable part of human life. Users need human-like interaction to better communicate with computers. Many researchers have become interested in emotion recognition and classification using different sources. A hybrid approach of audio and text has been recently introduced. All such approaches have been done to raise the accuracy and appropriateness of emotion classification. In this study, a hybrid approach of audio and video has been applied for emotion recognition. The innovation of this approach is selecting the characteristics of audio and video and their features as a unique specification for classification. In this research, the SVM method has been used for classifying the data in the SAVEE database. The experimental results show the maximum classification accuracy for audio data is 91.63% while by applying the hybrid approach the accuracy achieved is 99.26%

    Arabic Isolated Word Speaker Dependent Recognition System

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    In this thesis we designed a new Arabic isolated word speaker dependent recognition system based on a combination of several features extraction and classifications techniques. Where, the system combines the methods outputs using a voting rule. The system is implemented with a graphic user interface under Matlab using G62 Core I3/2.26 Ghz processor laptop. The dataset used in this system include 40 Arabic words recorded in a calm environment with 5 different speakers using laptop microphone. Each speaker will read each word 8 times. 5 of them are used in training and the remaining are used in the test phase. First in the preprocessing step we used an endpoint detection technique based on energy and zero crossing rates to identify the start and the end of each word and remove silences then we used a discrete wavelet transform to remove noise from signal. In order to accelerate the system and reduce the execution time we make the system first to recognize the speaker and load only the reference model of that user. We compared 5 different methods which are pairwise Euclidean distance with MelFrequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) with Formants features, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with MFCC, MFCC+DTW and Itakura distance with Linear Predictive Coding features (LPC) and we got a recognition rate of 85.23%, 57% , 87%, 90%, 83% respectively. In order to improve the accuracy of the system, we tested several combinations of these 5 methods. We find that the best combination is MFCC | Euclidean + Formant | DTW + MFCC | DTW + LPC | Itakura with an accuracy of 94.39% but with large computation time of 2.9 seconds. In order to reduce the computation time of this hybrid, we compare several subcombination of it and find that the best performance in trade off computation time is by first combining MFCC | Euclidean + LPC | Itakura and only when the two methods do not match the system will add Formant | DTW + MFCC | DTW methods to the combination, where the average computation time is reduced to the half to 1.56 seconds and the system accuracy is improved to 94.56%. Finally, the proposed system is good and competitive compared with other previous researches

    HMM2- Extraction of Formant Features and their Use for Robust ASR

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    As recently introduced, an HMM2 can be considered as a particular case of an HMM mixture in which the HMM emission probabilities (usually estimated through Gaussian mixtures or an artificial neural network) are modeled by state-dependent, feature-based HMM (referred to as frequency HMM). A general EM training algorithm for such a structure has already been developed. Although there are numerous motivations for using such a structure, and many possible ways to exploit it, this paper will mainly focus on one particular instantiation of HMM2 in which the frequency HMM will be used to extract formant structure information, which will then be used as additional acoustic features in a standard Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. While the fact that this architecture is able to automatically extract meaningful formant information is interesting by itself, empirical results will also show the robustness of these features to noise, and their potential to enhance state-of-the-art noise-robust HMM-based ASR

    Semi-continuous hidden Markov models for speech recognition

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    Speech Recognition in noisy environment using Deep Learning Neural Network

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    Recent researches in the field of automatic speaker recognition have shown that methods based on deep learning neural networks provide better performance than other statistical classifiers. On the other hand, these methods usually require adjustment of a significant number of parameters. The goal of this thesis is to show that selecting appropriate value of parameters can significantly improve speaker recognition performance of methods based on deep learning neural networks. The reported study introduces an approach to automatic speaker recognition based on deep neural networks and the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. It particularly focuses on three parameters of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm: the learning rate, and the hidden and input layer dropout rates. Additional attention was devoted to the research question of speaker recognition under noisy conditions. Thus, two experiments were conducted in the scope of this thesis. The first experiment was intended to demonstrate that the optimization of the observed parameters of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm can improve speaker recognition performance under no presence of noise. This experiment was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, the recognition rate is observed when the hidden layer dropout rate and the learning rate are varied, while the input layer dropout rate was constant. In the second phase of this experiment, the recognition rate is observed when the input layers dropout rate and learning rate are varied, while the hidden layer dropout rate was constant. The second experiment was intended to show that the optimization of the observed parameters of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm can improve speaker recognition performance even under noisy conditions. Thus, different noise levels were artificially applied on the original speech signal

    Evaluation of preprocessors for neural network speaker verification

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    Histogram-based training initialisation of hidden Markov models for human action recognition

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    Human action recognition is often addressed by use of latent-state models such as the hidden Markov model and similar graphical models. As such models require Expectation-Maximisation training, arbitrary choices must be made for training initialisation, with major impact on the final recognition accuracy. In this paper, we propose a histogram-based deterministic initialisation and compare it with both random and a time-based deterministic initialisations. Experiments on a human action dataset show that the accuracy of the proposed method proved higher than that of the other tested methods. © 2010 IEEE